//A:N// He is smiling in that picture by the way.
~Naruto's POV~
Bored...........I'm bored........bored bored bored bored bored bored. Hey Kuruma?
"Yes" she replied sleepily, having just woken up from her afternoon nap
'I'm bored' I said mentally to her and she sweatdropped
"Then why don't you go chase a bird or something?" She offered, I grumbled
'Cuz I'm trying to wait out my 'teammates' I replied and she hmm for a second before giving me an answer
"Why don't you practice a complete shift?" She told me sweetly with a yawn "Can I go back to sleep now?" I heard her grumble and she must have already went to sleep before I could answer her earlier statement.
'Why not...' I said boredly, I probably can't do it with Kakashi nearby but why not?
"Just do it." A wolf demon said jokingly and his siblings joined in with his snickering.
"Yeah yeah, 'don't let your dreams be dreams'" I replied, still using a bored tone. WHEN WILL THEY GET HERE I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR AN HOUR THEY ARE WORSE THEN KAKASHI
"Did I just hear that green eyebrow guy?" A random one of my internal family asked sarcastically. Hurry. Up. Please. Banshee. And. Duckass.
~No one's POV~
When the two finally decided to enter the clearing Naruto almost gave his position away and had to cover his mouth... or we'll, muzzle, to keep his laughter in, Sakura had clung to Sasuke's arm and he had to literally drag her with him. No wonder the two took so long, there was only half an hour left before Kakashi would show himself from his hiding spot so it was time to make a plan.
A small five-tailed fox watched as Sakura and Sasuke sat, or leaned on the bridge railing, Sakura sat on it, Sasuke leaned, before switching forms to his usual form as a normal person and suddenly appearing next to Sasuke, neither he nor Sakura noticed his presence which was pretty sad considering that Sasuke was the supposed 'prodegy' and the genin of the year.
'It's also kind of sad that they haven't noticed something else either' Naruto thought from his awkward yet comfy position. Sakura decided then to yell out angrily.
"Where the heck is that Baka?!" She yelled in her high pitched yell before making a fist "when I get my hands on him I'll-"
"Try looking before decided anything-" '-dumbass' he kept the last part to himself and snickered quietly, out loud, when both of them jumped and made there own noise. Sakura eeked while Sasuke made some sound between a gasp, hmm, and a duck like squawk. Naruto laughed with his siblings at there expense while the two got over the fact that Naruto: was next to them with ought them knowing; the tone of his voice was still a new thing to them since they were used to his mask; and the fact that Naruto was hanging upside down with his legs holding him up by hanging over the thick railing.
"What the heck are you doing Baka?! You gave me and Sasuke-kun a heart attack" Sakura yelled while marching up to The blond with her hands balled into fists, ready to punch the blonde for scaring her and the oh so precious Uchiha, who looked away and raised his head in a "I'm better than you" way
"I don't know what you're talking about, I knew he was there from the start." Sasuke lied easily before whipping his head back to see what had happened after hearing a rather loud bang like sound. What he saw made him gasp as it was unexpected by him to say the least. What he had been expecting to see was Sakura harassing the blonde, who would have a small bruise forming, not that it would stay long afterwards, and then she would swoon over himself for being so cool and he would hmm. What he wasn't expecting was for Naruto to still be hanging upside down with Sakura on the other side of the railing with a large bruise on the exposed area a bit closer to the shoulder than the neck, but still close enough to the throats for her to claim it. A few seconds later Kakashi puffed next to Sakura and checked to make shire she was ok.
"Hey Kakashi" Naruto said while waving his leg in the air as a greeting
"Naruto! Get over here and apologize to Sakura now!" Kakashi yelled as he was pretty startled when he saw Naruto kick Sakura with that amount of force, the girl was lucky she didn't have anything more than a bad bruise. Naruto got up from his dangerous hanging spot and walked up to The pair before squaring down to her level.
"Sorry-" Naruto said before spinning around again and putting his hand behind his head "-but you should know better win to walk up to a ninja with the intent to harm unless you except the other defending them self." Sakura looked ready to retort but Naruto spoke again before she could " If I had let you hit me from my position then I probably would have fallen off. You wouldn't want that to happen, would you Sakura-chan?" He asked with the missing suffix but it held none of it's usual warmth and he had chosen to glare at her instead of smile, giving him a rather cold appearance to anyone watching. There was a long stretch of silence for a while until Kakashi decided to do something.
"Ok team, since Sakura is hurt, we'll have to take the exam tomorrow morning. Come here at seven a.m. sharp! And don't eat anything tomorrow or else you'll puke." He said with forced enthusiasm before puffing out.
"Not eating in the morning is a fool's move." Kurama told her kit calmly who nodded in his mind.
'Agreed' Naruto said with strangely little to no emotion. This confused Kurama and the other creatures in the boy's mind that he hadn't told his teammates yet.
"Aren't you going to say something to them?" A she wolf by the name of Twil asked confused
'If they are to dumb to eat then they don't pass, less competition.' Naruto answered and looked at his supposed 'teammates' 'It's there choice after all what they do in life and this is a test, if a student tells his classmate what the answer is then they both fail, why should I tell them the answers to life's tests?' He said calmly
"He has a point, go now and win." Kurama encouraged and Naruto nodded but did give his teammates some advice before leaving
"Choose your sides wisely and always look beneath the beneath." He said calmly before suddenly disappearing, no puff, no smoke, and no trace that the blonde was ever there. He just was there one second and was gone the next. Sasuke nodded but turned to look at his female teammate.
"Are you alright Sakura?"
-With Kakashi and other sensei in council room
"Report" the hokage told his genin teachers and they all started to list off who failed, who passed, and who should try again. When the teams were done and team seven went unanswered Sarutobi looked at Kakashi.
"And team seven?" He asked and Kakashi flinched slightly before composing himself to his leader.
"Team seven has yet to be tested in a count of a member of the team getting an injury that might prove difficult if not put any ice on. They should be ready by tomorrow to take the test." Kakashi answered
"One of your genin managed to get hurt?" A brunette in the council asked almost mockingly
"Yes, a young Kunoichi attempted to harm her teammate and he retaliated on reflex..." Kakashi said though was unshared of whether it was on reflex or not. Sarutobi nodded to him bordly
"Just come in and tell me when you're done with the test results Kakashi." He said "dismissed!" They all puffed.
-With Naruto, Naruto's apartment
Naruto entered his graffiti covered room and closed the door behind him, leaning on the door and sinking to his feet steadily. He hid his face in his crossed arms and tried to slow his heart rate. He was shaking slightly and it was finally hard enough to become noticeable.
"What's wrong?" A motherly Kurama asked worriedly but fell on dealth ears. "Naruto?" She asked again
"You know how when someone's about to hit something?" Naruto asked quietly out loud
"Yes?" She almost asked confused, not knowing where her kit was actually saying but didn't interrupt him.
"Whenever they d-do when they are coming up, they stomp there foot kinda and there chakra tastes funny, like hate and anger but mixed together. I gu-ues I was paranoid about..." he trailed off
"What's coming up?" She asked sweetly and he nodded
"Mhm" he hummed back "I harmed a comrade-"
"Who wanted to see you fall and get hurt." She interrupted as she realized what he was talking about "the rules are met half way, she went against our rules, it doesn't count." She comforted
"Ok" Naruto said back before dosing to sleep.
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