Harry Potter and the Accidental Cult CONT.
***A Second Part****After the war, Harry Potter moves to a quiet town in the U.S., hoping for a peaceful life, but things spiral hilariously out of control when the townspeople misinterpret his actions and inadvertently turn him into the center of a full-blown religion. Despite Harry's constant protests, his "followers" build shrines, write sacred texts based on his casual remarks, and even spread their faith to other towns. As Harry's divine status grows, the Winchester brothers, Crowley, and Castiel investigate the bizarre cult, only to get roped into the madness. Meanwhile, his old friends Ron, Hermione, and Ginny aren't thrilled with their portrayal in the Gospel of Potter, while others like Draco, Neville, and Luna fully embrace their divine roles. With Fred and George capitalizing on the situation by selling questionable merchandise, Harry is left struggling to reclaim his life-all while desperately needing more firewhisky.…