Eunha walked into the next class which she shared with Minho all alone. However, he wasn't there yet, and she sat on the last seat at the corner of the classroom. Swinging back on her chair, she propped her head up with her arms locked behind her head, and she observed around. Barely anyone was present in the chamber, just three girls laughing obnoxiously.
Humans. Gross.
She grimaced -- her dislike for humans was probably never going to end. Well, except for a little group of male homo sapiens who have been around her for days now. Especially that one annoying boy who wouldn't let go of a chance to flirt with her and leave her involuntarily flustered. He was okay.
Eunha closed her eyes, and the first thing she could recall the look on Jeongin's face when she had somehow ended up asking him to hold her hand again: the perplexed mien that reflected only the uncertainty of that boy, when she left him hanging by not giving him a clear response about what she wanted to convey. She was glad that she didn't embarrass herself by loudly voicing her thoughts about them holding hands. But his face, oh bloody hellhounds!
She subconsciously smiled upon that image, and suddenly, a voice interjected, "Smiling? Are you having a wet dream...? Because this is so unlike you."
Her eyes opened rapidly and she fell off her chair. The other three girls looked at her and cackled, like her mother used to do when she saw a demon skinning someone.
"What? Want me to gouge those eyes out and it feed it to children?" she thundered at the girls, and they stopped laughing, suddenly terrified by the tone of her threat.
"That sounds more like you," Minho commented behind her, and she abruptly turned around and spoke, "What do you want?"
"I share this class with you," he spoke, sitting on the chair beside her fallen one, "Come, sit."
The Deviless reluctantly sat down, because she didn't want to occupy a seat other than that one in the corner. Huffing, she rigidly sat beside Minho.
"Look, I'm not the one to intrude into people's business, but you just fucking smiled and I don't think I'll get a better topic of conversation," he spoke.
"Smiling is weird. My face hurts."
"Exactly. Now, tell me about that wet dream."
Eunha groaned, "It wasn't a wet dream."
"Did it have Yang Jeongin in it?" Minho wiggled his eyebrows.
"Why do you care?" she spat.
"Um? Because he's like a brother to me? And I sense enough potential in you to accidentally kill him while making out and be like 'oops, I did it again'?"
Eunha made a disgusted face, "Gross."
"Give me some tea, woman."
"Look for the damned kitchen."
Minho sighed, "I keep forgetting how you act like you are probably from the Medieval Ages."
"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" Eunha quirked an eyebrow.
He looked around in exasperation, and fixating his eyes on something, he questioned, "Say, do you know what a mobile phone is?"
"Mobi- what?"
He facepalmed, "It is a device through which we can connect with people. Like calling or texting."
Eunha went silent for a couple of seconds, and then spoke, "Why the fuck would you want to connect with people? Humans weren't a puzzle, last time I checked."
"You know what? I'll give you my old phone. You can connect with people then."
"Why would I-"
"Just!" Minho was annoyed, "Meet me after the last class. I'll give the phone to you."
You would have expected Minho to be mature enough to not give the device to her. But lo and behold, here's a creature from Hell using another Hellish creation -- as per our moms, you know?
I bet even Mommy Devil wouldn't approve of this invention. Like, imagine a vampire livestreaming sucking the blood out of someone. Or making memes out of a sleeping demon.
At this point, I'm just giving out free ideas.
Eunha held the device in her hands, standing with the others in front of Minho's dorm room, weighing the phone out, "This is light. Can't even give a serious injury to someone."
"OR you could stab someone in the eye with this," Felix spoke.
"Don't remind me of All Of Us Are Dead!" Hyunjin cried dramatically.
"So you're just gonna give out spoilers as if you're earning from it?" Seungmin said, salty like a bag of chips.
"You can earn from it?" Jisung questioned. Seungmin sighed, resigned.
"How do you use this thing?" Eunha complained.
"I'll teach you," Jeongin insisted, and Changbin and Chan looked at each other, giving a knowing look.
"You?" she questioned, grimacing.
"Yeah! You'll know every thing about it by tonight!"
Oh, well.
(a/n: ahhhdjkskkdkmdkahdk hi :D
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