It was 2 in the night, and Eunha stared blankly at Jeongin, who was probably talking in an alien language, as per her. He spoke some strange terms, and she blinked at him.
"...And that is the app store," he finished explaining, and Eunha grabbed the phone, saying, "Uh, what's an app...?"
"Are you kidding me?" Jeongin said incredulously, "What have I been going on about for the past hour?"
"I don't know? Some ratshit about what Instabook and Facegram do?"
Jeongin sighed, "Instagram. Facebook."
"That's what I fucking said!"
"...No?" Eunha grumbled, "Minho is a real trickster. I now see why he introduced this shit to me: to avoid me. Good for him, he's gonna be my victim."
She got off the bed, not even bothering to fill her feet into her slippers, and Jeongin asked, dumfounded, "Where are you going?"
"To bring an end to the cause of me being here," she spat, fuming.
Jeongin jumped off the bed, "No! Don't kill Minho!"
"Uh huh? And why?" Eunha irked an eyebrow.
"U-Uh, because," he tried to come up with a reason, "Minho already wants to die, and it wouldn't be fun enough to kill him if he wants to die-"
"I'm not a fucking sadist... mostly," she shrugged, and then turned to the door, "I'm going, anyway."
"NO!" he came between her and the door, towering over her and muttering, "Don't kill him, please!"
"Why, Yang Jeongin?" she thundered, "Just because he's your frien-"
"Because I don't want you to go back just yet!"
Eunha paused, looking up at Jeongin, who had just realized what he had spoken. He stared down at her, panic in his eyes but confusion as to what he should do next. As per the K-dramas that Hyunjin had shown him, he ought to lean in and kiss her. But then again, he didn't want to die as of now. Also, because his life wasn't a K-drama.
He desperately waited for her to say something, since he could easily see her eyes softening. Wait, was he breaking through her harsh exterior?
"So your friend's life doesn't even matter?" the softness in her eyes was gone in a mere second, and she folded her arms, staring up at him slyly.
"O-Oh, it does, of course..." he blinked out of the lovey-dovey space had gotten lost in for a moment, "But, you know... you're cool."
"Just cool?" she scoffed, "Living with you all, I've actually learned the phrases you guys use. I'm not cool, I'm fucking hot."
Jeongin grinned, "I see that you're learning."
"Well, then," she stepped away, letting her arms fall to the side, "You still have to let me learn about Insta...gram? And Facebook?"
He looked relieved, knowing that he had somehow saved Minho's life.
"No one uses Facebook anymore, though. Let's teach you Twitter."
Eunha walked into the cafeteria with Jeongin, reciting, "So Goggle is the search platform?"
"It's Google, Your Highness," Jeongin corrected her.
"Whatever," she waved a hand in dismissal, "I'll just take a selca and be done with this shit."
He halted, "You're gonna take a selca?"
"Yeah? So?" she spoke as if it was the most normal thing that she could be doing.
"Do you know the poses?"
"Poses? What the fuck?"
Jeongin laughed, "Knew it."
"Just walk, pest," she spoke in embarrassment, turning away and walking off. He followed her, watching as the boys were at the usual table, chatting away. As soon as they saw the two of them, Hyunjin and Jisung tensed up. Felix was busy stuffing his mouth with cheesecake, so Jisung elbowed him in the gut. Felix looked up, and then looked at his two accomplices, and pretended to tense up as well. So much for friendship.
"Hi," Eunha spoke in the least enthusiastic way ever, and Chan waved at her, "Hey! Come, sit."
She sat down, and so did Jeongin, and Minho took the opportunity to ask her, "So, did you learn how to use that phone yet?"
She sighed, "Yes, I did. And as a... token of gratefulness, I'm-"
"Oh, my god, she knows that word!" Seungmin sarcastically interrupted. Eunha furrowed her eyebrows at him, but Jeongin held her hand under the table, motioning her to forgive Seungmin so that the school didn't witness his death.
She cast a chaste look down at their hands, and reminiscing about that one time when he had interlocked his hands with hers and she had liked it, she didn't let go of the hold. However, she continued, "Yes, I do know that word, dumbass. And as a token of that word, I'm gonna click a selca with you all."
Silence prevailed at the table for a minute, before Changbin spoke up, "You will? Seriously?"
"You think I can't?"
"Then it's settled!" Felix clapped his hands, "Let's all click a picture together!"
Eunha unlocked her makeshift phone and clicked on the camera. She stood up, angling the camera so that everyone collected behind her and posed. Since she didn't know any other pose, she kept a poker face and clicked.
"Eunha! Smile!" Felix urged her, and taking the camera from her, he stood at the front. Jeongin stepped beside her, and held her hand, bringing it up and raising two fingers of hers. She looked at him questioningly, but when he held up the same pose, she found herself smiling ever-so slightly.
And the camera clicked the picture.
(a/n: hiiii im not deadddd :DDD
this was low-key cute tbh, did you like it?
thanks for reading! i love you!)
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