~This part is really short, sorry~
"So what activity do you have me doing tonight then?" I giggled and he answered.
"I was hoping you would help me with that, what do fifteen year old, openly gay teenagers like to do in their spare time?"
He bit his lip wondering wether he had offended me. He hadn't.
Whiteout even discussing it, we ended up in Nando's and before I knew it he had already ordered for me.
He walked over and we were sat in the back corner. Luckily there was a lot of people in so it wasn't awkward.
"Hey, you didn't even let me order for myself!" I exclaimed.
"You look like one of those annoying people who don't let people pay for them". He winked, it killed me when he winked.
I fell silent but after a few minutes we was in a discussion. He was wearing an unbuttoned green flannel with a grey T-shirt that clung to his muscles underneath with dark jeans. He looked good. I placed my face in my palms and watched his face whilst he spoke, how his voice although husky, had a soft quality to it, and how his lips moved, his dimples at the side of his cheeks when he would smile when I would ask him a question. He was so hot, I couldn't get my head around why he was so intrigued to hear about me.
The conversation was strong, I could be myself around him, I was very comfortable. His deep, dark hazel were on mine. I managed to actually look into his eyes, I always had a problem with direct eye contact, it would alway throw me off but I could stare into his all day.
He told me about his day, and I told him about my week because that's just me. He told me about his friends, and i told him about mine. We discussed rugby and other sports and I told him how all my physical education teachers hate me because I refuse to participate. He laughed.
"So any previous boyfriends that I need to be worried about then?" He laughed but I could only remain silent.
"They're isn't any." I said quietly, loud enough for him to hear. He looked surprised.
"None, at all?" I was embarrassed.
"Its pathetic I know, well there was one a while back, he hurt me though and I don't really like to talk about it. There's a severe lack of people interested in me".
I looked down because I didn't want to see his face as he lost interest, that's even if he had any interest to start with.
"It's not pathetic, and I wouldn't really say there's a 'severe' lack of people interested in you. I can think of one." He winked and I felt like I was floating again.
We spent the next few minutes talking about my sort-of boyfriend and It hit me that I needed to ask him a question.
"I know I kind of just told you that I was a virgin but j have to ask .." He cut me half through and said.
"I'm a Virgin in the way you would need me to be with you, but in other sense no I am not."
"Okay, I just needed to ask i guess".
He smiled and we both decided that we had finished and we both left together.
Walking to his car the suspense was becoming intense. The sky was darkening and it was becoming cold. His car was parked down a fairly dark alleyway with nobody around. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks and my pulse was quickening. He took a step towards me...
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