I had no reason to get up today other than going to see him.
I had no idea what we were going to do or where we would go, so I had no idea how to dress for the occasion. I practically jumped out of bed and stood in front of my bedroom mirror to see how much I would need to do before I went out. I scanned my face for any lumps or bumps and then I noticed it. In the corner of my eye, on the side of my face sat a giant pimple. A fucking pimple on what could possibly be the most important day of my life. I didn't want to pop it as didn't want a scar on my face so I pressed ice on it for over an hour to take the redness down.
The time was 12:05, and I was becoming more nervous as the minutes passed by. I applied shaving foam all over the bottom of my face, grabbed a razor and shaved my entire face and neck to avoid any unnecessary hairs forming. I stepped into the shower and letting the boiling water soak my body.
I stood in the shower and processed everything that was happening. The shower was my thinking place, the only thing that could be heard from inside those shower doors was the water crashing against the floor. The shower was also my place to overthink things and I was starting to do just that.
What if the 'date' is horrible? What if I start stuttering when trying to speak to him? What if he tries something? What if he doesn't?
All these worries that were bottled up until now we're all coming out and I started to feel anxious. My heart and chest burned and I felt as if I was about to pass out, I turned off the shower and ran into my bed, dripping wet. I must of just had the shower too hot.
It was now 1:37 and I really needed to finish getting ready. I grabbed my hairdryer and hair products and rubbed them into my hair and scalp, I turned my hairdryer on and began styling it. Once finished, I sprayed hairspray until I felt faint with the amount of product floating in the air and in my lungs. I grabbed my black skinnys and an oversized denim shirt and took time and effort into putting them both on.
Beside from the light pink area that was once a pimple my skin didn't look to bad today. Grabbing my tweezer I plucked my eyebrows until they were shaped in a way I deemed acceptable.
I had no idea what we was doing still so I put $20 and some change in my pocket and hoped that would cover the cost. Running down the stairs and almost tripping over each step I got to door and forced my white converse on and left the house. It had just gone three and I was probably going to be on time for the first time in my life. I waked to the bus stop and waited for the bus. It came and my legs were shaking with anticipation.
The bus parked outside the station and I got off and took a deep breath. I made slow and steady steps and tried to calm myself down before I met him.
On the other side of the station was Adam leaning his back against a pillar with his hands in this pockets. He was too perfect. He was minding his own business and looking around for me and then he tuned around my met my gaze. Every worry that I had about tonight had vanished with that one look and i suddenly felt more at ease. He winked at me sending my body into a frenzy all over again.
"Hello" He said playfully. And reached out his arms for a hug. I responded quickly from past experience and let him put his long ripped arms around me. I felt his muscles press against me.
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