The Deed of Lust
Small towns and tomboyish looks was all Taylah knew. She didn't know much about the big city of L.A. She only knew that was going to be her new home. A small town Florida girl moving out to west coast.…
Small towns and tomboyish looks was all Taylah knew. She didn't know much about the big city of L.A. She only knew that was going to be her new home. A small town Florida girl moving out to west coast.…
Dear sweet child, so young, new, and niave. That cop won't protect you. He wants to do what he wants.The only way to be as skinny as her, is to starve yourself. Thats the price of beauty.Dear sweet child, the people around you are only here to watch you fall. Most will only fake there feelings. You will never be good enough for them.Dear sweet child, trust no one. Stay alone.…