Mugen train

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third person pov,
Time had flown by fast and before (name) realized she had her new demon Slayer uniform which was made by the perverted kakushi who sew Mitsuri's uniform.
It was revealing, no doubt about that.
The half cast slayer didn't like it at first but after trying it on and realizing how sexy she looked, she decided to keep it. Plus, instead of a haori, she wore a brown cloak instead which helped hide her outfit.
She was given her estate as promised and absolutely loved it. There were kakushis to tend to her when she needed anything and she felt like she was living her old luxurious life 400+ yrs ago.
Name redid her hair like how she used to in the Sengoku era. The only different thing was that she uses a normal sword instead of her whip blade.
"Caw caw, I have a message for Name" Kanji told her and landed on the window in Name's room.
"What is it?" She asked blandly.
"I overheard the flame pillar's crow telling him to go to the Mugen train for his mission. You told me u wanted to help the corps so not a single soul dies, maybe you might hang around in case he needs help?" Kanji explained as Name thought about it.
"Thank you Kanji, always inform me about the pillars missions you think they would need my help with" she told him before applying her smokey eye shadow and lipstick.

Name's dress

Better image of her that I managed to create with the help of Ai since the drawing I made got me roasted a bit

"Which train will he be boarding again?" She questioned Kanji.
"The Mugen train" the crow responded.
"Most trains leave when the sun sets, judging by the color tones of the sky, I'd say we have 15 minutes till sundown" she said and pondered.
"I better hurry then"

Due to her breathing style, Name was able to run nonstop till she got to the train station without breaking a sweat. She purchased a ticket and saw the kamaboko squad boarding as the argued a bit.

Oh dear, I have a very bad feeling. My sixth sense is shaking like crazy! Not that I feel the younger ones are utterly hopeless in case something should go wrong - she thought and boarded the train.

She got a back seat which allowed her to watch every one, including the three slayers and Flame pillar. So far, (name) was bored and decided to philosophize since there was nothing doing.

Name thought about the breathing styles, how Yoriichi managed to create and teach it to others, how it has tremendously aided slaying of demons.
Then the most intriguing of all questions came to mind.

How to defeat Muzan?
She swore many years ago she'd kill him. Yoriichi managed to get a close kill but missed it.

And how was he able to do that?-she asked herself although she knew the answer.

He was strong, talented, possessed the original and strongest breathing style, that's how he came so close to killing Muzan.

Yet, she wondered whether she could do same.
Her technique is a derivative of sun and moon breathing, two of the strongest techniques.
She doubted the strength of her breath and of herself.

What if she combined all breathing styles?- she wondered.
But that would mean she'd have to first master the others then attempt to combine all.
Deep down, Name felt miserable. If she had stall Muzan in her room, waited for the brothers to arrive and help her end him, all the slayers, hashira and the Ubuyashiki family would be living happy and simple lives.
She was reborn for a reason, to fix her past mistake.

Yoriichi should have been reborn instead if me. What can I offer other than give them the history of breathing styles, which I'm sure they already know. Ah, Yoriichi! A humble, reserved and mysterious man. It's quite unfortunate that you had an elder brother who loathed you and all you did was show him nothing but love.

"...excuse me ma'am, ticket please" the conductor said snapping Name out of her philosophizing.
"Here you go" she said as she handed him her ticket for it to be punched.

Lazy breathing, first form,time skip

Everyone had fallen into deep slumber as their hands were tied. Nezuko came out of her box to see everyone asleep including her brother.
While Lower moon one Enmu, and his associates were proceeding with their jobs, the.passengers slept and dreamt.

Name's dream...
Name found herself by a pond feeding ducks when her father (the one from 400+yrs ago, let's call him Takeda) came up to her.
"Feeding ducks I see" he said and sat beside her.
"Yes dad, I find it relaxing actually" she said with a smile.
"Oh really now" he said and also began doing same.

Something is quite off, name thought to herself.

Just then, her mom(also from 400+yrs ago, let's call her Savannah since she's African-American) came to find the two feeding ducks as she had a tray of lemonade in hand.
"Aren't you two thirsty? I made lemonade" she said happily before serving them a glass.
"Thanks mom" Name said contently.

Mom looks so much better than when she was sick- she thought and suddenly remembered her parents were dead. She was on the verge on getting a panic attack and excused herself quickly.

She was in a far secluded corner on the garden when someone touched her shoulder. Out of instinct, she elbowed the person in the stomach afore realizing it was Yoriichi.
"Oh my! I'm so sorry" she quickly apologized.

"No worries" Yoriichi told her as he rubbed circles around the abused area to soothe the pain.

"Sooo, how are you here didn't you die?" Name asked the maroon eyed man.
"Yes, I did" he answered simply and saw Name's frown.
"Uhh, you okay Name?" He asked
"It's not fair! Why weren't you reborn? You should be alive not me! I failed to end Muzan and now look what my mistake has caused!" Name blurted out on the verge of tears as Yoriichi looked at her wide eyed

"Name, it's not your fault. You were reborn instead of me for a reason. You are an amazing slayer." he tried to soothe as she sobbed a bit.
"No, no, I'm not, not compared to you. I can't even learn sun breathing" she protested
"Calm down Name, it's okay. You have one of the strongest breathing styles to exist"

Name calmed down before sighing, "I guess you are right"

"Yoriichi, where are you?" A feminine voice called out.
"I'm over here" he responded as a nice looking woman walked towards them.
She looked so delicate and wore a bright smile. Her head was wrapped in bandages and her long straight hair went past her waist.
"Who's she Yoriichi?" the woman asked.

"Uh, Name, I'd like you to meet Uta, my...wife" he said nervously.
Uta had a smile on her face but the jealousy radiating off her didn't go unnoticed by Name.
Uta compared to Name was like comparing a daisy to a bouquet of roses.
Both were pretty, but Name was hot and sexy and could be cute at times whereas Uta was just plain cute. Besides, Name could last longer than Uta in Yoriichi's bed😏.
"You never told me you had a wife Yoriichi" Name commented.

She loved Yoriichi but Michikatsu stole her heart. And she belonged to Michikatsu only.
" You never told her about me?" Uta question as slight tension grew and Yoriichi sweat dropped.
"I...uh.. well..." poor Yoriichi had to find an excuse but wa failing terribly.

"Is that why you had always rejected other women because you held Uta dearly?" Name lied as Yoriichi read her signs.

"Well yes, actually" he said
"That's why you never wanted to talk about your life, but you should have at least told me you had such a pretty woman, and trust me, if I were a man, I'd steal her from you" Name said with a smile as Uta blushed
"I'm Takahashi Name by the way, pleasure to meet you" Name introduced.
"I'm.. I'm..." Name found herself unable to talk. Goosebumps covered her skin and her ears turns red.
"Someone is messing with me" she said darkly
"You need to go back, you need to save the people " Yoriichi told her as she got surrounded by white light and vanished.

Back to reality....
One of the kids Enmu had sent had reached Name's spiritual core. She was shocked to see that it was just a dark void with a small glowing orb in the middle, when she tried to grab it,she fell into an endless abyss....
Surrounded in nothing but darkness....
Just as she thought she was done for, she was awake in he real world and felt Name choking her while asleep.
"Just you...think you are" Name asked.
"" The girl asked.
"Silence, I will end you personally" Name added and was about to rapture the girl's throat with her bare hands when she suddenly opened her eyes.

The girl had never seen such fierce yet empty eyes gleaming with wicked intent when she stared at Name.
And never had she met someone so...strong.
If not for the murderous look and freaky aura Name was possessing, the girl would have found her very attractive.

Taisho Secrets
. Uta may have a slight crush on Name.
. Author chan doesn't know why she decided to bring up Uta...maybe cause she didn't have much screen time or any screen time infact

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