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I focused and instantly I began to transform into a calico kitten.

When I was done, the girls started cooing over me.

The boys just laughed, except Percy, who looked a little sad, as though I reminded him if an old pet that died.

Hazel scooped me up gently and tied a bow loosely around my neck.
A pink bow.
I pawed her indignantly, mewing in protest. 
She just smiled and placed me inside that cardboard box.

When my eyes adjusted to the light I was also hit by the overpowering stench if perfume. And all sorts of makeup products.
Drew, the ex-head counsellor for the Aphrodite cabin saw the box sprawled on the floor and heard my pitiful mewls coming from inside. She opened it up, to find me lying there in my kitten form.  She squealed, hurting my sensitive ears, then roughly picked me up. I mewed weakly, telling her in cat that she was too rough.
"Aww, she is so cute!" she cooed, making me want to throw up among the glitter and prettyness.
I mean, she? What was that girl thinking???
Next thing I knew, I was surrounded with girls and boys who all wanted to pet me, who all wanted to dress me up.
The perfume made me lightheaded.

The people's baby-talk made me sick. 

THEN one of the kids had this great idea.

"I wonder what this ickle -bickle cutie-wootie would look like in a tutu? Or make-up?"

The other kids looked interested. "Good idea!" they answered. 

"I know!" cried Drew, raising her hand for quiet. "We should have a fashion show! Starring cutisie-pie here!"

The kids agreed, and soon they were ready.

Fifty outfits and thirty-seven lengths of the mini-catwalk later they finally decided to go do something else.

Piper snuck in the door and rescued me to take me back to cabin three. 

I quickly changed back into my normal form and glared at my girlfriend evilly.

I wanted revenge. And I wanted it NOW.

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