What Lies Beneath (Sherlock (BBC) Fan-Fiction)**Under Heavy Rewrites**
Meet Winter Watson, niece to the famous blogger John Watson. Winter travels from America, to London, to attend University, and stay with her uncle John. Just as long as she doesn't bother Sherlock. But the moment she arrives at 221B Baker Street, Sherlock can't help but take notice to Winter. Although most people find it strange, Winter quickly becomes fascinated by what Sherlock's mind can do. She learns a lot form simply watching Sherlock run about, solving cases, and saving lives. But when Sherlock suspects that Moriarty has returned, Sherlock begins to lock himself away as he becomes consumed by Moriaty's plans, and how to stop them. Then when some Uni bullies, who our also henchmen of Moriarty, catch Winter in an alleyway, and begin to beat and threaten her, but are caught by the one and only Sherlock Holmes. John soon begins to notice, and believe that Sherlock has begun to care for Winter, more deeply then he has cared for anyone ever. Can Winter break down Sherlock's walls? Or is it all some big scheme of Moriarty's? (Completed)…