I crouched lowly, hissing as I displayed my teeth as well
I knew what was going to happen, as far as I was concerned he had it coming.
It was on.
Jacob's growl ripped through the forest followed by a loud snarl of my own
I knew that I was right and he was wrong in the situation
He had broken the treaty already and he had just broken it once again by shifting into wolf form on our territory
Jacob Black had kissed my girlfriend, shoved me, taunted me, distracted my sister allowing Bella to be taken by James and shifted all on our land
I may have broken the treaty when I bit Bella to save her life but I really didn't think that was even close to the damage that the mutts had caused
So I was about to cause some more damage to even out the situation
After all, he deserved it and I was more than willing to give him what he deserved
With one last growl, Jacob charged heavily at me.
It was an even playing field because Jacob was the reason for the block in my ability
Though I liked to think that I was a better fighter than a four legged, flee infested, overgrown puppy dog with a bad temper and uncontrollable hormones.
I quickly and easily dodged his first attempt at me, grabbing him by the fir and flinging him backwards to meet a few trees with a snap.
I moved towards Jacob as he shook the cobwebs from his brain, standing on all fours slowly
He realized I was approaching him so he turned his attention back to me but I already had other plans.
I didn't intend on leaving the clearing area because I wasn't going to move too far away from Bella but I had every intention to mess with his head for a little bit.
Steadily I jumped over Jacob, he moved to snap his teeth at the air but he was much too slow for me
I grabbed him by the neck on the way down and slammed him into the solid floor.
He swiped a paw at me which took me by surprise, sending me back a little and causing a little sting in my body but it was nothing I couldn't handle.
I ducked and dodged him as he came at me trying to be the aggressor in the battle but I had him beaten before we even began.
Once again Jacob snapped at my head, he came painfully close that time but I was smart enough to figure out what he was doing so I quickly moved to my right.
When I had successfully dodged his sharp teeth I brought my balled up fist to his overly large wolf chest, landing a punch that certainly would have done some damage.
He yelped slightly as he flew backwards, sliding to a stop against the ground
At that point I thought he was done when he didn't get up for a few moments but the poor dog got up, not knowing that I could go all day and just wait for him to tuck his tail between his legs and cower home.
When he stood I noticed a limp in his walk so I growled aggressively, basically warning him of my intentions if he didn't run along.
We dodged each other a few more times before he swiped a paw at me again, sending me tumbling backwards. I looked down to my shirt to see it torn slightly and I looked back up to see Jacob moving towards me again
I decided instead of moving around him, I was going to move straight through him.
A large, ground shaking thud was made at the contact between our bodies but he was the one who came off second best.
He yelped loudly in pain as he tumbled to a stop but that only spurred me on further.
My chest was heaving in unnecessary breaths, a habit I had since picked up from being out in public so much with Bella. It was almost like second nature for me now to breathe so it was becoming automatic for me. All I needed was a heartbeat and I could readily classify myself as a human.
Emmett liked to refer it to being one of the many ways that I had become whipped.
Jazz simply said that it was nothing more than a little bit of housetraining heavily influenced by all the humans I found myself hanging around thanks to Bella.
All I liked to call it was a force of habit
I took another focussed step towards Jacob but a firm hand on my wrist stopped me from moving
The only reason why I paused was because I physically couldn't move
"Jazz" I growled as I looked to my sister
"Do you have any idea what you are doing?" She hissed angrily
"He started everything" I snapped
"It doesn't matter who started it" Jazz replied "You finish it, now, before this gets out of hand"
A loud snarl made me turn my head to the right to see Jacob coming toward us.
Jazz and I moved but Jacob still caught onto me, using his paws to try and push me to the ground.
His teeth traveled towards my neck so I grabbed the top of his jaw and tossed him easily away from me.
I wondered for a moment whether I did actually take his jaw off or not because I had used quite a lot of force.
"Alice stop!" I heard Carlisle say as he placed a tight hand on my shoulder "Enough"
Like clockwork the rest of my family came quickly behind me but pretty much as soon as they did, a disgusting smell filled the air as Jacob's pack emerged from behind the trees
They all bared their teeth at my family which only made me angrier
They were threatening my family and they were threatening my Bella
Emmett stood tall with a smirk on his face, cracking his knuckles as he got ready to go to war. Jazz stood defensively next to me. I looked around to see the rest of my family completely defensive as well, one of the wolves stood out of line to come towards us but quickly stopped.
"They want me to communicate" Edward mumbled
"What's there to communicate?" I snapped as I looked to them "I'll have you know that all of this is his fault"
"They didn't come here to fight" Edward said with a furrowed brow "But if you don't stop Alice they will be forced to attack"
"You're not forced to do anything" Jazz snapped at the wolves
"Jacob attacked me to start off with" I spat angrily "He's the one who physically provoked me to start off with. He's the one who continued to come onto our land and threaten me and he's the one who changed"
"Jacob's saying that you bit Bella" Edward said with a furrowed brow before he paused "She was saving Bella's life, protecting her from the change"
"I did that to take the venom from her veins" I replied "I don't need to justify what happened to you. If you remember correctly, you're in wolf form on our land and you're still alive. If it was the other way around I'm sure you would have been attacking us already"
"What Alice means is that we aren't the one's here who have broken the treaty" Carlisle said calmly "So I don't see any reason for us to attack each other over this"
"We're going to just let this slide?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows
"Sam says that they don't want this to escalate anymore than it already had but he's not happy about what's been happening between Alice and Jacob" Edward muttered
"Alice hasn't done anything wrong" Bella said from behind my family, it was the first time I had heard her voice since the fight between Jacob and I "Jacob keeps pushing himself on me"
"I think we can all see that we're both at fault here so I see no reason for this to go any further than it has" Carlisle said before he paused "Though I do feel it should be necessary to keep Jacob away from Alice and on your own land for a while"
Jacob growled loudly and took a step forward so I glanced to Edward who had his teeth clenched
"What's he saying?" I asked
"He wants a chance to speak to Bella alone" Edward replied
"Oh you've done enough" I snapped "You have done more than enough"
"Nothing is going to change my mind" Bella announced "It can't be changed"
"I think you should take Jacob home before my daughter's anger is justified and she attacks him again. We want to let it slide this time, fighting with her on our land. Coming here with the intentions to try and take Bella from Alice" Carlisle said "But we treat Bella as if she is one of our own and Jacob caused an unneeded distraction to Jasmine while trying to protect her. If it weren't for Alice's brave decision, Bella would be a vampire by now or she could have died also. If one of you comes back with intentions to harm Alice or if Jacob comes back here to trying to speak to Bella when she does not want him to bother her then we will have no other choice than to defend our land. I think you can understand that seeing as it is part of the treaty after all"
I saw the largest of the wolves, which I had imagined to be Sam give a brief nod.
They were gone faster than they appeared through the trees.
Jacob chanced one more glance towards me and I glared right back at him, he huffed and limped out of sight.
The tension in the air disappeared and I noticed my family relax next to and behind me
"I'm glad it worked out but honestly I never really get to do any fighting" Emmett mumbled "Though Ali it looked like you gave Jacob a good beating"
"I'm sorry" I said turning to Carlisle "I just snapped and it got out of hand but I'm not sorry about what I did to Jacob. He deserved everything I gave to him"
"Probably more" Jazz said moving towards Edward
"It's alright" Carlisle said before he took a step towards me, placing a hand on my shoulder "But you can't do anything like that again"
"I know" I replied quietly before I turned to Bella who stood next to Esme quietly "Are you okay?"
"Yeah" Bella answered shakily
"I hope I didn't scare you" I offered raising my eyebrows noticing that she hadn't made a move to come towards me
"No, you didn't scare me" Bella shook her head but offered me no further explanation
My brows furrowed as I looked towards my girlfriend who was looking anywhere but my eyes.
I hoped that if I stayed looking at her for a moment that she would bring her eyes to mine but that didn't work either.
"You're just lucky that Bella called Jazz when she did because with the wolves here it could have turned out differently" Rosalie said
"Thank you for doing that Bells" I replied
"I just didn't want you to get hurt" Bella said
"I know"
"We should get home" Carlisle said "I have to get to the hospital soon"
"Alice we're going hunting later if you want to come" Jazz said "I think you might need it after the week you've had"
"Can you wait until I get home?" I asked "I want to speak to Bella alone if that's okay with her"
"Okay well we'll see you at home" Jazz said
"Maybe we should talk about what happened tonight sometime" Carlisle offered
"Yeah" I nodded
My family left relatively quietly so I was left alone with Bella in our clearing
"You're upset with me" I said tentatively
"Yeah Alice, I am" Bella whispered
I winced slightly as the words came, feeling myself shrink under her gaze.
It wasn't what I was used to seeing when I looked into Bella's eyes but I knew her eyes possessed that fire.
I had just never experienced it firsthand because it was never directed towards me.
"I'm sorry" I said shaking my head "Whatever I did, I'm sorry"
"I don't get it Alice" Bella said
"Don't get what?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows
"How you could be so stupid" Bella said shaking her head
"What?" I took a step towards Bella
"You could have been hurt or killed Al" Bella replied passionately "You could have been hurt or killed or you and your family could have been forced to leave Forks because of what you just did"
"Jacob has been taunting me and he's been pestering you ever since we started our relationship" I said seriously "I know he's your friend but he pushed me and he provoked me. I'm done being patient with the mutt just because he's your friend"
"This isn't about Jacob" Bella replied "This is about what could have happened to you and I couldn't do a thing but watch and hope that you weren't going to get hurt"
"I'm sorry" I said quietly "I really am but we get territorial and animalistic sometimes and although you don't see that side of me much, it's there. But fighting with him isn't worth our relationship so I am sorry but he did deserve it"
"I'm not disagreeing there, I just need you to consider what I would go through if you would have had to leave or if you had gotten hurt" Bella replied as the fire in her eyes was quickly replaced by love and concern. Those were the eyes I was used to looking at "It would have crushed me"
"I know" I took two more steps towards her, finding her face just inches from mine and thankfully she didn't make a move to create distance between us. Instead she brought a hand up to my cheek, stroking it with her thumb gently "I'm sorry"
"It's okay" Bella nodded "Do it again though and you'll be sorry"
I chuckled slightly before leaning my forehead against hers
"You need to hunt" Bella confirmed "Your eyes are black"
"I'll go when Charlie gets home" I said defeated "You two could use a little father daughter time without me hanging around"
"He loves you though" Bella mumbled as her eyes dropped to my lips "And so do I"
"I hope so" I responded before I pressed my lips to hers quickly "I love you too"
"You need to go though" Bella said "I want to see those gold eyes again"
"Would it be okay if I came over after?" I asked
"Do you actually feel like you have to ask?" Bella asked with a smirk
"Yes" I replied nodding "It's polite. Plus I thought maybe you might still be mad"
"I'm not mad Alice, I was just concerned" Bella said
"You know I didn't even hear you call Jazz" I said "Thank you for that by the way"
"You already thanked me" Bella smiled
"I know" I nodded against her forehead before I paused "Hey you'll be able to stay in your own house without security detail tonight"
"Who would have thought that conversations in my own house could be so private" Bella said sarcastically "Having you in my room all the time didn't hurt though"
"I'll still be there" I replied with a mischievous smile "Though I might have other intentions than protecting you from James"
Bella laughed quietly and she nodded
"Good" Bella nodded "It's sad that I actually can't sleep without you anymore"
"Sad but cute" I agreed jokingly
"Are you going to be in trouble when you get home?" Bella asked
"I think I might be in a little bit of trouble, yeah" I nodded "But it was worth it"
"Do you think Carlisle is mad?"
"No, I think he was just concerned as well" I said "Though I may be on the receiving end of a lecture from Jazz and Edward tonight"
"Do you really think Jazz will lecture you?" Bella raised an eyebrow
"I can see it now" I nodded before changing my voice to imitate my sister "Mary Alice that was dangerous, reckless and irresponsible!"
I received the prize of Bella's laughter for my imitation and Bella leaned in to kiss me softly once more
My eyes fluttered shut but before I had a chance to sink into the kiss she pulled away from me
"Edward was pretty good about everything" Bella said "He surprised me"
"He can be great sometimes...most the time. He's just worried about your decision but I think he knows he can't change what's going to happen to you" I shrugged "Maybe Jazz's bugging is finally getting through to him"
"I guess I just have to work on Rosalie then" Bella muttered jokingly
"She's a tough one to crack" I added with a smile
Bella placed one more gentle kiss on my lips before she pulled away from me completely
"So I'm sorry that this trip up here wasn't as great as what I would have liked" I said after clearing my throat from the haze she so easily created in my brain "I wanted this place to have happy memories but it seems that the past few days up here have just been anything but happy"
"Well I'm happy right now" Bella shrugged, running her hand down my arm only to stop when she had her hand in mine
"Do you want to head back?" I asked "It's going to rain soon anyway"
"Yeah" Bella nodded "Thank you for bringing me up here. I didn't expect my day to consist of arguing with you and watching a standoff between Vampires and Werewolves"
"I don't know if I would call that an argument" I said "Not by Cullen standards anyway"
"What's an argument in Cullen standards?" Bella asked curiously
"It generally includes furniture flying across the room" I laughed
"Okay well when we have an argument I'll make sure to throw something at you" Bella chuckled
"I look forward to seeing you try" I smiled "How's your wrist?"
"It's fine" Bella nodded "Is it going to scar?"
"Yeah" I nodded "Unfortunately you'll always have a reminder of James on your wrist there. It shouldn't stick out too much but it will certainly be there"
"It doesn't remind me of him" Bella said simply "It reminds me of you"
"I don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing" I squeezed her hand gently "Hey did you call your mom yet?"
"I forgot" Bella groaned
"Charlie told you to call her like a second before he left"
"I was distracted" Bella answered simply
"By what?" I furrowed my brows
"You" Bella shrugged "Remind me to call her what I get home please. I'll talk to her about coming to visit her as well"
"You know I'm starting to get a little nervous about meeting her" I offered honestly
"Seriously?" Bella asked pausing
"Well yeah" I shrugged "I mean she's your mom and she's really important to her. What if I say something odd or I have a vision while I'm speaking to her so she thinks I'm really weird or rude for not listening to her"
"If you have a vision while you're talking to her, I'll cover you" Bella shrugged "She's going to love you. You'll charm her the first minute we get there"
"I don't want to charm her though" I replied "It's important that she likes me for me and not because I'm a vampire and that people feel compelled to be charmed by me"
"Alice you charming people has nothing to do with you being a vampire" Bella said with a very serious tone "I mean look at Rosalie. I mean no offence but she's a vampire and yeah she's beautiful and all of that but she doesn't have the personality that you do. Who you are is why you charm people like you do, not because people feel forced to be. You're sweet and kind and my mom is going to love you"
"What if she doesn't?" I asked "What are you going to do?"
"I'll work extra hard to convince her" Bella smiled softly "Stop worrying about it okay. I mean you can fight other vampires, battle werewolves yet you're concerned about my mother's opinion"
"She's important to you so she's important to me" I replied simply
"You are something different" Bella said shaking her head "Should we get home?"
"Yeah" I nodded simply
I took Bella home and waited for Charlie to come back from work before I left her claiming that I had to get home for dinner, which was true because I did have to go home to hunt so technically; I didn't lie to Charlie.
When I did get home Carlisle talked to me about what had happened with Jacob and I quickly made it clear that I was sorry for losing control but I did explain that Jacob had been asking it for a while. He was simply concerned about Bella's safety.
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