[4] Pep Talks

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As the set ended and the volleyball rolled off our court, I quickly set my notes down and stood up, anxious now that Kageyama had slowly turned around and was now approaching Hinata with closed fists.

Unfortunately, Tanaka and Tsukishima began to laugh, holding their stomachs as they doubled over while tossing taunts at Kageyama.

"Nice headshot!" Tsukishima called out, covering his mouth with his hand.

Tanaka snorted and followed quit, pointing at him as he continued to walk towards Hinata. "Is your head okay?"

Desperately, Sugawara raised his hands, shaking them towards the two boys who were still laughing on the court.

"Don't encourage him!"

I glanced over at Hinata, and my eyes widened. He seemed like he'd completely accepted his death.

"Stop it, you guys!"

"You better do something." Mr. Takeda said with a nervous smile, and Shimizu nodded.

Relieved that she was going to settle the situation, I let out a small breath but was instantly shoved forward, right in the between Kageyama and Hinata.

I stumbled to catch myself, but jumped back and hid behind Hinata when I noticed Kageyama hadn't slowed down. Shaking, I peeked my head over Hinata's shoulder as he froze in dread and shook my head.

"W-Wait!" I squeaked, and thankfully he paused, looking over Hinata's mess of orange hair to see me.

"Why are you wearing my jacket?"

Even though he was sweating immensely and blatantly terrified, Hinata managed to turn around and face me, eyes wide.

"H-Hey! We're not talking about me, we're t-talking about you!" I stuttered out, not wanting to explain that Shimizu had been the one that had given it to me.

Hinata cringed and Kageyama turned back to him, to which I sighed softly in relief before tensing up once more. I forgot that I had been sent to settle this, and I had restarted it again.

"What's got you s-so nervous, Hinata?" I asked with a small smile before Kageyama could speak.

I took a few steps to the side to make myself more visible and flashed him a nervous grin, scratching the back of my head as I attempted to ease the problem.

"You should talk, you've been a stuttering mess since we got here." Kageyama pointed out bluntly, and I scowled, pointing at him in annoyance.

"That's none of your concern, Kageyama, and this isn't about me like I've said before!"

He raised an eyebrow but then lifted his hand slowly to the back of his head, turning back to Hinata menacingly.

"Is it because your opponents are tall?"

"Kageyama!" I hissed, seeing Hinata begin to sweat again.

"Or because this is your first practice match?"

Angrily, I clenched my fists at my sides and frowned, shaking my head. Kageyama then slapped the back of his head once more and I flinched at the loud smack it made.

"Whatever you're scared of," He continued as he stared unblinkingly at poor Hinata, "made you serve directly at the back of my head."

I nervously stepped in between the two of them once again, this time facing Hinata.

"What's got you afraid?" I whispered, trying my hardest to not glance back at Kageyama.

After a moment of silence, he spoke, shaking.

"...Nothing, in particular, comes to mind..."

My eyes clenched shut as I heard the sudden slaps behind me again, and by instinct, I stepped aside, knowing that I had done all I could to help this poor orange mess.

"Then you don't have a reason to be nervous anymore, now do you?" Kageyama asked, making Hinata and I gulp. "You already ended up doing what you fear the most!"

Even I had to admit, if anything was scarier, it would probably have to stop your heart, because Kageyama's death stare and terrifying tone of voice already had me with my knees shaking, and I wasn't even the one being yelled at.

Hinata cringed and turned his back to Kageyama when he saw him inhale deeply, but I once again stepped between them, feeling like now was my time to act like the co-manager and tutor I was supposed to be, somehow and in somehow gaining an ounce of confidence I usually never had.

"J-Just try and play the game like you normally do, okay?" I asked Hinata, tapping his shoulder gently.

Both of them seemed to freeze, and slowly he turned back around, eyes wide in confusion.

"...You mean you w-weren't sent over here to tell me how awful that screwup was?"

At this, I tilted my head, before shaking it and raising my hands up in the air to stop him and begin clarifying.

"No! No, no. I came over here to try and see if I could settle any uneasiness Kageyama-Kun was going to cause." I explained, brushing off Kageyama's scowl. "You're good at playing, Hinata, just try and breathe."

The sight of Hinata's tinged cheeks and now bright smile made me sigh in relief, happy to have accomplished at least part of my task. If he was no longer spazzing out on the court, then that was a success.

Not wanting to be more of a bother, I slipped off the jacket and extended if towards its rightful owner, offering a small smile. He glanced down at it for a second, before turning back to the court, shaking his head.

"Just give it back to me at the end of the game."

It took me a moment to comprehend what he had said, and when I did, I grinned brightly and clutched the jacket to my chest, grateful to be able to stay warm the entirety of the game.

"Arigatōgozaimashita!" I chirped, bowing my head.

At this, he scoffed.

"Just make sure you pay attention to the game." He said, before jogging over to Sawamura-Kun, obviously much calmer now.

Leaving Hinata now that the team seemed immensely better, I settled back down on my bench beside Shimizu, who winked at me in approval, making me blush slightly.

"That went better than I thought it would." Takeda Sensei admitted, chuckling as he rubbed the back of his neck.

Shimizu nodded and handed me back my notebook and materials, pushing up her glasses with a warm smile. "Good job, Tomo-Chan."

My eyes went wide and I clutched my belongings tighter, holding back a wide smile that was threatening to break out at the affectionate addition to my name. I've never had anyone refer to me as such, and the feeling was warm and welcoming; friendly and soothing.

Now I could officially say Shimizu-Senpai was my first actual friend.

Before I could dwell on the feeling any longer, Tanaka's voice abruptly overpowered any other sound in the gym, and we all snapped our heads up to see him lecturing Hinata, who was on his knees in front of him, shaking once again.

"QUIT WORRYING SO MUCH ALREADY! THERE'S HARDLY ANY SPACE IN YOUR HEAD AS IT IS!" He yelled, hands on his hips as Hinata let his head hang down shamefully.

"I... Is it alright to let him get attacked again?" Mr. Takeda mumbled, glancing over to Sugawara-Kun in concern.

The light-grey haired third year gave an assuring smile, speaking to Takeda Sensei in such a soothing and gentle tone that I almost completely believed he was right.

"He'll probably be fine."

"R-Really?" Mr. Takeda questioned, but dropped it when Sugawara-Kun nodded once again, and I glanced do Shimizu, who did the same.

Tanaka-San stretched his arms in order to indicate to the rest of the team, continuing to yell loudly.



Tanaka thrusted his thumbs at himself and Hinata's mouth went wide in awe, and I could almost swear I saw sparkles come off both of them.

"C'mon, call me Tanaka-Senpai!" Tanaka encouraged, and shockingly, Hinata obeyed, standing up to repeat it back to him.


"WAHAHA! One more time!"


I rolled my eyes and shook my head, covering my forehead with my clipboard as Tanaka cackled triumphantly.

"This was just him wanting to be called Senpai," Shimizu said with a heavy sigh, shaking her own head too. "But at least he's back to his chirping self."

I opened my mouth to agree, but the whistle blew loudly once more, and an announcer called out to everyone in the gym. Without realizing it, I glanced around and saw that there were surprisingly more spectators in the upper stands now and that a large number of them were girls.


Odd... a practice match rarely had any onlookers unless the set was being played by very well known teams.

Or well-known players.

As the boys went back to their spots on the court, I raised my pen to my lips and placed the cap between my teeth, eyebrow raised.

Something wasn't right.


...If you want to be the last one standing, become strong...

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