S1 EP9 - Brainwave

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Nate, Courtney and Pat were in the basement.

Courtney: I could... hear Henry's thoughts in my head. He had no idea what was going on. He was screaming for it to stop. He was so scared. And I was scared, too.

Nate put his hand on her shoulder.

Courtney: I could feel everything he felt. He... He was... lonely, confused. Sad. I wasn't expecting that. He's not like Cindy... or even like his father. Uh... I know what he did to Yolanda was awful... but I wanna ask him to help us. I know it's a risk... but if he can read minds then he could tell us who else is in the ISA. Pat? What is it?

Pat: Nate, you better go home now.

Nate: Pat, just hear her out.

Pat: Go home, Tennyson.

Nate: Fine. I'll see you at school.

Courtney: Bye.

Nate walks up the stairs and leaves.


He gets home to see Blukic and Driba still at the machine.

Nate: How's it going?

Blukic: Good.

Driba: Bad.

Nate: Helpful.

Driba: It'll be done by tomorrow.

Blukic: No, it'll be done in a few hours. It would've been done tomorrow a minute ago.

Nate: Shit, it's midnight already.

Blukic: You should get some rest, kid.

Driba: We'll probably still be working on it when you wake up, so you're not missing anything.

Nate: Thank you, guys. You're the best.

Driba: Indubitably.


The team were discussing Henry in the school gym.

Yolanda: Henry? Are you crazy? How can you even think about having him join us after what he did to me?

Rick: People don't change, Court. On the surface, maybe, but never deep down.

Beth: That's not true. Or fair. Look at all of us. Yolanda. Me. You. We've all changed. Why not Henry?

Yolanda: Henry is his father's son. He didn't think twice about ruining my life. He'll end up hurting all of you.

Rick: I'm with Yolanda. Helping you against Cindy could be a trap. He could be planning to serve us up.

Courtney: Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith.

Rick: Right before you fall on your face.

Courtney: I put faith in all of you, and I'm still on my feet. I wish there was another option, but right now, we need every advantage we can get.

Nate: Whether we like it or not, whether he can change or not. We need his help.

Yolanda: I'm not on any team that includes him.

She walks out of the gym.


A hologram of Jordan stood before Vilgax on his ship.

Jordan: You weren't at the meeting.

Vilgax: I had much more important matters to attend to.

Jordan: Like what? Don't forget that this project isn't just for America.

Vilgax: You do not tell me what to do. I have not forgotten. I have been preparing to retrieve the Omnitrix from the hands of yet another immature child.

Jordan: How important must that watch be for you to waste your time-

Vilgax: How dare you, Mahkent?! I have been searching for this power for years. And it has escaped my grasp by the hands of two children. Do you have any idea how humiliating that is?

Jordan: Good luck with your mission.

The holo-call ended.


Nate was at home and was in the repaired machine. The process had been happening for a while.

Nate: How much longer?

Driba: A while.
Blukic: Not that longer.

Nate: Why do I even try?

Nate's phone started ringing. He saw that it was Courtney so he picked up.

Nate: Hey.

Courtney: Hey, I just went to go talk to Henry at the hospital.

Nate: How'd it go?

Courtney: Bad.

The laser inflicted a little bit of pain.

Nate: Ow.

Courtney: Are you okay?

Nate: Yeah. Can we talk in person? I'm a little preoccupied at the moment.

Courtney: Yeah, sure. Where?

Nate: My uncle's shop.

Courtney: Sounds good, I'll see you there.

Nate: See you.

He ended the call.

Blukic: That your girlfriend?

Nate: Can you shut up and focus on the every dangerous piece of machinery?

Blukic: Okay, don't get snippy with me.

The Omnitrix began beeping and glowing.

Omnitrix: <Master Control unlocked>

Driba: We did it?

Blukic: We did it.

Nate: You did it. I can't thank you guys enough.

Blukic: You're welcome.

Driba: Anything for a Tennyson.

Nate: I better get going.

Nate detached from the machine a walked outside to his car.


Nate was waiting at Levin's when he saw Courtney walking up.

Nate: Hey. What's going on?

Courtney: So much.

Nate: Come inside and tell me.

They walk inside and sit down.

Courtney: Henry's gonna be a little harder to convince than I thought.

Nate: Why?

Courtney: He thinks that all people are monsters deep down.

Nate: That is like the textbook definition of pessimism. What about you? You recovering okay from the Cindy attack?

Courtney: Yeah. Actually, do you know what happened just before that at the game?

Nate: Okay, what are the chances that I can actually guess?

Courtney: Not good. I'll just tell you. Cameron asked me to the dance.

Nate: Cameron... as in Mahkent?

Courtney: Yeah.

Nate: That, uh... good for you.

Courtney: What about you? What were you doing that was so important before this?

Nate: Okay. Are you ready for this?

Courtney: What is it?

Nate: You'll see.

Nate activated the Omnitrix and slapped the faceplate.

Courtney: That's a new one.

Wildmutt: <unintelligible muttering> (Pretty cool, right?)

Courtney: I have no idea what you're saying.

Nate untransformed.

Nate: I unlocked complete Master Control to the Omnitrix. Meaning, I can turn into any transformation contained in the watch.

Courtney: That's awesome. It'll be so much more helpful.

Nate: Was I not helpful before?

Courtney: I didn't say that.

Suddenly, they heard a loud crash. They ran outside to see Vilgax, waiting.

Nate: Courtney, go home.

Courtney: What? No!

Nate: You don't have the staff. I'll be fine, just go.

She hesitantly turned and ran.

Vilgax: Give me the Omnitrix, boy.

Nate: How about no?

Nate activated the Omnitrix and hit down the faceplate.

Cannonbolt: Now then, let's see what these transformations can do.

Nate morphed into a sphere and starting rushing towards Vilgax. Vilgax swung at him with his sword but Nate managed to dodge them.

Vilgax: Stop playing games, boy.

Cannonbolt: If you say so.

Nate turned round and knocked into Vilgax as a sphere, barely moving him.

Vilgax: An Arburian Pelarota is hardly a challenge.

Cannonbolt: Rude.

Nate morphed back from the sphere and hit the Omnitrix.

Four-Arms: This better?

Vilgax sheathes his sword.

Vilgax: Just as pathetic.

Nate started running at Vilgax. Their fists collided, sending Nate backwards and only pushing Vilgax back slightly.

Four-Arms: Alright. Time for a trip down memory lane.

Nate hit the Omnitrix.

Diamondhead: Remember this one?

Vilgax: All too well.

Vilgax used his laser vision but Nate creating a crystal wall to reflect them. He lowered the wall and started running toward Vilgax. While he was running, he created two crystalline whips and started attacking Vilgax with them. Vilgax gripped Nate's arm so hard that it shattered.

Diamondhead: Ow. Not cool, Vilgax.

Vilgax: Turn into whatever you want, boy. They are all like insects to me.

Diamondhead: No. Not all of them.

Nate pressed the Omnitrix.

Way Big: You're in trouble, Vilgax.

Vilgax: You think a To'kustar scares me?

Way Big: A little bit, yeah.

Vilgax pulled our his sword and jumped at Nate, slicing into his leg.

Way Big: Ow! You little-

Nate slapped Vilgax away and pulled the sword out of his leg. Vilgax tried to get up from the ground but Nate blasted him with a cosmic ray. Nate looked over to see that Vilgax still got up.

Vilgax: Try as hard as you may like. This world shall never be free of my might until I have the Omnitrix.

He pressed a button on his gauntlet and teleported away. Nate untransformed.

Nate: Actually, I think you might be right, Vilgax.


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