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Disclaimer: the concept is heavily inspired by the person it @ in the 1st part/chapter.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. Technoblade & Dream are both very strong & powerful rulers with large lands far & wide. At 1st ear you might think the to kingdoms have an alliance but you'd be wrong, DEAD wrong. For generations there kingdoms have rivaled each other always trying to best the other. Wether population, wealth, strength, soshal status, landmass, or just fighting for victory in wars they didn't exactly know how they started. The current rule of the Antarctic Empire might have a slight crush or shall I say obsession with the king of Mindcraftia, who is also king of their rival kingdom. Dose Dream feel the same towards Techno? If so who is top?(I mean it Dreamnoblade so like it obvi but description priorities people work with me here plz) Well if you're interested, intrigued, curious, or have any positive thoughts about this book then plz do at least skim the 1st part!.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.*inseat panting here* OMSC that was the longest dicription I have ever written like about M words anyways thx u 4 at least reading the description if u don't read further!! (Yes I do use Roman Numerals instead of the American Number system most of the time in my writing)Also I want to make it clear that I'm not shipping the actual people just their online personas, also because of that I will not ever be using their real names in any of my stories if I can help itIf anyone mentioned in said sorry finds this don't read it cringe alone with all my other stories. Also if anyone mentioned in book uncomfie with it just tell me & I will take it down…