Hold me tight

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Chapter thirty seven:

Teto squeezed my hand as she pushed the doors open slowly. I held my breath. Taking a few step in we saw Gumi laying on a bed, bandages covered her sides and chest. She had opened her eyes to the doors opening, she did a half hurt smile and closed her eyes again. Walking past her we heard the doctors mummer.

"She took server pressure to her chest...."

"We might have to have a transplant for her heart..."

"Yes, it took to much bruising."

I couldnt help but whence at their conversation. I hoped Gumi would be ok. We next saw Nero. He was far worse than Gumi. Half of his body was wrapped, a leg in a cast, and he was hooked up with many machines. Neru was there crying over his bed, phone clinched in her hand. Mother was no better. She was rubbing his hair in gentle motions and had tears running down her face. I shook Teto's hand out of mine and walked over to Neru. I hugged her, she turned to look at me. Her eyes were clouded with sadness, and makeup running down her face along with the tears. She glanced deep into my eyes for a moment, then she hugged me tight, letting all her sobs into me. I held her, rubbing her back.

"Neru..... you can stay with me for awhile....if you want till Nero gets better." I said softly. She nod and squeezed me tighter. Mother had saw us and came to our side and hugged us both. Even though I didnt know Nero that much, I was heart broken too. He was my new brother, I wanted to spend more time with him like I did with my real brother. I felt hot tears stream down my pale face. Mom pulled me away and whispered in my ear.

"You should see Len." I nod at her words and shakily went back to Teto. I hugged her arm close to my body and squeezed. We slowly made our way over to Len.......... I dropped to my knees, burying my face into my hands.

His eyes were closed and had a mask over his mouth and nose. He was on an oxygen tank. His neck was propped and wrapped. You could still see a little bit of bruising. His body was covered with deep red and black bruises. Arms were covered in wraps, from the edges you could see, what I think looks like burns.

I never noticed how badly everyone was hurt. I let loud sobs release from my mouth. Someone's arms had snaked around my sides. I looked, and faced Rin. She looked as if she had been crying too. You could see that she was wrapped around her body as well, but not as badly.

"Miku........" She whispered.

"Rin, Im sorry! Why am I crying? Hes your brother, not mine! I feel so selfish, Rin its ok. Im hear for you!" I hugged her. Rin pulled from my hug, and looked at me.

"Yes I know he is, but it becomes worst when you see someone that you love." She explained. I sobbed again.

~time skipped~

I stayed the past few nights at Len's bed. I only left his side to go to the bathroom. Teto had brought me tons of food. I only ate a little. I couldnt eat, I was to worried about Len.

Sitting on a chair, I held his hand. Talking softly to him as if he was awake.

"Can I sit with you?" I turned to see who had came to Len's side of the infirmary. Dell.

"Yes." I choked out. Dell walked to my side and lifted me off the chair a d sat down. "That was my chair."

"Its ok, just sit on my lap. I want to comfort you." I did what I was told. Dell held me in his arms, he was breathing deeply as if he was holding in his own tears.

"Dell its ok to cry."

"I know. Len is my best friend a d like a brother to me...... but you need me to comfort you so we can both look after that lazy banana." He looked at me, in a half smile, and hugged me once more.

"......Asshole......" We both heard someone whisper. I stood up, and looked at Len. His eyes were finally open. I quickly went to his side, hugging him gently as I could.

"Len, you think Im a asshole? You had our girl worried sick..... damn you!" Dell ruffed up Lens hair, playfully.

"My ... bads...... I just felt like.... getting hurt.." He said in gasps.

"Len dont try to talk to much!" I fretted. "Anyways when did I become your girl? You two are to stupid for me." I laughed. Len squeezed my hand tight, Dell had wrapped a arm around my shoulders.

"Because we claim you." they both said in unison. Softly blushing I hid my face with my bangs.

"Then please if you claim me then hold me tight."

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