Chapter Seventeen

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Also, I forgot to mention that you also don't have the amazing pics of Karma while he was sleeping since it was a dream. 😜


'Wow....I guess that was a dream.'

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

Sighing, I lift my body of the red, cushioned bed sheets and began walking out of Karma's bedroom.

"Where are you going?" He asks.
"I have to go home or my mom might get mad," I reply.

I continued my path towards the door before realizing....I'm still in Karma's semi-see through white shirt. I face palm. Shoot.

"Karma!" I call up the stairs. No answer. "Karma?" I walk back up to his room to find him sitting on his bed, fully dressed, with his infamous smirk on his face.

"Need these~" he taunts, holding a pair of shorts and a T-shirt in front of him.

I put my hand out, as if saying 'put them in my arms' and ask, "Can I?" He shakes his head 'no'.


His smirk grows wider. "Just kidding." He places the clothes in my grasp and I walk into the bathroom to change.



It's Halloween!

Time to get sugar high!

Also, 6 days until my 12th birthday!

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