Shaking my head, i walk out the doors of our High school as Alice talks to me.
"Come on, it'll be fun!" She says again
"Fine, Alice. Fine i'll go to the party, but under one condition"
She jumps up and down as she squeals "Anything. You have to be there, it's your first graduation" She argues as she squeezes my arm
"I need Bella kept away from me" I say
Alice lets the smile come off her face as it's replaced with a confused expression.
"Just don't ask. Just do it" I say as she slowly nods and i make my way over to Jaspers car.
"Took you long enough, ma'am" He says as i open the door and get in with a smile
"Just sorting out some conditions for me going to Alice's party" I say as i sigh and rub my face
"As much as you are mad at her, she's still your sister." He says as i look at him, surprised by the sad emotion i see in his eyes "Some of us didn't get to see ours again after our transformation remember" He finishes
"Oh shit! Im so sorry. Me over here complaining when you didn't even get to say goodbye to yours" I say as i grab his hand
"It's ok, just... go easy on her, ok?" He says as i nod my head, leaning in for a kiss on his lips as he gets ready to start the car.
"You ready to go hunting?"
"Of course, i've been starving all day!" I reply as my fangs come out at the thought of blood
After Jasper left to go back to the Cullens house, i decide that i should go and try to smooth things over with Bella.
I stand outside the door as i waver for a minute, before ultimately knocking and taking a step back.
The door swings open as the smell of Bella hits my nose, but it's tainted. Dog.
"Edward, i know- Lilie?" She asks as she sees me, but i've gone rigged at the smell of another, unfamiliar scent.
"Liana, i didn't know that you were coming-"
I walk past her as she shuts the door, confused and follows me as i walk up stairs
"L what's wrong?" She asks as i walk over to her dream catcher above her bed and i smell the air
"Someone else has been in here" I tell her as i turn around. "And i don't think that they payed you a friendly visit"
"Bella- Liana!" My Dad says as he round the corner and sees me
"Hi Dad" I say as i let the dream catcher fall out of my hand as it positions itself back dangling from Bella's bed frame.
I walk over to him as he holds out his arms for me to hug him.
"What are you doing here?" He asks "Not that i don't want you here, but last i heard it seemed like you two were having a little fight-"
"We're find, Dad, in fact i came to invite her over to the Cullen's tonight for dinner" I say as i pull Bella closer by her wrist and she jumps
"uh.. yeah" Bella says as i try not to roll my eyes at her awkwardness.
"So we'd better go, bye Dad" I say as i shuffle her out the room and down the stairs "Love you!"
I shut the front door behind Bella and i as i move myself away from her. We walk towards her Orange truck and i usher her to get in.
"Keys" I say as i hold out my hand and she reluctantly hands them over
"Now, let's go tell the others the delightful news" I say, rolling my eyes
"Uhh, do you even know how to drive?" Bella asks me
"Sure i do... besides it can't be that hard, right?"
Updated and edited 2025
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