freaks forever || monster au

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[ okay fuck this has been bothering me for literally over two months bc i'm such an idiot that i delete shit without thinking // song is by nicole dollanganger

so,, this is rewriting part 27 of book two. then, it'll continue the narrative like it should've been

warnings: language, murder, blood, mentions dead bodies, jail if that needs a warning

stay safe,
lew. ]


Chase walked directly in front of the TV, interrupting Lewis, Harry, and Logan from watching whatever that fucking umbrella school Netflix show was. She didn't give a shit. She was definitely more important than some damn show.

"How do I look?"

Harry rolled his eyes, Lewis blushed and looked away to pause their show, and Logan felt like he was absolutely the only person in the room qualified enough to give an answer. "Like you're either heading to your night job as a stripper or like a college girl desperate for some extra cash."

She adjusted the neckline of her long sleeve crop top, sighing softly as she did so. "Ronnie helped me pick clothes, don't be a dick."

Lewis, always there to help his friend out, chimed in with: "But like... a high end stripper or a Harvard college girl."

"Oh, wow! That makes me feel so much better!"

""You don't gotta be so sarcastic about it."

"Anyway, Ezra and I are gonna head down to the bar. I gotta do something before I end up turning scaly at work, and Ez needs to feed and he doesn't like the fuckin'... blood bag thingies." She informed them. Her scales barely glistened in the low light from the TV; At the bar, they'd assume it was glitter.

Harry looked her in the eyes and started his normal routine. "Don't kill anyone. Don't bring anyone home. And don't—"

"—let anyone see Ezra feed. I know, Daddy," she remarked offhandedly, causing Harry (and everyone else) to cringe. "See you guys later!"

As soon as she left, Logan sighed and said, "She's going to break at least one of those rules."

"She always does, doesn't she?" Lewis commented, curling further into himself and leaning against Logan.

"Better make sure Ronnie's ready to go in case we get that phone call again," Logan told Harry, giving the angel a kiss before ruffling his friend's hair. "Is the storyline with Klaus bothering you? I can change the show—"

"It's fine. Full moon is a couple days from now, it's just achy bones and stuff." Lewis shrugged it off. "Just focus on that fact that we're probably breaking into the police station again tonight."


Instead of walking like they normally do, Ezra decided to take his car. Chase didn't even know if the fucker had his license, but between them, she figured they could handle making an officer go away.

Luckily, they made it without issue, and he parked his car in an alley just to have a little more privacy. Unlike normal, their poor victim probably wasn't going to escape without major scarring.

Chase went inside while Ezra waited. The outfit Ronnie picked managed to conceal the highest concentration of her scales (her arms and the tops of her shoulders) while still exposing enough skin to be intriguing. It didn't take long before she had a guy turning into putty in her hands.

The smile on her face seemed so inviting. Playfully, she took a drink of his beer, then handed the bottle back. And that's all it took. The next drink he took meant he was under her 'spell'.

She looped her arms around his neck and leaned closer, enough to whisper in his ear. "Wanna get out of here?" A few kisses (almost outright bites, honestly) on his neck, and he nodded eagerly.

She led him outside and into the alley, then kissed him in a way that made her internally cringe. It was so much easier to pull men in, but she would've definitely preferred a woman.

As soon as the man stiffened, then relaxed, she stopped, knowing that the endorphins from Ezra's bite were enough to keep him calm.

While Ezra fed, she dug out a small bottle of mouthwash from her purse to get the taste out of her mouth. Her back was still turned when she heard a quiet "uh-oh".

"Everything okay, old man?" She asked after she spit out what was in her mouth.

"Call Ronnie. Now."

She dialed the call and held the phone up to Ezra's ear, not really paying attention to him, until he said, "We need backup. We fucked up again."

And that's when she noticed the man's body crumpled on the dirty ground at Ezra's feet, and the blood dripping all the way down his chin.

Then, the flashing red and blue lights made them freeze.


After the phonecall, Ronnie was quick to go downstairs to alert the others. Harry and Logan were too occupied with making out and Lewis was asleep.

"They're in trouble. Ezra overfed again and—"

Harry let go of Logan and got up, sighing loudly. "Let's get this over with. Babe, would you mind getting Lewis to his room just in case?"

"I'll meet you at the car," he replied, gently nudging his friend awake.

As they walked out the door, Harry and Ronnie went over the plan. It always went the same: Ronnie cast a temporary spell to sneak past everyone, while Harry kept them distracted just to be on the safe side. Then, Ronnie would use the same spell on Chase and Ezra, get them out, and head home.

And it went off without a hitch yet again.

Chase looked absolutely miserable, makeup streaked down her face from a probable attempt at tearfully convincing the officers she wasn't involved. That never worked, but she always kept trying.

Ezra was just bored. He had his fill of blood, and all he really wanted to do was go home and take a nap. But he knew Ronnie would be there to save him, so he wasn't worried.

However, Ronnie wasn't happy when he unlocked the holding cell door. Chase tried to give him a hug, but he gently pushed her away.

As the three of them left, Ronnie cast one final spell, to make everyone on the police force involved with this to forget having seen the pair of monsters.

The ride home was silent, which made Chase so damn anxious. She wished someone would just yell at them already.

Finally, Ronnie and Harry steered the troublemakers into the living room to sit down. Logan joined them then, arms crossed over his chest. Then, in unison, the three of them spoke:

"You're on house arrest."


[ fun fun
my favorite part is the first section wow ]

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