First kiss?
They were always enemies. No one knows why they can't stand each other. What will happen when both of them are invited to the same party.…
They were always enemies. No one knows why they can't stand each other. What will happen when both of them are invited to the same party.…
**READ DESCRIPTION FOR DISCLAIMER**Artemis, Aphrodite, Athena, and Apollo were paying a visit to the mortal realm. ALSO, this will be modernized setting...I don't feel like I could capture ancient Greece perfectly. This is kind of similar to Percy Jackson, in which the setting is in America, but that's about it. The Gods and Goddesses are free to roam around and travel as they see fit. They can't get involved with human disputes, but are allowed to interact with humans, unless it's extremely dire.**DISCLAIMER AND HEADS UP**The photo I used for my cover is a picture I found on Google. Full credit to the owner, as I don't know who owns it. It's a temporary cover until I find a better one that perfectly fits. **Heads up portion** Artemis is a a goddess of purity and hunting. She also has had no romantic relationships and all of her relationships are platonic, so I made this up. Artemis and Aurora are in fact soulmates. Also, Artemis is so used to platonic relationships, she's not quite aware of what romantic feelings are. She was so used to her image in the past, she doesn't have relationships with men. She doesn't really know she's in love with a mortal, at last not yet.I hope you enjoy!…
This awful Percy Jackson and the Olympian's The Titan's Curse fanfic is sure to either send you laughing or lower your I.Q. in a matter of minutes.AretemisMadrai is not responsible for any injuries the reader may receive.This Fanfiction is not originally by AretemisMadrai, nor does AretemisMadrai find this even remotely amusing. THIS MOST DEFINITELY WILL LOWER YOUR I.Q. AND POSSIBLY KILL YOU.…
The Team learns something new about Robin that might shock them completely and bring the team closer than before*Finished*…
**Sequel to The Story of Artemis**The first tale was only the beginning. Artemis and her Winglet, after the map to the Islands and prophecy are received, enter the dangerous world of the Twin Islands. Solar's plans are coming to a close, and the frantic dragonets must find a way to stop her before she takes over the tribes. Secrets are finally going to be revealed as new allies are made. Can they stop her in time? Or are they doomed to bow to the gold tyrant forever? (Written before the events of Escaping Peril. Excuse any inaccuracy )(The Twin Islands and all the tribes who live there belong to me and only me. You may not use them without permission.)…
Ali was prank texting random numbers on her phone when she accidentally texted Zeus, the king of the gods. How do you accidentally text a God, you may ask. Well I can't tell you, that would ruin the book! 😉Anyway, Ali gets in some trouble, makes some immortal friends, and discovers the whole new world of Olympus. Of course, not with ought the occasional sarcastic remark. Oh who am I kidding, this whole book is a sarcastic mess. Well... ENJOY!!! 😊-reeselanzP.s. I haven't gotten around to editing so don't explode the comments telling me. Trust me, I know. I'm just too lazy to fix it. I also wish I could change Ali's age but again- too lazy 😑 I started a while ago but forgot to keep going so pretend she's 16 not 12 😆P.s.s. I started this 3 years ago so the beginning isn't great but I promise it gets better. Trust me.…
✅ completed 👌The full moon slave with the unbreakable curse,Shall returns and the family will divert.Vengeance and hatred he shall seek to pay,Olympus shall be his and his companion's prey. For an oath that made must be believed, Thus, decision contained or blood shall be sheathed. Three times leave and three times return.The concealed heart shall burn.Once stumbles upon a secret that has been kept for nearly three thousands years, Artemis's life is changed forever. With the secret, Artemis has promised to protect him, her half younger brother, Perseus Phoebe. Yet, everything does not follow in order. Percy and Artemis fight along as secrets untangle and obstacles arrive. The rivalry between the two races, gods and werewolves and the struggle to keep Percy alive is becoming formidable. Yet, most of all, Artemis also struggles to discover the unknown feelings slowly flourish in her heart. They must accept their blood and the taboo feelings for both before they lose each other forever. From the creator of the Pertemis series, I bring out the new book Pertemis: A Wolf's Tale…
Dick and artemis have been secretly dateing for two years now. what happens when artemis becomes pregent…
Gjithcka fillon nga fëmijëria e veshtire qe ka kaluar kur ai ishte vetem pese vjec vellai i tij tre vjecar zhduket nje dite papritur por dramat ne familjen e tij nuk mbarojnë me aq shume vite me vone ndodhe serish nje tjeter tragjediGjithcka fillon nga dita kur ai hyri ne shtepi dhe pa te shtrire ne toke dy prindërit e tij Te shikosh te mbuluar me gjak njerezit qe te dhan jeten , dhe te mos jesh i zoti per ti ndihmuar dhe pse bertet me te madhe dhe askush nuk vjen te te ndihmoj ti lusesh qe ata te zgjohen por asnjeri te mos leviz por vuajtja behet edhe me e madhe kur zbulon se motra e tij e vetme nuk ndodhej ne shtepi vogelushja vetem nje vjece nuk ishte ne dhomen e saj edhe perse ai e kerkoi pa fund por nuk arriti ta gjente kurr Kjo eshte historia e nje djali qe kaloi sfida te vështira qe kur ishte vetem dymbëdhjetë vjec dhe nuk zgjodhi kurr rrugen e gabuar per te ecur përpara Historia e nje djali qe u kthye ne nje burr te fort dhe i vendosur per te gjetur vrasësit e prinderve te tij Historia e nje tridhjetë vjecari , nje nga policet me te mire te infiltruar qe kishte ekzistuar ndonjeher nje nga policet qe njerezit vetem emrin i kishin degjuar dhe fytyren nuk ja kishin pare kurr Por duke jetuar vetem me ate synin ai nuk kishte pranuar kurr te krijonte nje famije sepse per te asgje tjeter nuk ishte me e rendesishme se gjetja e tyre por jeta ka te papritura dhe atehere kur nuk e pret mund te takosh edhe ate qe do te te bej te provosh ndjenja qe kurr nuk i ke perjetuar por a do te jet fati me te dhe te ket dashuruar te duhuren? apo mos ndoshta ajo vajze do te jet pike nisja e zbulime te vërtetave te dhimbshme? A do te arrij ai te zbuloj ata qe i shkatërruan jeten? A do te arrij ai te zbuloj se cfare ka ndodhur me vellain dhe motren e tij?A do arrij ai te zbuloj Misteret e së shkuarës ? A do jen ato mistere qe do e bejn te zbuloj gjera te tmerrshme dhe te dhimbshme per te dhe per jeten e tij ?…
What if Percy was cheated on by Annabeth? What if he had dated other girls before that, all who had hurt him in some way? What if he swore of dating for eternity? What if Percy was aloud to join the Hunt? Percy Jackson had gone through three different relationships; all of them ending in pain. He finally has enough when Annabeth cheats on him. So he leaves. He ran away from Camp and into the forest. He bought a bow and quiver from a hunting store and trained himself to be an accurate shooter. When he runs into the Hunters of Artemis, he asks to join the Hunt. He swears of girls and pledges to be loyal to Artemis forever.But what happens when he must return to the place where he was hurt the most: Camp? What happens when he has to face Annabeth? What happens when she asks him to break his oath to Artemis? Will he stay with Artemis and the other Huntresses he has come to know as his sisters? Or will he leave them for Annabeth, the one who betrayed him and missed him when he left? Would you like to know? Then go on my reader. Read on. But do not blame me for the horrors you may unveil...Disclaimer: All characters belong to Rick Riordon. They are not mine (although I wish they were). Only the plot is mine.Enjoy…
[Completed] This takes place after the Deathly Hallows and after the Giant War. Nobody important dies, thankfully, nobody at Hogwarts is a demigod or demigoddess that knows that they are.…
The prince of Sea, Percy Jackson attends Hogwarts for another year. However this year takes a twist, as 2 new transfer students from Brooklyn House of Magic, a private magic school in Brooklyn attend Hogwarts - Sadie Kane and Carter Kane.This year the once glorious championship, the Triwizard Tournament shall take place at Hogwarts. And from one of the magic schools, comes six people, few of them really known to Percy - 5 hunters of Artemis and Moon Goddess herself.The champions of Hogwarts, are two instead of one. Both of them are underage wizards - Peter Johnson aka Percy Jackson and Harry Potter. Without Percy knowing what Voldemort has to do with him, and how to pass this series of match, making sure both he and Harry survives, with Artemis on his tail trying to convince Percy to return to Olympus every time, and of course jealousy and anger from his friends, to say he is tensed will be the understatement on the era.Follow Percy in his journey to survive the Triwizard tournament, along with Harry and the others.…
Artemis, the beloved daughter of sovereign Zeus and rich-haired Leto, was born through passion and blessed with gifts. She was also the most beautiful among the Olympians. Her whims and desires could change the course of human destiny. No goddess had more freedom and intriguing life than the immortal huntress. With the rest of her chosen Nymphai, though all are lovely, there is no mistaking which one she is. Artemis with her flowing golden hair and golden limbs is alike her twin brother Apollo, a delighter in arrows and the silver bow. She, too, enjoys the company of beautiful maidens. Though her life was full of adventures and thrills, there were also tragedies. |Lesbian Retelling of Greek Mythology|…
The first book of 🅃𝚑𝚎 🄼𝚊𝚕𝚎 🄷𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚘𝚏 🄰𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚒𝚜 🅂𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜. Ha! You really thought that Artemis was a maiden goddess for eternity? You are very wrong. Though it was no one's intention (except Aphrodite's,) Artemis's maidenhood was put to an end. Artemis never knew about this. It's her child's duty to tell her.…
Lt. Wren 'Atlas' Donahue is returning to Top Gun to train for an elite mission. Rivalries from her time at the academy and a certain distracting pilot are sure to make the mission more interesting. (Bradley Bradshaw x oc) -Completed…
The war affected everyone in its own way. Families were constantly living in fear, soldiers had to face the reality that they might not live to see the next day.But that all changed when the dragonets brought the Sandwing heirs together, and Thorn was crowned Queen. From this they created an Academy, for dragons of all tribes to come together. Artemis is one of these dragons.As her parent's compassion for each other and their family deteriorates, the two Nightwings decide they've had enough of them and enroll Artemis and her eldest sister into Jade Mountain. Of the three newly added Winglets, she's enrolled in Opal, and is relieved to know she isn't the only peculiar one in it. But before they know it, Artemis and her friends are faced with a prophecy, and a dark secret. New continents, new tribes, new enemies. They face the biggest threat to Pyhrria since the end of the war.Gold, silver, sun and moon, the scales have tipped. This is the story of Artemis.(Please keep in mind that this story was written right after Moon Rising, before any of the other books of Tui's second series. Excuse any inaccuracy. Consider this an AU)…
Guardians are meant to protect their charges to their dying breath, but what if that guardian is known for doing the impossible? Find out by reading Lunar's Plight!…
Perseus (Percy) Jackson, with the seven, has came out of the giant war victorious. Percy decides to stay at camp to help rebuild and strength their defenses. Once, Percy and the camp have finished the rebuild Percy goes on a quest for Athena, to gain her approval and permission to marry Annabeth. He is greeted with a surprise, upon his return however. Meanwhile on Olympus, the tensions are boiling yet again. Not because of a threat to all of Olympus, but the threat of civil war. Poseidon and Hades both thinking it is their right to rule, Apollo wishing to escape punishment, Athena thinking her father's actions will be Olympus's downfall. Others join them, who agree that Zeus is a terrible king. Still, there are those who remain loyal to the king, but there are those who choose to remain neutral in fear for they do not wish to be punished if they choose wrong.On top of the threats of war the relations between demigods and their parents both sour and get better, depending on the god/goddesses. Will the gods neglect/care for their children become the deciding factor of the war that's brewing.Disclaimer: I do not own the characters or general setting/theme/world of this fanfic. That belongs to Rick Riordan as this is diverged from PJO/HOO.Author's Note: This may end up being a two or more book series I haven't decided yetstorynote:AN: = author's note() = used when inside a paragraph for the above thing…
this is a fanfict story about my hero origins (artemis point of view) in this story i will tell u about artemis secretly being a demi-god, of course artemis self doesnt know about this untill later on their might be some bloopers here and there between the chapters idk for sure though, (quick explantion)artemis had to get away from his home place because of evil entities apearing out of no where, it wasnt save anymore for the young demi-god to grow up, his parents knew what to do and entrusted their son to the humans, here we see how artemis slowly regains his powers and memories about his past that were stolen from him...i hope you enjoyalso i made this story on my own- my ideas no other stories involved before everyones gonna say i stole it- i have been thinking about this story line for weeks so dont come to me that i stole it from another person, no insperations no copy paste just my own mind ALSO STORY PIC MADE BY MY FRIEND BENJAMIN THEY ALSO MAKES AMAZING STORIES DONT FOGET TO CHECK THEM OUT!…