do it all the time || idk relationship stuff

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[ hi yeah important info right below!! // song is by idkhow

book five!! the first intro part has been posted!! the cover is the purple one!! i'll be doing between five and ten more parts in this one, then starting in that one!!

stay safe,
lew. ]


Lewis joins Logan out on the balcony, looking over the twinkling lights of the city below. Surprisingly, the noise of the city isn't present, allowing the two of them to feel sort of alone, in a weird way.

Logan's sat on the bench, smoking a joint. A rarity, given that most of the time, he does this in the company of those friends that Lewis doesn't necessarily approve of.

Lewis sits down next to him, lacing their fingers together as he leans against the taller man. "Tomorrow's the last day of this leg of tour. I can't wait to go home and sleep in my own bed."

Logan exhales, giving his boyfriend a lazy, teasing sort of smile as he remarks, "Or you can't wait until you're sleeping in my bed."

"Either one works for me." He waits until Logan draws in another drag from his joint, then 'borrows' it from him. He takes a hit off of it, then comments, "One of these days, someone from the hotel or management is gonna catch us doing this and throw us the hell out."

Logan snorts. "Newsflash, babe, but our tour manager is a giant pothead. He'd probably join us."

"Okay, true. Or at the very least, he'd send Jon to 'supervise' us and Jon would smoke the rest of our shit."

They lapse into silence, Logan occasionally kissing Lewis' forehead and Lewis rubbing his thumb over Logan's. It's comfortable. They might not remember what city they're in, but they're together, and that's what matters.

Lewis kept dozing off in the middle of conversations. Logan didn't really mind it all that much, because he at least knew his boy was getting some sleep.

Of course, it probably didn't help that he kept rubbing Lewis' back or playing with his hair, both actions calming enough to doze off during.

Lewis had nodded off in the middle of a sentence, curled against Logan's side in the backseat of the minivan the band was using while performing at this festival thing. The four of them had went out after their set to get dinner, and after electing Spencer their designated driver, they got drinks as well.

Tipsy Lewis was cute, although very drunk Lewis was a goddamn nightmare. Tipsy Lewis fumbled for Logan's hand underneath the table, grinning up at him with reddened cheeks and pure affection in his eyes. Tipsy Lewis kept giggling at the most random things, that smile never leaving his face. And, probably the best (or most annoying, depending on Logan's mood) thing about tipsy Lewis, when they were away from prying eyes, he cuddled as close as he could, surreptitiously giving the other man kisses wherever he could.

This wasn't a very comfortable position, but hey, it was sweet and cute and very gay and that's all i ask for in life


[ i'm tired and can't stop yawning oops ]

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