I really like her; why can't I tell her?" Crona was pacing his room.
"Because you know a women like her would never like you!" Ragnarok bluntly injected.
"B-but she is always s-smiling a-at me a-and s-she al-always notices me!" He tried to tell him.
"She's like that with everyone! She's nice to everyone you idiot!"
There was knock at the door and Crona jumped. "C-come in."
"Hey you, you coming to school today?" You asked peering from behind the door.
"Y-yeah." Crona quietly replied hoping you hadn't heard his conversation with Ragnarok.
"No he's not! He's tired of this smelly school and you coming down here every morning to get him like he's some child!" Ragnarok liked you, but in a way he was trying to help Crona by pushing you away.
"Is that true Crona?" You were trying to not let him see your eyes water up a bit.
Crona froze he couldn't understand why Ragnarok would say something like that. "Crona's just too nice to tell a stupid girl like you the truth. See even now he's frozen because he just didn't want to hurt you."
"Crona?" You asked in a trembling voice, but he only looked down making it seem true. You looked down and forced your voice to seem level and let your (h/l) (h/c) hair cover your face. "I didn't know you felt that way Crona; I'll ask someone else to come get you from now on. I'm truly sorry that I didn't see how this was affecting you. I'll probably ask Maka to do it, so after this morning I won't be down in your room again. I am really sorry but we should get going to class, o-okay." You mentally slapped yourself; you were doing so well until the end when your voice just had to crack.
"(y/n), are you okay?" Crona was stepping closer to you. You only nod though. "Y-you k-know..." he trailed off, "what R-ragnarok sa-said wasn't true. I-I-I...." Silence fell for a while. "I-I-I act-actually r-re-really l-l-li-like s-seeing y-you e-every m-mo-mor-morning." He was just a stumbling mess and you looked up. His light pink hair was everywhere and a bright red covered his face.
"C-Crona, yo-you're blushing, why?"
He covered his face; he couldn't take it anymore and let his little rant out. "IreallyreallylikeyouIthinkandIjustdon'tknowhowtodealwithitanymore." He let out a gasp for saying all of that in one breath. Then he tensed up when he felt a pressure around him and uncovered his face to see your bright (e/c) eyes staring up at him with a glowing smile.
"I really like you too, Crona." You hugged him and rested your head on his shoulder; eventually he relaxed and hugged you back resting his head on yours. You giggled then kissed his cheek.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Ragnarok was out again. "I want a kiss too!" He whined.
You got on your tippy-toes and kissed his cheek too. Then kissed Crona on the lips quickly and giggled and ran to the entrance of his room. "Come on Crona we have to get to class!" You called then started walking out.
"Y-yeah, okay." He followed you and caught up holding your hand the whole way to class.
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