"Switch!" Asuna yells. Kirito attacks the monster with full force, killing it. Or so you all thought.
The particles of the dissolving monster split and built back up to become two separate monsters.
You curse under your breath. The first monster had drained away most of your HP, and you were weaponless. More or less weaponless. You had a sword in your inventory, but it was on the verge of breaking, and you were quite fond of the sword.
While Asuna and Kirito are fighting, you're just standing there, doing nothing except watching them. And that makes you angry. You open your inventory and fly through it, searching for a spell that could fix your sword, or a potion to give you super strength.
A shrill scream pierces the air, causing the hairs on your neck to stand straight up. You whip around to see Asuna; doubled over in pain; with a claw stuck in her abdomen. Time seems to slow down as she falls to the ground. Kirito races towards her, and you pull out your sword.
You can tell that as soon as you defeat the monsters, your sword will be broken. But that doesn't matter. They just severely injured a friend. You swing at the monsters, finishing each off with one hit only. Just as you predicted, your sword disintegrates right after.
You look back towards at Kirito, who's cradling Asuna in his arms. She reaches up to touch his face, and you see her whispering three words. Feelings slice through your heart. Sadness, remorse and jealousy. Sadness because you're watching her die, remorse that you couldn't save her, and jealousy that Asuna gets to die in the arms of her loved one.
And just like that, she's gone.
-timeskip 2 months later-
Things in SAO have changed considerably. There's hope for beating the games, even more than ever before. But the one thing that hasn't changed is the black cloud in your heart.
Kirito keeps telling you it wasn't your fault that Asuna died.
"But I could've healed her." You would tell him.
"It would've drained the rest of your HP. I couldn't live with myself if you had died."
"But you would be holding her in your arms, right now."
It's been days since you last talked to Kirito. You purposefully distanced yourself from him so you wouldn't hurt him again, and so you wouldn't fall harder for him.
Whenever you thought of Kirito, you would then think of Asuna, and how you failed to save her.
"(Your name)?" Klein's voice snaps you from your thoughts.
"What do you want?"
"What do I want?"
"To eat?"
"Oh. I'll have (favorite food) and (favorite drink)."
He goes to order, and you sink back into your chair.
"Way to look like a deer in headlights." Klein says jokingly.
"C'mon, (Your Name). Brighten up! Just think, in a few more weeks, we'll be out of this place."
"You okay? You haven't even touched your food." He notices the distant look on your face. "Don't you tell me that your still holding yourself responsible."
"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not."
"If you are, don't. Kirito even told you not to." The door to restaurant opens. "Speaking of the devil," Klein grins.
"Hey Klein." You freeze. "Hey y/n." Kirito says.
You stand up, almost knocking over your drink. "Excuse me," you mutter and run out of the restaurant. Weaving throgh the crowds, you hear someone chasing you and calling your name. Kirito.
You attempt to lose him by making sharp turns, but he continues to follow you. Eventually you make it to the forest, completely out of breath.
"Why are you avoiding me?" Kirito asks.
"And why are you chasing after me?"
"(Your name), I'm worried. You haven't been yourself in a while." A look of understanding crosses his face. "You're still blaming yourself, aren't you?" You nod. "But don't."
"And why not? I did nothing but sit there. Look at what good that did! My best friend and your girlfriend is gone!"
"Who said she was my girlfriend?"
"I thought... but... she said three words before she died."
"She said 'live for me', (Your Name), nothing else."
"Then... why are you chasing me?" You ask him calmly
"Because I want to spend my life with you." You gape at him. "Cheesy, right?" He scratches the back of his head awkwardly.
You throw yourself onto him, hugging him tight. "That isn't cheesy," You laugh, burying your head into his shoulder. You mumble something indistinct, but Kirito understood what you were saying.
"I love you too, (Your Name)."
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