Never had Sebastian left so weak. No matter how hard he tried to resist, he ended up giving into the temptation over and over again. It was like a drug, something that settled itself into the back of his mind. Or maybe even a curse.
Funny how a demon could be cursed in such a way.
His red eyes watched everything. Not missing even one movement. He felt his heart flutter lightly, and a strange feeling started to grow in his stomach. Was the feeling hunger? It's been quite some time since he last had a nice soul.
No, it was defiantly not hunger. It was something much more. Something more powerful. Something he couldn't resist.
"Just pet the goddamn cat already." you snapped at the butler that had crouched down next to the black and white kitten. The said demon swallowed thickly as he slowly reached out to touch the fur. The cat purred happily at the touch and got closer to Sebastian.
You could have sworn you saw your dear demon boyfriend blush, but it might have been you imagination. He always got like this when he saw a cat, no matter the situation.
"So soft..." Sebastian murmured as he continued petting the cat.
"Sebastian, people are staring." you commented, but Sebastian ignored it and continued paying attention to the creature in front of him, not caring that he was sitting in the middle of the road.
The tall butler suddenly stood up and turned to face you with the kitten in his arms. His eyes shone slightly, and he almost looked excited. You knew what the look meant. And it didn't mean anything good.
"No Sebastian, put it down." Sebastian stared at you with pitiful eyes "Master Ciel is allergic. You'll end up killing him with that."
Sebastian leaned in closer to you, his face only inches away from yours.
"Please." he whispered with a teasing tone in his voice. You blushed and looked away from his red eyes.
"Y-you'll end up paying more attention to the cat than me." you muttered.
"I don't think that is possible, (Your Name)." he whispered again, this time even closer to your ear "After all, you're my obsession." a not so healthy blush decorated your cheeks, making the women around you giggle at how 'romantic' Sebastian was being. "Besides, I'll make it up to you.."
"Take that stupid cat and let's go." you huffed as you quickly started to make your way back to the mansion. Sebastian chuckled as he watched you. You were so easy to control.
"Yes, my love." he bowed slightly, even if you couldn't see before he followed you, the cat happily in his arms.
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