I walked out the airship and saw Korra playing with Naga. She threw the ball in the air and Naga jumped up to catch it. She ran back to us and dropped it in front of Korra. Korra used her airbending and spun the ball around, then punched it into the air, and Naga chased after it again.
I walked over and stood next to Lin. I felt some crawl up my leg and looked to see what it was. It was Pabu. "Well, hi." I chuckle. Lin looked at me then Pabu.
"While you're playing fetch, four of the most dangerous criminals in the world are hunting you down. We should get moving." Lin said.
Pabu crawled on top of my head and sat there.
"Relax. We just got here. Besides, no one knows where I am right now except us." Korra said.
Naga came over to us and dropped the ball in front of Lin.
"I think she wants you to throw it for her." Korra says. "I'll pass. Thanks." Lin said.
"We just got a call on the radio about another airbender." Asami said approaching us. "Finally. Where are they?" Korra asked happily. "A city called Zaofu, the home of the metal clan." Mako said.
I held in a laugh and looked at Lin.
"You know the place?" Korra asked looking at Lin.
"Uh, never been but I dont want you going. I'd rest a lot easier if you were back safe in Republic City." Beifong said. "Sorry, but if theres an airbender in Zaofu, then thats where were going." Korra said and walked away.
Lin just sighed and frowned. Naga growled and rolled the ball closer to Lin with her nose. Pabu jumped off me and onto Bolin. I watched as everyone else went inside the airship.
Lin flung her arm out and popped the ball with her cables.
"Seriously?" I cross my arms. "Yep." Lin said and walked away.
Naga lied down and moved the ball with her snout. I bent down and softly pat Naga on the head. "She's just mad cause she has to see her sister." I say. "I'll get you a new ball." I said and walked away, getting onto the airship.
"Wow, wow, wow! An entire city made of metal, whoo!" Bolin cheers. "You should be right at home Beifong." Bolin said.
Lin hummed and looked out the window from the couch. I looked behind me to look at her. "What?" She mouthed. I shake my head and walk over to her.
"Not excited, huh?" I cross my arms and lean against the wall. "It's my sister, why would I be excited?" She asked. "You cant just sit here forever." I say. "Watch me." She said. "Fine." I roll my eyes.
"Yeah?" Bolin yelled, running to the door.
"Aren't you coming?" Asami asked. "What's there to see? It's metal, big whoop." Lin said. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Just find the airbender, and let's get moving. And don't tell anyone I'm here." She said. "Why not?" Asami asked. "I dont need to explain myself to you. Just do what I say." Lin says. "Fine. You got it, chief cranky pants." Korra said and walked away.
We walked off the airship and were greeted by two guards and an older man around the age of 60. He had his hand wrapped around his fist.
"Avatar Korra, it is an honor to meet you. My name is Aiwei." He said giving a small bow.
"Thanks for having us." Korra said returning the bow.
"Is this everyone?" He asked. "Yep, just us. So, can I meet the new airbender?" Korra asked. "Of course, right this way." Aiwei said.
We all walked into the rounded tunnel and the metalbenders put the gate up, then the platform moved down.
We got onto a train that led us through the city.
Bolin was right up on the window looking at the buildings with amazement.
"That statue honors the first metalbender, Toph Beifong, who expanded the possibilities of what benders were capable of. Here, everyone is encouraged to reach his or her highest potential." Aiwei said.
"Does Toph live here? Are are gonna get to meet her?" Bolin asked happily. "I'm afraid not. She used to visit from time to time, but years ago, she left to wander the world in search of enlightenment. No one has seen her since." Aiwei said. Bolin sighed unhappily.
"Wow, is this where the airbender lives?" Korra asked. "Yes, but first, her mother wants to meet you." The older man said.
We walked to a really tall door that was already open. As we walked in I noticed that the people were... dancing for combat?
"Is this some kind of combat training?" Korra asked. "Not exactly. They are rehearsing for a dance premiere next month." Aiwei says.
The two girls that were swinging from the ceiling dropped into the metal flower, then the other people scooped them up, creating a sead and another flower. The metal flower pedals came down and revealed two girls.
The dark grey haired woman slightly turned around and noticed us.
"That's is for today, everyone." She said clapping.
She sounded familiar to me, but I couldn't make the voice out. Once she turned around I realized who she was. Suyin.
She smiled and waved at me.
"Allow me to introduce the matriarch of the metal clan, Suyin." Aiwei said.
"Please, call me Su." Su said. "And this must be Mako, Bolin, and Asami." She said. "You've done your research." Mako said. "I make it my business to know who's visiting my city." Suyin says.
"So, you're a dancer?" Korra asked. "Dancer, leader, wife, mother, collector of rare meteorites. You'll find people here have many skills and interests." She said.
"Are you apart of team Avatar too, Keira?" Su asked me. "No, I just came along." I say.
"You two know each other?" Asami asked us. "Of course we do. We grew up together." Su says smiling.
Aiwei whispered something into Su's ear.
"Korra, why did you lie when Aiwei asked if there was anyone else with you?" Su asked.
"What? I- I didnt." Korra said nervously. I noticed Bolin had his hands over his mouth. "I mean.. how did you know I was lying?" Korra asks.
"I'm a truth seer. When people lie their heart rate and breathing increase. I can sense the most subtle of changes." Aiwei says.
"Thanks to Aiwei, there are no secrets in our city." Su said looking at Aiwei. Korra looked defeated.
"We brought Republic City's chief of police. She didnt want anyone to know she was here. I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Korra says.
"Lin's here? Well I would love to say hello." She said.
"Wait you two know each other?" Korra asked.
"You're joking right? Oh, Lin never told you about me." "No, why would she?" "I'm Lin's sister." Su says.
Now that Su knows Lin is here, she's going to say hi, which will make this trip longer than it has to be.
Lin was leaning her arm against the window, looking at the city.
"I found out why you were so against coming here." Korra said getting Lin's attention, causing her to turn around and frown once she saw her sister. "Why didn't you ever tell me you had a sister?"
"Half-sister." Lin corrected.
"Same mom, different dads. So what Were blood, Lin. And after 30 years, the least you could do is say hello." Su said.
"I have nothing to say to you." Lin replies.
"You two haven't spoken in 30 gears? How come?" Korra asks.
"Ask her. I've tried." Su said gesturing to Lin.
"Oh, don't put that on me. You're the one who tore our family apart." Lin said pointing at Su. "And you've done a bang up job keeping it that way." Su replied. "You haven't changed one bit, have you?"
"Look, we can't stand here arguing about the past all day, but that's not the reason the Avatar came here. My daughter is thrilled to meet you." Su says.
"Lin, your niece is the new airbender. Isn't that amazing?" Korra said happily.
"Yeah. Terrific." Lin says unphased with her arms crossed.
We got introduced to all of Su's kids except for the one who got airbending. We were on our way to see her next.
The young girl had short hair and bright green eyes. She's definitely Suyin's daughter that's for sure.
"Wow, Avatar Korra. I can't believe your actually here. You are so amazing." She said. "It's great to meet you too, Opal." Korra said.
"Opal? That's a beautiful name." Bolin said. "Thanks." Opal says tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. "I'm Bolin."
"I think Bolin likes her." I whisper to Lin. She just hummed and rolled her eyes. I roll my eyes back to mock her.
"Opal, but, uh, you already knew that." Opal said nervously and shrugged.
I watched as Lin walked over to Korra and Opal.
"Great. We found the airbender. Let's take her back to the airship and get out of here." She said.
"And the woman apparently trying to abduct you is your aunt Lin." Su said.
"Really? I always wanted to meet you. My mom has told me so many stories about you." Opal said, causing Lin to cross her arms and look away. "I'm sure she has."
"So, I've set all of you up in the guest houses while Korra trains Opal." Su said. "Oh, I'm sorry but I was hoping she could train with the rest of the airbenders at the Northern Temple." Korra says. "Nonsense. This is where Opal's home and family are. You can train her here." The younger Beifong said. "I guess I could help her get stared." The Avatar said.
"Absolutely not. We're leaving." Lin interrupts.
"She's just a little worried because there are a bunch of crazy criminals after me." "If you're concerned about security don't be. This is the safest city in the world." Suyin said. Lin just rolled her eyes.
"Now, I'll see you all at dinner, and come hungry. My chef will blow the taste buds right out of your mouth." She said.
"And also, one of you guys are gonna need to share a room. There's four guestrooms open." Su said.
"My brother and I are sharing a room." Mako said. "I figured that. But it still leaves all the rooms filled. Everyone is getting their own room except the two brothers and someone else. You guys can decide who, it doesn't matter." Su said and walked away.
"Why do you have such a problem with your sister? She seems nice." Korra said turning to Lin. "Come on, we can stay a little while." Lin just grumbled and looked the other way.
"So about these rooms, whos sharing with who?" Asami asked. "Well, considering Mako and Bolin are getting their own room which fills one guestroom, you and Korra get your own and so does Lin." I say. "But that leaves you without a guestroom." Korra said. "I can bunk with Lin if she let's me." I say looking at her. "Fine." She sighed. "Then it's settled." I said.
We all sat in the dining room while the chef brought out the food, which smelled delicious.
I sat next to Asami, Mako and Bolin, on the other side of her, was Opal next to Bolin.
"Tonight, for your dining pleasure, I present a seared wild Kyoshi elephant koi, paired with ginger-fused pea tendril and hibiscus root salad." The chef said. "Stunning." Su said and the chef walked away.
"Sorry, dear, I'm going to have to take dinner in my office. I just had a major breakthrough on the tram station remodel." A man said standing in the doorway, another kid behind him carrying a stack of papers. "Well, don't let me get in the way of inspiration." "You're the best." He replied to Su.
"That was my brilliant architect of a husband, Baatar, and our oldest son. He engineers all of my husband's projects." Su said.
"Five kids. What a nightmare." Lin said.
"No, no, my children are a blessing." "Yeah, mom used to say that too, but she never meant it." Lin says.
The food was great, I gotta admit it. It was some if the best food I've had in a while actually.
As I was eating, the two older Beifongs just had to start an argument. They can never go five minutes without arguing.
"Hey everyone, my little sister is an expert on world affairs now." Lin said.
"You wanna talk about what's really bugging you? Because I'm right here." Su says frowning and turning to her sister. Lin just looked at her sister.
"I'm gonna head back to the guestroom. And Su, the food was amazing." I say. "Thank you, Keira. Have a good night." Su said with a smile. I return the gesture.
I made my way out of the Beifong house and into the guestrooms.
I plopped down on the couch and sighed. I left dinner early cause I didn't want to deal with Su and Lin bickering at each other night. Nobody wants to see that.
I stood up and took my armor off, setting it on the floor next to the couch. I took my sweats and my long sleeve shirt off, leaving me in a black t-shirt and shorts. I lied down on the couch for a bit since it was nice and quiet.
I got off the couch and made my way to the bathroom to brushed my teeth. As I was brushing my teeth, I heard the door open and slam shut. I quickly ran out the bathroom with the toothbrush still in my mouth and created a blue flame in my hand, only to realize it was Lin in a bad mood. I made a fist, the flame disappearing.
"What-" "I don't want to talk about it." Lin says cutting me off from my words. She walked into the bedroom and closed the door.
I sigh and finished brushing my teeth.
I walked to the kitchen and grab a water for Lin and I. I knocked on the bedroom door and it opened, revealing Lin in a tank top and her police sweats.
"Here. I figured you might want one." I say handing her the water. "Thanks." She says taking the water. I hum and nod then sat back on the couch.
Lin walked out the room with a newspaper and sat on single chair sofa.
"Why'd you leave dinner early?" She asked. "Cause I didn't want to hear you and your sister argue. I had to deal with it back then and I'm not dealing with it again." I say. "I wouldn't want to sit through it either." She says and opened the newspaper.
There was an awkward silence between us. I just sat there, staring off into space, when it was interrupted by a knock at the door.
"Who is it?" Lin asked.
"Hey, it's me. I brought someone who wants to talk to you." Korra says. She moved aside and Opal walked in. Lin sighed and set the newspaper down.
"You want to talk, then talk." She said and folded her arms.
"I'm sorry being here has been so hard for you." Opal said and walked closer. "When your showed up, I was so excited to get to know you, I heard so many great things about you from mom and grandma Toph. So I guess I was kind of sad when you didn't wanna get to know me. Believe me, I know my family can be a little crazy and overwhelming sometimes, but I would love it so much if you would be apart of it." Opal said.
"Get out." Lin said.
"Sorry. Did I say something something wrong?" Opal asked worried.
"Get out!" Lin repeated.
I watched as Opal's eyes filled with tears and she ran out the room.
"What's your problem? Don't get mad at Opal. I asked her to talk to you because i thought it would help you snap out of whatever funk you're in, but I guess I was wrong." Korra said.
Lin quickly stood up from her seat and looked at Korra.
"Why don't you focus on fixing the world and stop trying to fix my family." She said.
"Su's right. You're never gonna change. You're always gonna be a bitter, lonely woman." Korra said and walked out, closing the door.
Lin turned around and started softly crying, thinking I wouldn't notice.
I stood up and walked over to her, removing her hands from her face. I used my thumb and wiped the tears off of her face. I grabbed the bottle of water off the table and pressed it to her forehead. Luckily it was still cold.
"You need to calm down and get your anger issues under control. You're burning up right now." I said. "It's kind of difficult to do that when I'm around my sister." She said. "You'll get over it. I promise." I sigh.
"Come on, you need some sleep." I say. She nodded and I walked her to the bedroom. I covered her up and turned the lamp off. I went to walk away but she grabbed my arm.
"Can you stay in here tonight?" She asked. "Uh, sure." I say and made my way to the other side of the bed, getting under the covers.
"Do you think I was too harsh on Opal?" Lin asked. "Yeah. I understand you were mad and upset, but there was no reason to yell at her." I say. Lin sighed and rubbed her face. "Honestly, you should say sorry." I said. "I should." She said agree with me.
Not too long after our small conversation, she started softly snoring, meaning she was asleep. After a while I fell asleep myself.
sorry for any grammar mistakes, i didnt re-read this chapter.
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