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I woke up to some yelling and checked the time, seeing it was 8am. I felt a weight around my waist so I look over to see Lin's arms wrapped around me and her leg was draped over my leg. I had my fingers interlocked behind my head. I moved slightly which caused Lin to wake up. She realized she was almost lying on top of me and quickly moved.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep like that." She said. "It's fine." I say.

I reached over to turn the clock off, not realizing I was on the edge of the bed and fell off.

"Are you okay?" Lin chuckled, leaning over the bed. "Yep." I groan as I get up.

"Also, Su wanted to meet for breakfast. Are you coming?" I ask. "No." She said and covered. "Alright then." I said.


"Hey, has anyone seen chief beifong?" Mako asked.

Asami, Korra, Su, Opal, Bolin and Mako were all at breakfast.

"She's probably off sulking in her room." Korra said. "I know she has a problem with me, but she had no right to yell at Opal like that." Su says.

Wing and Wei ran into the room and grabbed some apples.

"All set for your power disc game today, guys?" Su asked looking at her kids.

"Yeah, all set to kick Wei's butt." Wing said.

"I'm going to power disc your face." Wei said.

Wing bit into his apple and Wei hit him in his stomach, causing him to almost barf. He swallowed and sighed.

"You should come play with us." Wei said to Korra. "Oh, I don't think I'd be much competition since I can't metalbend." She said.

"Really? Lin never offered to train you?" Su asked, looking a little upset about it. "Nope, and I guess I never thought to bring it up because I was learning to airbend, then there was the pro-bending, then I got tied up fighting the equalists. It was a busy few months." Korra said.

"Well, it's probably for the best. I'm sure Lin would be a horrible teacher." Su chuckled.

"As the Avatar, you should have mastery over all the elements. I'd be happy to show you the basics." Su said. "Really? That would be great." Korra replied.

"You should try it too." Opal said looking at Bolin. "Uh, nah, I'm more of an earth guy. The dirt, rocks, you know, maybe some light gravel. That's kind of where my heart is." Bolin says.

"Okay, earth guy. Well, let me know if you change your mind." Su says.

Suddenly everything metal started shaking I'm glad I dont got my armor on or I'd be going wherever the metal is going. The spoon in Bolin's mouth started wiggling and flew out of his mouth. Once everything starting flying towards the door, everyone ducked.

"It worked!" Varrick yelled.

I poke my head up to see Varrick in a metal suit with all the metal plates and silverware magnetically attached to it.

"Zhu-Li, mark it down. Magnet suit test successful. Power down." He said. He held his arms out and all the silverware and plates dropped to the floor. "On to phase two- Zhu-Li cleans up this mess." Varrick says stepping over all the plates and walking away. Zhu-Li sighed and held her head down.

"What in the world..?" I ask super confused. "Don't question it. He does stuff like that on a daily basis." Suyin says.

"Keira?" Korra asked. I hum and she looked at me nervously. "Since you can lightningbend, could you maybe teach me that after I train with Su?"

"I can lightingbending, how come you didn't ask me?" Mako asked crossing his arms. "You're just mad because Keira is a better firebender than you." Korra says. I furrow my eyebrows and look between them. They stared at each other with their arms crossed.

"I'm.. gonna go. I got shit to do." I say pointing towards the door and walked out a couple seconds later.

I walked back to the guestroom and put my armor on. Once I had my armor on I went back outside and sat on the steps. I created a flame with my hand. I made little fire figures walking hand in hand, skipping down the streep. Whatever I think about, the flame turns into. I watched the flame turn into this morning when Lin and I were in bed. I quickly put the flame out and sigh.

"What was that?" Lin asked. "Oh, just- I dont know." I shrug with a cheesy smile. "Do it again." She said. I created the flame again, but thought about something else. I turned the flame into Lin and used the red as shadowing.

"Wow." Lin said, actually interested in it.

She groaned and rubbed her head.

"You okay?" I ask. "Mhm." She hums.

I saw her look past me and I turned around to see two guards talking. Lin started walking towards them.

"Lin, leave them alone." I say. She ignored me and kept walking over to them. I walked over to the railing and leaned against it, sighing.

"What do you two think you're doing? Get back to work." I heard Lin say. I turn around saw Lin about to scold them. She groaned and held her head again.

I saw Aiwei walk over to her so I jumped down from the railing and walked over to them.

"Is everything all right here?" Aiwei asked.

"The Avatar is in danger and these two knuckleheads are just standing around chitchatting." Lin says.

"They're probably on lunch." I say defending them.

"Dont worry, Zaofu is the most secure city in the world." Aiwei said putting a hand on Lin's shoulder. Lin brushed his hand off her shoulder. "I'll be the judge of that." She said.

"I'm going to check every inch of this place." Lin said and tried to walk away until Aiwei stopped her.

"Lin, you do not have to work while you are here. You need to relax." He said.

"I'm fine." Lin said and groaned in pain again, holding her neck.

"Doesn't take a truthseer to know that you are under a dangerous amount of stress. If you dont deal with your repressed feelings, there will be a severe consequence to your health and your job." Aiwei said.

"I'm not interested in talking about my feelings." Lin said. "You wont have to say a word." Aiwei replied. "I know a great acupuncturist in town who will be able to help you." He said and pulled a card out, giving it to her. She took the card and looked at it for a couple seconds.

Lin groaned again and stumbled, but I caught her before she smacked the ground.

"Do you mind going with her, Keira? I don't want her collapsing out of no where." Aiwei asked. "Yeah, I'll take her." I said helping Lin up. Aiwei nodded and walked away.

"Taking your armor off might help." I say. She nodded and went back to the guestroom to take the armor off.


I sat in the chair and watched as the acupuncturists slowly stuck needles in Lin's acupoints.

"How many of those things are you gonna stick in me?" Lin asked. "I'll be placing several needles on each of your acupoints. There's nothing to be scared about." The acupuncturist said.

"I'm not afraid of needles." Lin said.

"Please close your eyes and take a deep breath." He said.

Lin took in a huge sigh and let it out.

"This process will correct the imbalances of your chi. Please tell me if you feel any pain or pressure." "I can't feel a thing." She said. "Thats unusual. Your chi must be powerfully blocked." He said holding his hand to his chin thinking. "Were going to need more needles." He said and grabbed more needles, doing the same routine as before.

"Acupuncture often taps into people's buried memories. These memories can sometimes be difficult to process." He says.

Lin scoffed. "Buried memories, uh-huh."

"Can you tell me whats been going on with her?" The acupuncturist asked me. "I don't know. She wont open up to me, or anyone." I say. "She needs to talk about these kind of things. It could really harm her mental health." He says. "Trust me, I've tried to get her to open up but she won't." I said and he hummed.

"I'm gonna go. I'll be back soon." I say and stood up. "Okay, bye ma'am." He smiled.


I sat on the ground and watched as Korra practiced her metalbending skills. She was doing pretty good too.

"Congratulations. You're the first metalbending Avatar." Su said.

"So, um, I've been thinking, and I'd like to try to learn metalbending. I mean, I'm sure you have a waiting list or something, like, a couple years, so.." Bolin said nervously. "Let's get started." Su said and put a hand on his shoulder.

The ground cracked and shook. I turned around, balancing myself, and saw Lin staring at Su.

"I think Lin is mad about something." Bolin whispered to us.

"Su, it's time we talk." Lin said panting.

"After 30 years, you're finally reading to talk?" Su asked.

"When we were in moms office that day," Lin said walking closer to Su. "you could have taken responsibility for what you did. But instead you stayed quiet and let mom throw her whole career away." Lin says.

"Mom didn't throw her career away. She retired the next year. She was a hero." Su said. "You think she wanted to retire?She was so guilt ridden about what she did to protect you, she didn't feel worthy of her badge." "Look, I admit that I was not a perfect kid and I've made some mistakes in the past, but-" Lin scoffed. "You made some mistakes?" "Lin, mom and I ready talked about this out years ago and worked things out. If you'd had gotten together with us like we'd asked, you would know that I'm a different person now. I've been a different person for a long time." Su said.

"You think just because you live in a big, fancy house and have a chef who cooks you fancy food that you're a different person? Maybe you can fool everyone else, but you can't fool me. I see right through you." Lin said frowning.

"You know what, Lin? You're the one who hasn't changed. You're still a bitter loner who only cares about herself. No wonder why Tenzin ended things with you years ago." Su said.

And that is what set Lin off.

Lin stomped her foot on the ground, levitating it and throwing it at her sister. Su stuck her arm out, breaking the rock into pieces.

"Okay, I guess this is how is has to be." Suyin said.

Su swung her arm out and a tremor hit the metal sheet under Lin, popping her up. She swung her other arm out at the small metal sculpture hit Lin and knocked her to the ground, causing her to roll backwards. Lin quickly stood up and charged at Su.

As Su lifted her arms up, Lin punched the air near the ground, sending a staircase looking tremor at Lin. Su threw a metal sheet at Lin and she flipped over it. Lin landed on the ground and stomped her foot, causing small rocks come out of the ground. She shoved her arms out and the rocks flew at Su, who dodged them swiftly.

"Should I stop them?" Korra asked. "You dont have any siblings. Fighting is all part of the healing process." Bolin said.

"And I thought they were bad as kids." I chuckle. "What happened when they were kids?" Korra asked. "A lot stuff." I say.

We watched as Su cartwheeled backwards dodging Lin's attacks.

"Go mom!" Wei yelled.

I turned around and saw all of Su's kids and her husband watching this fight.

Su spun around and dodged a square piece that could've taken off her head. She ran off to the side while Lin ran towards Huan's statue.

She jumped in the air and landed firmly on the ground, making the sculpture float. Lin kicked the scul at Su, who threw it into the wall.

"My sculpture!" Huan ran over to his sculpture that was thrown into the wall.

Su jumped and landed vigorously on the ground. The metal sheets trailed their way to Lin, which she flipped over them once they reached her. Su jolted her arms out and the metal sheets ran at Lin, she bent them to the side until she reached the last one, which she flung it back at Su.

Korra, Bolin, and I ran to a safer level so we didn't get hit.

Lin punched the air, sending medium sized rocks at Su. She dodged them all again. Su made her way to the wall, and bent one side around to protect her. The older Beifong sent a bigger sized boulder at Su that ended up crashing into the wall and breaking into pieces. Su bent the other size of the wall around her, hitting Lin and making her fly backwards and hit the staircase.

Lin panted and looked back up at Su.

"You got it out of your system yet?" Su asked.

"Not quite yet." Lin replied.

Lin stood up and lifted her arms up, causing a block of the staircase to pop out its place. Su bent up a large boulder from out the ground. They both ran at each other but Opal intercepted them.

"What are you two doing? You're sisters!" Opal yelled, looking between her mother and her aunt. "Why would you want to hurt each other?"

Lin's breathing started to pick up by the second and she eventually fell.

I ran over and caught her before her head made contact with the ground.

I sigh and pick her up bridal style.

"I'm gonna take her back to the guestroom." I say.

"Let me know if she's okay when you come back." Su said. "I will. You'll be the first person I tell." I said. "Thank you." Su smiles. I smile and nod.

the next morning

There was a knock at the door and Lin answered it. Mako fell to the ground and looked at Lin.

She yawned stepped over Mako.

"Good morning." She said and smiled, walking past Bolin and Korra.

We all looked confused at this point.

Mako got up and looked at Bolin.

"Did she just say good morning to us?" Bolin asked. "I think she did." Korra said.

"She's been in a good mood all morning." I say.

"Maybe the fight with Su cleared her head." Korra says. "Maybe." I shrug.

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