Chapter II

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You and Legosi were going to the Drama Club when you turned to the wolf and asked him some questions.

"So is it nice in this club?"

"O-oh... Yes, it is. The people there are very friendly."

"I hope so. What is your role there Legosi? I want to see you on stage, can I?" you said with a smile on your face.

"U-umm... I am not part of the performers Y/N. I help with the lights." Legosi mumbled while scratching behind his neck.

"Oh, that's great too! I'd love to try help with something backstage like you. I'm really shy and it'll be really hard for me to get on stage. Probably I'll mest up with my lines." you said laughing a little nervously.

After a while, you two were in front of the club's door. Legosi opened the door for you and you both came in.

"O-oh Y/N I forgot to tell you that you have to talk with the leader of the club to learn what part you will get here." the wolf whispered to you.

"Okay, it's not a problem. Who is the leader?"

"I am!" You turned around to meet your eyes with a red deer's. "You should be the new student, right?"

"Yes, My name is Y/N!"

"Pleasure to meet you! I am Louis! What brings you here Y/N?" the deer crossed his arms and stared at you.

"I wanted to join in any club to kill some time and this one got my eye." Louis nodded.

"Okay, maybe you can help backstage because there are enough performers for now and I don't really know what your skills are." he gave you a half-smile. "If you want you can help with the curtains."

"Louis, can I help Legosi with the lights? You turned your head to the wolf and gave him a look. "We are friends with him so it will be enjoyable for me to work with him."

Y/N think of me as a friend? We met today and he is that kind with me? He's so cute. WAIT-

"Oh okay then. You can help Legosi. I'll prepare the documents you have to fill in. Legosi, please let him know how to do the things!"

You grabbed Legosi's hand and started pulling him.

"Come on Legosi. Show me how to work with lights. It'll be fun!" You gave him a smile and both of you started running up the stairs.

Louis watched you. Why he was feeling something. Something in his heart.

It's probably my imagination, but still... he is attractive...

⚊ ⚊ ⚊

Legosi showed you everything he knew about lights and you started did the things very well.

"Hey, Legosi introduce to us the new student! Don't keep him for yourself you shitty wolf!" shouted Bill the tiger. The wolf dropped his ears and brought you to the other members of the club.

"So guys this is Y/N. Y/N these are the other members of the Drama Club."

"Hi guys, I hope we can get along." you said with a smile on your face.

Why the hell he is that beautiful when he is smiling.

"Hey Y/N, are you really a human?" One alpaca got closer to you and asked.

"Yes, I am. And you are?"

"My name is Tem. Pleasure to meet you!" The alpaca smiled. "So Y/N can you tell me more about humans? I heard that they're really really rare species!"

"I don't really know that much about my species but I'll tell you everything I know if you're that interested." you gave him a friendly smile.

"Do you want to go for lunch and get to know each other more?"

"Of course! Wait for a bit!" You ran to Legosi to tell him that you'll be with Tem at lunch and to not worry about you.

"Okay Y/N. Thanks for telling me." He gave you a half-smile. You smiled back and went back to your new friend.

The days went past and you and Tem become really good friends. Maybe even best friends. You shared with him about your painful past and he shared you about his crush the angora goat Els from the Drama Club.

"Wait, you have a crush on her? Man you have to ask her out." He dropped his head down.

"I am trying but every time I got closer to her my body is freezing." You gave him kindly pat on the back.

"You have to be more confident. If I was on her place I would gladly accept!" Tem blushed a little.

"You really know how to cheer up the people."

"Always for my best friend." You pat him on the head.

"I thought that Legosi is your best friend?"

"We are very close with him too but I feel you closer than him. That sounded horrible..." you smiled nervously.

"No, no. I understand. Thank you Y/N!"

"Hey Tem you are one of the actors in the club, right?"

"Yes, I am. Why are you asking?"

"I really hope that I can see you on stage. I will encourage you from the light section!" Tem laughed.

"There is a performance soon and then you can watch me." he gave you a kindly smile.


"I promise!"

⚊ ⚊ ⚊

The next day you went to school but didn't found Tem anywhere. Suddenly you heard some herbivores talked for something strange.

"Oi, did you learned... Someone was killed the last night."

"Really... Who?"

"I think it was someone from 2nd year."

When you realized everything they were talking you thought that the world just felt on the top of you. You started running to found Louis. He would know everything about this situation. It isn't real. It can't be... While you were running through one of the corridors you finally found him.

"Louis..." He turned around to see you.

"What's wrong Y/N? Why you were runni-" you cut him.

"Louis... please tell me... who was the one killed last night..." Your eyes were already full of tears who were waiting for the worst to start falling.

"U-uh... Listen Y/N first you have to calm down."

"Just tell me!..." you shouted.

"It... it was Tem..."

When you heard your friend's name you just froze. You couldn't even start crying.

Louis knew you were very close with Tem and wanted to help you somehow but he didn't know how. He wasn't good at cheering anyone. But why anyways he wanted to do this. He wasn't helping the people, so why now. After all, he decided to make something. He gently grabbed your chin and lifted up to meet your eyes.

"Oi... u-umm... please calm down. I know it's hard but you have to get through it somehow." You stared at the deer's beautiful eyes while one tear from your own eye interrupted the moment. After that, the tears started falling from your eyes.

When you realized what you where doing you started running to hide somewhere.

"O-oi... Y/N... stop!" Louis ran towards you.

While you were running you came across Legosi. He saw your crying face.

"Hey Y/N what's wron-"

"I am going to the dorm Legosi. Please tell the teachers I am sick." you mumbled to him.

"O-okay..." Legosi dropped his ears and tail.

While you were talking to Legosi, Louis caught up you and grabbed your hand.

"Y/N... calm down and don't think to do anything dumb!" Louis really seemed worried about you.

"Louis stop... Please leave me alone... I want to stay a little time alone with my thoughts!" You get rid of Louis' grip and continued running to the dorms.

Legosi and Louis didn't try to chase you anymore. They knew that you and Tem were best friends and just left you to calm down yourself.

"What are you staring at?!"


Meanwhile, you still wouldn't be able to believe that your closest friend isn't anymore in this world.

This shit is happening again and again and again!

When you got to the dorm room you wrapped yourself with Legosi's blanket.

Promises are really made to be broken...


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