Chapter III

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You were getting through hard times after the accident with Tem so you locked yourself and didn't talk to anyone. The canines were very worried about you. After all, you didn't go to school these 3 days. When they were asking you how you feel you only responded with one simple "I am fine" and then you wrapped yourself in Legosi's blanket again just ignoring them.

"Legosi." Jack whispered.

"Yeah Jack, what's wrong?"

"U-um do you think that Y/N will be alright? The labrador asked worryingly. "I think he is very depressed after Tem's death..."

"O-of course I think! He is strong, I believe that he will get successfully out from this depression." Legosi said smiling a little. Inside him, he really was worried about you. He didn't want you to be sad. The wolf was also sad because of Tem's death but seeing you sad was destroying him from inside.

"You're also worried about him right Legosi? Maybe more than us." Legosi looked at him a little confused. "You're not the same after Y/N stopped contacts with us."

"Wh-what? How am I not the same?" the wolf asked.

"You are more closed from before, your tail is not waging even a little, your ears are also dropped more often like you did something..." Jack explained.

"I-I didn't think I am that bad" Legosi scratched his head.

"I think that you have to talk to him." the dog pat him on the shoulder.

"W-why me?" drops of sweat began to appear on the wolf's forehead.

"Because you are his closest friend now! You have to help him somehow! And mostly... HE IS SLEEPING IN YOUR BED!" Jack shouted. "Aren't you talking in the evenings?"

"No... When I get in the bed next to him, he just shrinks under the covers and falls asleep instantly."

"That's a shame but please try!" Jack looked at Legosi with puppy eyes.

"I'll do my best!"

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The lessons ended and the students started to come out of their classrooms. Legosi walked back to his dorm before everyone else of the other canines because he wanted to talk with you. He took a deep breath and came in. Why he was so nervous?

"H-hey Y/N I'm back!" You were sitting on the bed eating noodles while watching through the window. You looked at Legosi for a bit and then continued to eat your noodles.

(You was looking maybe like this *-*)

He was easier to talk with during the first weeks... "How was your day?"

You just got up and started getting back to the bed. "Hey, please wait..." Legosi grabbed your hand. You finally spoke.

"What you want Legosi?"

"I want to talk with you."

"Leave me alone!"

"No!" He pulled you closer to him.

"Ohh... For what you want to talk?" you asked irritably.

"I want to help you."

"How?" you pulled your hand from his.

"I don't know! Just let me try!" the wolf said with dropped down ears.

"Okay... Fine!" you finally agreed.

Legosi sat down next to you on his bed and stared at your eyes. Eyes which sometimes talked more from words. "So... Y/N why don't you start going to school again? Everyone misses you. The Drama Club too. Everyone is worried about you."

"Because I don't want Legosi!"


"Look it's not that I don't like you or something, no, you guys are just perfect but I can't get that easily after losing another dear person for me." you said with tears in your eyes. "Look my past isn't that colorful and this accident with Tem made me remember every fucking moment in my fucking life!" you insulted.

"Sorry for asking but what happened to you... in the past?" Legosi asked giving you a sad face. You just looked at him with a little open mouth. "U-uh if you don't want to talk about thi-"

"I have no parents. Or at least, that was what the seller at the back-alley market who owned me told me. But I'm sure they were just killed by someone and then I was sold for cheap to the seller. However, he had a wife, a very good woman. She always treated me not as a possessor, but as a person. One day a buyer saw her talking to me like a real parent and just killed her saying "the food shouldn't have people to love". I was 5 when that happened."

Legosi listened in shock.

"Then I closed myself. I refused to eat. I just wanted to die as soon as possible. The seller had to feed me forcibly so that I wouldn't die because the dead meat was not one of the most bought at his booth. When I was 7 I had to start school. And since my owner thought the smart stock will be tastier, I started school. What an idiot!" you laughed sarcastically.

"Everyone, there was keeping away from me, and that's how I get nicknamed "the outsider". One day, a gray wolf just like you came to me." you gave Legosi half-smile.

"He asked me why I didn't play with the other kids but I didn't answer. Then he grabbed my hand and said "let's be friends". For a second time, I thought that someone really loved me the way I was and just smiled at him. We became very close. We were just like brothers. While on my birthday, he decided to surprise me, and because I didn't tell him where I lived he just decided to follow me. When I got to the seller's booth, I left my things behind and bent down to my usual place so that buyers could see me better. Then I saw him... My best friend came to me with something. He gave it to me and said "Happy Birthday Y/N". I didn't want to believe in my eyes that he had come to this place. I told him to go away, however, he didn't hear me. Then my owner saw him and asked him why he was talking to his stock. Even before he had even said a word, he had been blown with a knife. Seeing the life of my very close person taken for a second time in front of my eyes made me stop living even more. After all, I was alone again and the present he gave me just torn apart my heart..."

You pulled out a necklace from your shirt. The inscription was saying "I'll always be with you in life and death!"

Legosi's eyes began to moisten. He didn't think your past was that hard. Who would have guessed that behind the smile of a beautiful creature lies such a difficult fate? He wanted to help you somehow.

"Now I lost another dear person to me! What if...- What if... I lose you too... Legosi!" Tears started falling from your eyes. Legosi was frozen.

"You...- you are my closest person now... What if I lose you too!" Legosi just pulled you in a tight hug. It was rare for him to hug someone.

"I won't leave you Y/N!" Legosi said while trying not to cry. His heart was just broking when he was seeing you crying. You just squeezed him and started crying more loudly.

"Lego I am sorry... that-... that I made so many problems. I'll start going to school tomorrow and I'll try to be alright! I just don't want to lose you!" Did Legosi hear right? Y/N called him Lego.

After more few seconds the other canines got into the room

"Hey Y/N are you better-..." They all stood in place when saw you and Legosi hugging tightly while you were crying. "LEGOSI YOU FUCKER WHAT DID YOU-" they all started insulting Legosi when you interrupted them.

"Noo..! He didn't do anything bad! He was helping me." They all stopped and looked at you.

After letting Legosi out of your arms, you lay down on the ground in a praying position.

"I am so sorry for making troubles! Please forgive me!" you shouted.

They looked at each other and then back to you when suddenly started crying.

"Y/N WE WERE SO WORRIED!" They all shouted hugging you and Legosi both.

"Guys, do you want to celebrate the returning of the normal Y/N with Uno night!" suggested Collot.

"YESSS!" you all screamed in agreement.


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After the special night, you all decided to go to the beds for some rest because it was already 00:30 am. You and Legosi went to your bed and wrapped yourself in the blanket.

"Thank you for everything Legosi!"

"You're welcome! Anytime for you!" the wolf replied. "Good night Y/N!"

"Goodnight Lego!"

*After a while*


"Yeah Y/N?"

"Please, can you hold my hand?"

"Of course!" he grabbed your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours.

His hand is so warm.

His hand is so warm.


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