Chapter I

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Gouhin was out in the back-alley market searching for new patients when suddenly on one stall he saw an unusual kind of animal.

What the hell is that?

He got closer and started looking at you when the seller called out.

"Hey, the big panda! You are interested in our new stock?"

"What is this species of animal?" Gouhin asked.

"He isn't an animal." the seller laughed. "He is human."

"Human, huh? How much is his price?" he asked in interest.

"150 000 yen." the seller smilingly said.

"That much!? Okay, thank you!" he quickly grabbed your hand and started running

"WHAA- COME BACK HERE!" the seller was shouting but you were already away from him and from the market, so you slowed down a bit.

You two were walking without talking to each other, but the panda decided to break the silence.

"So what's your name?" he asked while pulling out his cigarettes.

"Y/N." you gave a very quiet answer.

"Y/N is a very beautiful name. How old are you?

"8." you said again quietly.

"8! Can you read and write?" You nodded.

"Yes, I go to school during the day and then come here to be bought from someone like you." Gouhin gave you a half-smile.

"It's alright now. We're going to my clinic. There you will be safe." you were a little surprised.

"Wait... you are not gonna eat me?" You finally spoke more loudly.

"Of course not. How I could." He patted your head.

"Okay, but why did you kiddnaped me when you are not gonna eat me?" Gouhin stoped for a while and looked at your eyes.

"Because no one has to eat you!" These words warmed your heart for a first time in a long time in your life. You grabbed Gouhin's hand.

"Can I call you my dad?" He felt a little shocked but still smiled at you.

"Of course you can, my son!"

⚊ ⚊ ⚊

After a while, you and Gouhin finally got into his clinic. You started exploring everything there. The rooms, the books, the photos of his other patients, and more. Suddenly the panda got closer to you and patted you on the shoulder.

"So Y/N, can you please sit on the sofa right there? I have to ask you some more questions." You gave a nod and sat where the panda told you.

"So I know that you are little but I must ask you... Which was the last time you ate meat?" You gave him a quick answer.

"Oh... Maybe never, because while I was still stock the seller didn't give me anything except bread." Gouhin nodded and continued with the questions.

"So humans are herbivores?" You tilt your head slightly.

"Herbi- what?" Gouhin rolled his eyes.

"Herbivores. They can't eat meat. Are your species one of them if you know?" You shook your head negatively.

"I don't know much about my species, but I'm sure that we can eat meat." Gouhin lit his cigarette and nodded.

"Okay boy, and last question. Do you remember your real parents?" You shook your head again.

"No. I don't have parents. At least that's what the seller told me. But now I have you dad." You smiled brightly.

Then Gouhin got off of his seat and hugged you. "You truly had a very hard past, huh?" He released you from the hug and then looked straight into your eyes. "Do you want to become stronger and not be scared of this world anymore?" You nodded. "Are you ready to go through hell to become stronger?" You nodded again. "Then you can stay here under my wing but know that I won't be so kind with your training!" You smiled again and hugged the panda.

"If that means that I can stay with dad I will make everything."

"Then Y/N, you can stay!"

For you, the training was not very hard. During the weekdays you were going to school, came back, wrote your homework, and trained with Gouhin. While during the weekend you trained both the whole day. Not that difficult right.

So years went by until one day you had to go to high school. You really wanted to try in Chariton and because your grades were pretty high they accepted you. You were really happy about that but the problem was that you had to stay in the school during the weekdays so you decided to talk with your dad.

"Dad, they accepted me but the problem is that I have to stay in a dorm with other people on the weekdays and I won't be able to be with you."

"Don't worry Y/N. Go!" Gouhin said with a smile on his face. "Still can come to see your old dad during the weekend."

"Old but gold!" You both laughed.

"I am proud that you become a very beautiful young man!"

"And I'm very grateful that I have a dad like you!" Then you began to prepare for your departure to the new school. After you were ready you hugged your dad for last time. "I love you, dad..."

"I love you too son!"

When you passed the gate of the school you went to the reception to find out in which room you are going to stay and who will be your roommates.

"Hey kid, you have to be the new student. Let's see... Y/N?"

"Yes, that's me."

"Okay kid, there is space in the canines room. So there is your key. Room 701."

Why exactly the canines? Doesn't matter... "Thank you very much!" You grabbed the key from her and started looking for your room.

Here it is. Okay, so it's time to make new friends. Hope they are friendly.

You took a breath, grabbed the door handle, and entered the room. There were 6 canines. They seemed friendly so you would try to get along with them.

"Hey, you have to be our new roommate. I'm Jack. Nice to meet you!" The Labrador came to you. He really was friendly.

"My name is Y/N. Nice to meet you too Jack." You smiled.

"Come here to meet with the others. This is Durham the coyote, the white dog is Collot, the spotted hyena is Miguno, the fennec fox is Voss and the gray wolf is Legosi."

They greeted you appropriately but you were a little worried.

Where am I going to sleep?! There are only 6-

"Oh... since there are 6 beds you'll have to sleep with someone. Will it be a problem for you?" asked the Labrador.

Great! Now I have to sleep with a stranger... "No, it won't be!"

"If you want you can sleep in my bed" suggested Collot.

"Are you crazy? You are going to crush him!" called out Jack. "Why don't you sleep in Logosi's bed. It's big enough for 2 people."

You looked at the wolf who hasn't peeled a word since you walked into the room. "O-okay... I don't have a problem to sleep with Y/N." You smiled at him and began to dispose.

"Hey Legosi, can you take me past the school. I want to know where is everything." You asked the wolf.

"O-of course I can. Let's go." after that, you both left.

"I think that they liked each other." said Jack.

"Yeah, I think they are very similar." responded Voss.

⚊ ⚊ ⚊

"So here are the classrooms. Down the stairs is the cafeteria where we usually have lunch and outside is the yard."

"Okay, thanks Legosi but are there any clubs to kill the time?" You kindly turned to the wolf.

"O-oh... yeah... there are a few clubs here. I am in one of them. The Drama Club."

"Oh... Can I see it?"

"Of course... It's that way." and you both started walking to the Drama Club.


Hi guys 😊

This is my first ff I really hope you like it

I started writing it because there are not

too many ffs with readers and the

characters of Beastars in this app

Please excuse my not very good English

(my English is very English 🀣) but I am

trying my best to make this book good

for reading

I will try to upload 2 or 3 times a week

Also, I'll try to do the things like in the

anime and the manga

Now good night (or good morning idk)

because here is 4:30 am already and I

am really tired


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