Fiveteen: Nine tails?!

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*From where we left off*

Sasuke (T): ! That scream! That was Sakura! What's happening to her? Where's Kakashi?

Naruto: Sakura...! She's in trouble!

Sasuke (T): We've got to break through!

Naruto: *Gets up* I'll bust us out of here!

Sasuke: Naruto....

Naruto: I'll fake him out!

Haku: You've exulted my patients!

Naruto: *Tries to run around Haku but fails*

Sasuke: Naruto! Behind you!

Haku: *Throws a couple of Needles*

Naruto: Argh!

Sasuke: Naruto!!

Haku: Your chance of escaping my house of mirrors is Zero. That is absolute

Sasuke: Naruto, are you able to get up?

Naruto: *In pain and has no response*

Sasuke: Try not to use anymore Chakra. That's only gonna help him now

Naruto: I know Sasuke, I know *Collapses*

Sasuke (T): We can't go on like this! He's blocking every move we make. I've got to find a way to outmanoeuvre him. My eyes have adjusted to his movements

Haku: Looking for a counter-attack? I'll save you the trouble.

Haku: What?!

Sasuke: Get up loser! We've gotta team up!

Haku (T): I'm aiming at his vital spots how. But I can't get a direct hit

Naruto: *Gets up* I know what we have to do! Believe it, Sasuke!

Haku (T): It's not just luck. My movements are faster than the human response. He's protecting his friend that's why he's so fast and determined

One hits Sasuke

Sasuke: Argh!

Haku (T): The what ever he's doing. I've got to stop him now!

Haku Disappears

Sasuke: He disappeared! Where did he go?! How could he just vanish?! Naruto you better not pass out again! Come on let's go! I can't keep on protecting you like this!

Naruto: Well then don't! I never asked for your help!

Naruto faints

Haku: You can't revive him. He's reached his limits

Sasuke: *Grunts*

Haku then laughs. Sasuke throws a needle at the mirror in response. To this Haku says he's "Skill full" but he's also reached his limit and starts throwing more and more needles at Sasuke and Naruto. Sasuke then grabs Naruto and starts to avoid the attacks

Haku (T): He saw every move! But... there's no way he could do that!

Sasuke: *Activates the Sharingan*

Haku (T): Impossible! Those eyes! The Sharingan! You're......

Sasuke (T): Sure it's not complete. But I could see through his deception!

Haku (T): So.... he too has a Kekkei genkai. The power of a unique blood line trait. Interesting... even though it's not perfected. To uncover this power in the mists of a lethal attack is a amazing feet

Author: No it isn't. It's anime sudden power ups

Haku waffles on for like ages!!!!!!

Haku: (Plays dirty!!!!!)

Sasuke (T): What?! I've got to stop him!!

*With Sakura*


Kakashi: *Heavy breaths*

Sakura: Kakashi Sensei!

Y/n: !

Zabuza: You were too slow, Kid. You let your craziness get your head. And as for you Kakashi your eyes are sharp but not sharp enough to read my moves. Not anymore! *Laughs*


Zabuza: Come on! Stop letting the kid fight me and do it yourself! I wanna get my sweat revenge! And as for those brats. Don't worry there at Haku's mercy! And don't worry about apologising! You'll get plenty of time to do that in the after life *Laughs*

Sakura: He said Sasuke I'll die! *Winning and grounding and fan girling!* No I want believe that! I have faith in him! I can't lose Sasuke!

Y/n: -_-

Sakura: And Naruto either!

Y/n (T): 😕 I mean like now you say that? Of all the times to be wanting Sasuke's Dick! And Almost forgetting about Naruto! Why now?!

Kakashi: Exactly! I... I believe in there abilities! I have faith in them! Naruto the number one Hyperactive Knucklehead Ninja. And Sasuke Heir to the most powerful clan in the hidden leaf village!

Zabuza: *Shocked* You mean....?!

Kakashi: Yes, as you well know Y/n is one of the 2 survivors of the uchiha clan

Zabuza: Don't tell me...!

Kakashi: And the one is Sasuke Uchiha!

Zabuza: No wonder he advances so quickly! But so does Haku! No one can match him! No one had ever stopped his Secret Justu! Even the most skilled Jonin fall before him! Just as you will fall before me! Right now!

Kakashi: Y/n! Stay with Sakura and Tazuna!

Y/n: Fine *Jumps infront of Sakura*

Kakashi: *Runs into the mist*

Sakura: So... Y/n

Y/n: Huh?

Sakura: Why don't you go and Help Sasuke and Naruto?!

Y/n: Well you see.... he wants we to train him to get the sharingan and..... Defeat that certain someone. So that's why I'm not helping them. Otherwise I would have Just killed Haku with no hesitat what so ever

Sakura: Who's that certain someone....?

Y/n: Oh you'll learn soon enough

Sakura: ?

*With Naruto and Sasuke*

Naruto: *Wakes up*

Sasuke: You always... get in the way Naruto.... it never fails.....

Naruto: Ah! You beat him Sasuke! Huh?

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Sasuke: You should see the look on your face! You... you look like a total loser!

Naruto: W..Why? Why did you?! Save me? Why did you do it?

Sasuke: I don't know, why? I just did....

Sasuke: You.... I hated you!

Naruto: Then why?! It doesn't make any sense! Why did you.. protect me?!

Sasuke: *Smirks*

Naruto: Grrrrr!! I didn't ask for this! I didn't ask to you to save me!!

Sasuke: I don't know? My body just moved. There was no time to think... Loser......argh!

Naruto: Sasuke!

Sasuke: H..he's still out there... my brother... I promised myself... I'd stay alive.... until I killed him...
Sasuke: Don't let your dream die too....


Haku: *Gets up* Is this the first time you have seen a friend die in battle? This is part of what I means to be a ninja

Naruto: Shut up! I.... I hated you too, Sasuke. And yet... you'll pay for this!


Haku (T): What is this Chakra? Chakra cannot be seen! Yet it's clearly visible... it's something ghastly. I can feel the wrath! The bloodlust! Like evil itself!

Haku (T): His hand is healing! And changing! This boy.... what is he...?

Naruto: Grrrrr!!

Kakashi: !

Zabuza: !

Y/n: !

Kakashi: Is Zabuza creating this?

Kurama: *Roars*

Kakashi: He's not! I know this Chakra!

Kurama: *Roars again*

Kakashi: There's no way!

Zabuza (T): What is this energy?! Something foul! Is it Kakashi? No... it's too powerful even for him! Where is it coming from?!

Y/n: Who or what could possible own this much, Chakra?!

Kakashi: Naruto!

Shows the flashback everyone has see 40 times

Kakashi (T): This puts everyone at danger! Now of all times! The seal has broken! I have to stop it!


Haku (T): That bloodlust in his eyes! This is no longer a child!

Naruto: *Screams*

Haku throws needles at Naruto but he just repeals them without even knowing

Haku: What?!

Haku (T): His chakra grows stronger every second. I must strike now!

Haku: Now!


Haku (T): Impossible!

Haku tries to make a escape

Naruto: Ahhh! *Grabs Haku*

Haku (T): Those eyes!

Kakashi (T): Could it be?! The seal has been broken?! No... it's been loosened. And a glimmer of the nine tails foxes chakra has slipped through. But the seals still holds. Good then maybe we still have a chance!

Kakashi (T): Just maybe

Kakashi: Zabuza, I don't mean to spoil your fun. I know how you like to stretch these things out. But how about we put a end to this now? Come on, what do you say? We're both busy people

Zabuza: Hm... tempting. I'm curious to see how you intend to backup such brave words. Show me, Kakashi!!

Haku (T): I can't... his energy is too strong!

Naruto: Ahhhh!!!!!


Naruto once again runs at Haku

Haku (T): Zabuza.... I am no match for this boy. Master... I have failed....

Naruto stops.....

Naruto: So that guy in the woods! That was you?!

Haku: Why do you not strike?

Naruto: Huh?

Haku: Did you just not vow to avenge your comrades death by killing me? Or was that vow just empty words?

Naruto: Grrr!!!! *Punches Haku*

Haku: *Stumbles back* No! That won't do! You're still holding back. If that's all the strength you could put into it you will never keep your vow. Perhaps he didn't mean as much to you as you pretend

Naruto: *Takes a breather*

Sorry I am terrible at this part so I'm just gonna give you a video stamp (5:08 - 13:12)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Haku: Naruto...

Naruto: *Steps back*

Haku: ... kill me ...

*With Kakashi*

Kakashi: Ninja art summoning! Earth style! Fang pursue justu!

Zabuza: I don't know why you bother using your

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