Fiveteen: Nine tails?!

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justu if you can't even find me. But I can find you

Kakashi: . . .

Zabuza: Blindly falling into my trap. You disappoint me, Kakashi. I think you're right. It is time to put a end to this

Sounds of digging

Zabuza: Huh?

Dogs come up and grab Zabuza

Zabuza: Argh! Argh! Argh!!!

Tazuna: That dreadful noise! What could I be?!

Sakura: I don't know and I'm not sure I wanna find out!

Y/n: Are those.... dogs???

Kakashi: I realised if I couldn't see you I'd have to smell you out. That was a summoning justu. I was calling forth my ninja hounds. They can track ascent anywhere. When you attacked me I told Y/n to say away. I let you get pass my guard and attack me. I wanted you to cut me. You see it's the smell of my blood on your blade that led them too you, Surprised?

Hounds: Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Kakashi: Looks like I wasn't the only one that was blind. Falling into my trap. You disappoint me Zabuza. Ah! The mist is finally clearing and you know what I see? Your death

Zabuza: Talk! Talk! Do you mean to talk me to death?!

Kakashi: In a way.... yes! Right now my hounds are just playing with you. But one word from me and they'll tear you apart. Poor Zabuza, see where your ambitions got you? You were always pushing things too far

Kakashi tells him about his failed Mizukage assassination and his attempt at Coup d'Γ©tat (I think Kakashi said Coup d'Γ©tat) and how he need money for all that and how he's gone so low as to be a hired thug of a swine like Gato

Y/n: Looks like the mist is clearing

Kakashi: Alright, Zabuza! Enough talk! It's time to finish it! But it won't be with Sharingan imitations or some other ninjas tricks! No, it's time I introduced you to... my own justu!!

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Zabuza (T): His Chakras so strong it's visible!! He holds it in his hands!

Kakashi: I won't allow you to kill Tazuna. He's a brave man with a noble dream. The bridge he's building is the hope of this land and all its people. You're like a disease 🦠! By attacking one you infect all! And you don't care! That is not the way of the Shinobi!

Zabuza: You're right, I don't care!! These useless little people in their petty little dreams! Why should they matter to me? I have a dream of my own!

Kakashi: But to have a dream you have to have a future. You don't! Your futures all used up Zabuza!

*With Haku and Naruto*

Haku: Go on! Strike! Kill me! Why do you hesitate?!

Naruto: Ahhh!!! That's the most ridiculous story I've ever heard! I mean... he treats you like a slave! You're a human being not a weapon or a tool! Who could you care about someone like that?!

Haku: For that very reason

Naruto: Huh?!

Haku: Does... that seem so strange to you?

Naruto: Well yeah... a little...

Haku: When he found me I was without a purpose or reason for living. Zabuza gave me both.

A quick flashback of her losing her bunny rabbit and Zabuza getting it back for her

Haku: But now, my usefulness is over. The only thing that gave my life meaning it's gone. I am a broken tool a blunted weapon of no use to anyone. Go on, Naruto.... Do it! For both of our sakes.... do it!........... Quickly!

To be continued...

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