Sixteen: Haku's Sacrifice and Zabuza the demon in the snow

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

*From Y/n's POV*

Sakura: Which one is Kakashi Sensei?

Y/n: The Left one

Sakura: well good

Y/n: Looks like he's got Zabuza exactly where he wants him

Tazuna: Why isn't he doing anything?! There just talking!

Y/n: What? Never had a nice chat before you kill someone before?

Tazuna: No, no I haven't

Y/n: Well it's called the "Any final words" card

Sakura: Kill him already Kakashi sensei!

Y/n: Idiot

Sakura: Huh?

Y/n: Have you ever watched any movie or anime before?!

Sakura: Yeah.... why?

Y/n: Zabuza's gonna f***ing survive somehow! It's always like that! They always have a "Get out of jail free card" apart from it's not jail their escaping! It's death!!

*With Kakashi*

Kakashi: *Charges at Zabuza*

Zabuza (T): Is this the end?!

Zabuza: !

Sakura: *Covers herself from the shockwave* Ahhh!!

Y/n: *Looks away from the wind*

Tazuna: what the devil?!

Sakura: !

Y/n: *Turns to look at Kakashi*

Kakashi: !

Red puddle

*Dogs disappear*

Zabuza: !!!

Everyone: 😨😨😨

Y/n: πŸ˜•


Haku: Z...Za...bu...Za...!

Kakashi: *Shocked to say the least*

Zabuza: So... my future is all used up, Huh? *Laughs* wrong again, Kakashi!

*With Naruto*

Naruto: Huh?! What?! Where did he go?! Hey! The fogs lifting! Wait... is that him?!

Naruto runs over And is shocked! To see the scene in-front of him. Then more blood starts to drip down from Haku

Naruto: Huh?! I don't understand what's going on here!

*Back to the scene at play*

Tazuna: Isn't that the young man in the mask?

Y/n: *Nods*

Kakashi: The boy threw himself in front of my attack! He saved your worthless life at the cost of his own

Zabuza: *Chuckles* Well done, Haku

Zabuza jumps into the air without a care to kill a white hair

Sakura: Kakashi sensei! Look out!

Kakashi (T): Is he gonna go right threw the boy to take me down?!

Zabuza: I knew I'd found a treasure when I found you boy! You not only given me my life but Kakashi's as well!!

Naruto: *Grunts*

Zabuza: *Strikes at Kakashi*

Kakashi: *Dodges*

Zabuza: *Laughs* Not bad for having a corpse in your arms

Naruto: Grrrr!! You'll pay for that!!

Kakashi: No! Stay out of this, Naruto!

Kakashi then covers Haku's eyes and when uncovered they are closed

Kakashi: This is my battle! Zabuza's mine!!

Sakura: Naruto? Naruto! Over here! Naruto!

Naruto (T): *Sighs* Sakura...

Sakura: So you an Sasuke are alright?!

Naruto: Uh.... um....

Sakura: What's wrong? Where is Sasuke anyways?

Naruto: *Trying to hold back his feelings*

Sakura: No....

Kakashi: Sakura

Zabuza: Kakashi! I'd stay focused if I were you!


Y/n: Sakura, Go! I'll stay with Tazuna

Sakura: But Y/n... Don't you wanna see Sasuke too?

Y/n: I can do that later! Now go! Before I chance my mind

Sakura: Thank you... Y/n

Y/n: Your okay with that aren't you, Tazuna?

Tazuna: *Nods*

Sakura starts to run to Sasuke Past Naruto

Naruto (T): Sasuke...

Sakura: ! *No words*

Gets down and feels Sasuke's face

Sakura: His body's warm. This isn't just one of this genjutsu tricks

Y/n clone: Go on Sakura, don't act brave. Go ahead and let it all out Sakura

Sakura: I was the best. Passed every test at the academy. The perfect student

Y/n clone: ?

Sakura: Did you know there are more than 100 principles of shinobi conduct

Y/n clone (T): Actually, no I didn't

Sakura: I memorised every single one. I used to love it when they tested us on them. Gave me a chance to show how smart I was

Y/n clone (T): What does this have to do with anything?

Sakura: I remember so clearly that one exam. You remember it right, Y/n?

Y/n clone: ??

Sakura: They asked us to explain the 25th principle

Y/n clone (T): Oh that... oh... oh no

Sakura: I got it right of course...... a shinobi never shows his feelings no matter what the circumstances. Feelings are a weakness they only cloud judgment and a weaken sense of duty

Sakura: *Cries* Sasuke!

Y/n clone (T): Nothing in life is fair. Especially the life of a shinobi.... but there's nothing wrong with crying at the death of someone you love

Naruto: *Trying to hold in his own tears in*

*Back with Kakashi and Zabuza*

Zabuza is currently on his knees and out of breath

Zabuza (T): Why? Why can't I keep up with him?!

Zabuza: *Charges at Kakashi*

Kakashi: (Bitch please!)

Zabuza: Argh!!

Kakashi: (Spin slap!)

Zabuza: I'll slit you in half!!

Zabuza attempts to hit Kakashi but misses

Kakashi: *Is behind him* Look at you! You're falling apart! I knew you didn't have it takes for the long haul

Zabuza: What did you say?!

Kakashi: You have no idea what real strength is

Gato: Well well so this is how it turns out, Huh?

Kakashi: Game over! You lose


Kakashi: !

Naruto: *Shocked*

Zabuza's sword has been flung away

Kakashi: Now both of your arms are useless. What now? You can't even make and sighs

Zabuza: *Remains standing*

Kakashi, Y/n and Naruto spot Gato and his gang of thieves

Gato: He did a number on you didn't he Zabuza? You look like yesterday's sashimi. I must say I'm disappointed....




Zabuza: I don't understand? Why are you here! And who are these thugs you brought with you?!

Gato: Well you see there's been a slight chance in plan. According to the new plan. You die right here on this bridge, Zabuza

Zabuza: What?!

Gato: That's right, your too expensive. So I've decided to take you off the payroll. Of course even these thugs I brought with me cost something. So if you could manage to slaughter a few of them before they take you down I'd appreciate it. Think you can manage that? Do you ninja of the mist! Look at ya! You look as demonic as a wet kitten!

Thugs: *Laugh*

Zabuza: Well well Kakashi it seems our fight is at a end. Since I am no longer in Gato's employ. Tazuna's safe. We have no quarrel

Kakashi: Yeah I suppose you're right

Gato: That reminds me... you little punk!! You grabbed me and nearly broke my arm!! I've been meaning to repay you for that!

Strait up pokes a whole through Haku's face

Naruto: ! Get away!!

Gato: I only wish that he was alive to feel it

Naruto: Get away from him you...!

Kakashi: Naruto! Stop! Use your head!

Naruto: Well what about you Zabuza?! You gonna let him do that?!

Zabuza: Be quiet you fool! Haku's dead what does it matter?!

Naruto: What?! You mean you can just stand there and watch him get treated like a dog!! You and Haku were together for years!! Doesn't that mean anything?!

Zabuza: You don't understand the way of Shinobi. I merely used him just as Gato used me

Naruto: !

Zabuza: Now it's over! His usefulness is at a end. The lost of his strength and skill yes. That means something to me.... but the boy? Nothing

Naruto: If you mean that you're a even bigger rat than I thought!

Kakashi: Okay that's enough. Calm down, Naruto he's not the enemy. Not right now

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Naruto: Argh!! Shut up!! Far as I'm concerned he's enemy number one! Why you! You ungrateful! After everything he did for you! Haku lived for you! You were the most important thing in the world to him!

Y/n: . . .

Naruto: And he meant nothing to you! Nothing at all!! While he was sacrificing everything for you. You never felt anything at all for him?! And if I become stronger does that mean...? I'll become as cold hearted as you are?!

Y/n: .     .     .

Naruto: He threw his life away and for what?! For your dream!! You never let him have a dream of his own! But he didn't care! And you just toss him aside like he was nothing!

Naruto is crying

Naruto: A broken tool! A man that's so wrong so wrong!

Zabuza: You talk too much

Naruto: *Looks up at Zabuza*

Zabuza: Your words cut deep. Deeper than any blade

Kakashi: . . .

Y/n: . . .

Zabuza: While he fought you his heart was breaking in two. You see Haku was always too soft and too kind. He felt pain a sorrow and now curse him I feel them too! And something else I feel content in that this is the way it ends

Gato: Huh?

Zabuza takes off his face mask bandage thing

Zabuza: Well? Cat got your tongue? Are you so surprised to discover that I'm human? Even shinobi are human. No matter how hard we try to escape that simple fact we always fail. Well atleast I have failed..... boy!

Naruto: Huh?

Zabuza: Give me your kunai!

Naruto: *Throws him a Kunai*

Zabuza: *Grabs it with his mouth*

Gato: *Runs behind his thugs* Take him down now!

Thugs: Ye!


Gato: Demon!

Gato: Argh!!!

Zabuza: Argh!!

Gato: You crazy fool! If you're eager to join your friend go ahead! But you're not taking me! Not this time!

Zabuza: I won't be joining Haku. Where he's gone I cannot follow *Gets up*

Gato: Stay back!! Stay back!!!

Zabuza: We won't be welcome where Haku's gone to! Hell's where we're going, Gato!

Gato: *Scared like really scared*

Zabuza: I can't think of a destination more fitting for a demon ninja! Can you? I'm told there are many demons down there of all shapes and sizes! Of yes I should fit right in! You on the other hand Gato! Well I fear you're in for a long and very painful eternity!!

Gato: Argh!!!!!! Argh!!!! Argh!!!!!!!!

Gato splashes into the river

Naruto: *Shocked*

Y/n: Oh my....

Zabuza: *Death stares back at the thugs*

Thugs: *Back away and make way for Zabuza*

Zabuza: *Drops his Kunai and walks over to Haku* Haku.....

Zabuza collapses onto the ground

Naruto: *Looks away*

Kakashi: Don't turn away

Naruto: Huh?

Kakashi: When you live like a warrior this is how it ends

*With Sakura*

Sasuke: *Opens his eyes*

Sasuke (T): W...Where am I? Am I alive or....? Sakura? Can it be? It is!

Sasuke: Sakura, it's hard to breath with you on top of me

Sakura: ! Sasuke!

Y/n clone: !

Sakura: Y/n! He's alive! Alive!

Y/n clone: Hehe

Sakura: Sasuke! Sasuke! Sasuke!!

Y/n clone: *Nods at the real Y/n*

Y/n: *Nods back*

Tazuna: *Notices*

Tazuna (T): So things turned out fine after all

Sasuke: *Gets up*

Sakura: No Sasuke! You shouldn't move!

Sasuke: How's Naruto? And what happened to that guy in the mask?

Sakura: Naruto's just fine... but... but the one in the mask he's dead

Sasuke: Dead?! But how?! Did Naruto do it?!

Sakura: Oh... Oh I....

Y/n clone: He was protecting Zabuza from Kakashi's attack and in the process died himself

Sasuke: . . .

Sakura: I had faith in you Sasuke. I knew you'd pull through. You're too cool of a guy to stay down for long

Sasuke (T): He never meant too from the very beginning

Sakura: *Gets up* Naruto! Over here! Look it's Sasuke! He's alright he's alright!

Naruto: *Shocked*

Sasuke: *Lifts his hand up*

Naruto: *Relieved* But how?

Naruto then remembers what Zabuza said to him before he collapsed onto the ground

Naruto (T): I see....

Kakashi: Well well, will wonders never cease, amazing

Thug: Hey! Yooo hoo!

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