That night, as I was hanging out in my room, I got a call from Stiles.
"Hey Stiles," I greeted as I answered my phone.
"Hey Y/n. I was just calling to see if you were okay. Today was sort of crazy," he said.
My stomach did a weird little flip at his words, and my heart sped up. He called me just to see if I was okay.
I bit my lip in an attempt to stop the smile spreading across my face, but I failed miraculously.
"Oh, yeah I'm good. I think I handled it okay. Well, with the exception of nearly hitting you with a lacrosse stick," I joked.
I heard Stiles laugh through the phone and felt butterflies in my stomach.
"So, you're sure you're okay?" He asked again.
"Yeah, I'm sure," I said, smiling like an idiot. "I am a bit curious as to how a coyote found it's way into the school though," I added.
The line went silent for a beat before Stiles spoke again. "Me too, but just so you know, we've found the coyote a safe place to live now, so hopefully it won't happen again."
"That's a relief," I told him.
We talked for a few minutes, which ended up turning into a few hours.
We talked about anything and everything. Memories when we were younger and the memories we made when we grew up away from each other.
It was wonderful talking to him, and I didn't want to stop.
I was lying on my bed holding my phone against my ear as Stiles suddenly stopped talking.
"Stiles?" I questioned.
"I'm sorry, I have to go. Scott and I are doing this thing for Coach's birthday tomorrow, which just so happens to be on Mischief night. It's like a big prank that we do each year," he said.
"First off, I think you mean today, since it's 12:01am, and secondly, whatever you do, do not prank me," I warned him.
Stiles laughed.
"Okay, I won't prank you," he said.
"Promise me," I demanded.
"You don't trust me?" Stiles asked mockingly.
"Remember that time we went to the beach and you said you wouldn't splash me and then ended up nearly drowning me?"
"Okay, okay. I promise I won't prank you," he said.
Satisfied, I nodded even though he couldn't see me.
"Good," I said. "And good luck with your prank. I hope it goes well."
"Thanks. See you tomorrow," he said.
I sighed, not wanting to say goodbye.
"See you tomorrow."
. . .
I got to school that day with a bundle of nerves in my stomach. It was Mischief day, and I was nervous for what the students had planned. I hoped Stiles would keep his words and not prank me.
I was walking to school from the car park when I noticed Scott and Stiles talking to two twins who were standing in front of two matching motorbikes.
Kira walked up next to me and stopped as well, also looking at Scott and Stiles.
"I wonder who they are," I murmured, not taking my eyes off the twins.
"Me too," Kira said.
We continued walking and walked into the school, where I narrowly avoided getting hit in the face by an egg thrown by a freshman boy laughing with his friends.
Somehow, I managed to catch the egg and threw it back at the guy, where it hit him and broke into little pieces, as if the egg had been boiled.
I frowned, wondering why it was boiled, before ignoring it and walking to Kira's locker with her. She was getting her stuff when I noticed Scott staring at her from across the hall.
"Don't look, but Scott is staring at you," I murmured in her ear.
"What where?" Kira asked, her head instantly swivelling towards Scott, before going right back to her locker, her face red.
I scrunched up my face.
"Don't you know what 'don't look' means?" I huffed.
Kira ignored me and quickly walked away, glancing at Scott as she did. I laughed before making my way to my locker.
I was getting my stuff when Stiles walked over to me, leaning against the locker next to mine. I smiled and opened my mouth to greet him when his eyes went wide and he suddenly grabbed me, pulling me towards him as a toilet paper roll flew by, barely missing me.
"Such a knight in shining armour," I told him jokingly, still in his arms.
"Only for you," Stiles said with a smirk.
I felt heat rush up to my face and moved out of his arms, busying myself with grabbing my books. Once I'd gotton them, we walked to class together, Stiles holding my hand so he could easily swerve me away from any toilet paper or eggs that were being thrown around the school.
I had butterflies in my stomach the whole way there as he held my hand and prayed he couldn't hear the rapid beat of my heart.
We got to class, and I was disappointed when he let go of my hand, the butterflies in my stomach dissipating. They quickly retuned though when he chose the seat next to mine.
We sat down, waiting for class to start when we heard a muffled "son of a bitch!" come from Coach's office, causing everyone in class to laugh.
I looked to Stiles questioningly and he gave me a cheeky smile.
"Mischief's night, Devils night," Coach said as he stormed out of his office and into the classroom. "I don't care what you call it. You little punks are evil."
Another chorus of laughter rippled through the class at his words and when I glanced at Stiles he was full on grinning like a mad man.
"You think it's funny every Halloween my house gets egged?" Coach continued. "A man's house is supposed to be his castle." Scott was laughing quietly on the other side of Stiles and Coach slammed a book on his desk. "Mine's a fricken' omelette!"
Coach spotted a present on his desk and picked it up. I was surprised at how much Stiles and Scott had prepared for today.
"Oh, we're doing this again?" Coach asked as he waved the present around. "I don't think so."
Coach dropped the present and aggressively stomped on it, causing a smashing sound to echo throughout the classroom.
Coach looked up and down in confusion before bending down to pick up the ruined gift. I craned my neck to see what was inside the box and found a broken mug with a picture of Coach on it that said '#1 Coach'.
Coach picked up the card attached to it and read the words out loud.
"Happy Birthday. Love, Greenburg."
Coach looked to the students in his classroom, probably trying to find the student named Greenburg in the crowd.
I looked to Stiles and found him already staring at me. We shared a look, and both snickered but quietened down when we saw Coach glaring at us.
When class finished, I was walking out the door when Stiles grabbed my hand.
"Hey, you can't leave without me," he said as he started walking next to me, my hand in his.
I tried not to focus on the feeling of his hand holding mine, or how soft his skin was, but I couldn't help it.
"And why is that?" I asked playfully as we walked out of class together.
"Because I'm your loyal protector."
I laughed at his words.
"I could get used to that," I joked.
It was Stiles' turn to laugh but it was cut off as he we turned the corner.
"What's my dad doing here?" Stiles asked before jogging towards him, letting go of my hand.
I jogged after him, eager to know why the sheriff was at our school.
"What's happening?" Stiles asked Noah when I caught up to them, walking beside Stiles.
"William Barrow was spotted nearby," Noah said grimly.
Who was William Barrow I wondered? I looked to Stiles to see if he knew him, but he was staring up at his father in horror.
Not a good sign.
"Wait a minute, wait a minute! The William Barrow? The Shrapnel Bomber? Spotted nearby?" Stiles asked.
My eyes widened at his words. I didn't recognise the name William Barrow, but I certainly recognised the name The Shrapnel Bomber.
I shuddered to think of him anywhere near the school.
Noah stopped walking and turned around to face us, looking around cautiously before saying, "a little closer than nearby, actually."
I subconsciously stepped closer to Stiles, brushing my hand against his. How close was closer than nearby? Two blocks away? A few streets away? A room away?
An FBI agent walked by talking to a teacher, a few police officers trailing behind him.
"Dad, what's really going on here?" Stiles asked.
Noah sighed.
"I want you guys to stay with each other, okay?" Noah said instead of answering. "Look out for each other and stick together."
With that, Noah left, walking in the direction the FBI agent went.
I turned to Stiles, about to ask what we should do now, but he was staring at Scott from across the hall, the two of them seeming to have some sort of silent conversation.
"I need to go," Stiles finally said.
"Your dad just said not to split up," I told him, trying to hide the irritation from my voice.
Noah just told us there was a serial killer on loose, and to stay together and yet Stiles is going to ignore his father's direct orders and leave me alone.
"I'll come back; I promise. I just need to do some stuff first," Stiles said distractedly before leaving without waiting for an answer.
I scoffed. "So much for sticking together," I muttered, looking at the ground.
I knew Stiles and Scott and probably all his other friends were keeping a secret. I didn't know what it was, or how many of their friends knew about it, but I did know that there was something they were hiding.
I just wondered what it was.
School sucks, and I have a ton of math homework to do :( but I managed to find some time to update. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and please vote and comment if you enjoyed it.
Remember to have a good day/night.
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