Chapter 04

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It was Monday again, that wretched day where I was forced to go back to school after a weekend of bliss.

I had spent most of the weekend with Kira, having a sleepover with her on Friday night and then spending Saturday night at her house.

We did a lot of bonding and were now really close, but that bonding had come with a price. Now, sadly, Kira new about my small crush on Stiles and kept teasing me relentlessly for it, but I managed to force a confession out of her too so now I knew about her crush on Scott.

I also met Kira's mother, who was the same person in the room with my mother and Kira's father. As soon as Kira and I were alone in her room, I told her everything I'd heard of their conversation on Friday, and we both thought it was quite peculiar. At one point, Kira looked at me like she wanted to say something and opened her mouth but then quickly closed it.

We also did some research Saturday night on bardo for Scott. Well, Kira researched, and I looked over her shoulder, teasing Kira on how she was head over heels for Scott.

Now, it was just before first class started and I was watching from afar as Kira gave Scott the research she worked so hard on.

"Hi. I'm Kira," she said, a big smile plastered on her face. "You knew that. I knew you knew that. I don't know why I just told you again."

I couldn't help the snicker that left my mouth as I watched her ramble. It was so adorable.

"Anyway, I have something for you," Kira continued, taking off her backpack.

"For me?" Scott asked hesitantly.

"Yeah," Kira said distractedly as she looked through her bag. "About bardo. My explanation was sort of all over the place, so I did some research and I printed it out for you."

Kira looked back to her bag, struggling to find her notes.

"Oh, you didn't have to do that," he said, a smile gracing his lips.

Kira quickly looked up at Scott.

"It only took a couple of hours," she said hurriedly before looking back to her bag.

I watched Scott's eyes widen at her words.

"Wow. Then you really didn't have to do that," he said.

Kira continued to search through her bag, telling him she swore she printed it out when her father interrupted her.

"Kira. You forgot all the research you did for that boy you like," he said, while passing the pages upon pages of printed research into her hands.

Kira looked at her dad, frozen in place as her brain broke down. She reluctantly turned around, wordlessly passing the stack of paper to a surprised looking Scott before sitting next to me, looking like she wanted the floor to swallow her whole.

As Scott took his seat a few desks away, Kira covered her face with her hands miserably.

"I'm ready to die," she muttered, cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

I let out a nervous laugh.

"Come on, it wasn't that bad," I lied.

My words received a glare from Kira before Mr Yukimura started talking, cutting off our conversation.

While he was talking, my eyes just so happened to stray to Stiles who was looking at his pen, seemingly deep in thought.

"Who would like to come up and read aloud for us?" with those words, I stopped looking at Stiles and my attention went back to the teacher. I shrank down, trying to look as small as possible, hoping Mr Yukimura wouldn't notice me.

"Mr Stilinski, how about you?" Mr Yukimura suggested.

Stiles tore his gaze away from his pen and onto the teacher.

"Oh, uh, maybe someone else could?" he asked.

Mr Yukimura shook his head.

"Everyone participates in my class, Mr Stilinski."

Stiles sighed and got up, walking to the front of the class where the reading altar was.

Secretly, I was a bit glad Stiles was chosen, because now I had an excuse to look at him, and no one would think anything if they noticed me staring.

My glee slowly diminished and turned to concern as I watched Stiles stand at the front of the class. He was gripping the sides of the altar so hard his knuckles were white, and he was staring down at the book in confusion.

He raised his head, his breathing laboured as he started to sway from side to side. I was about to stand up but Scott beat me to it.

"Stiles? You okay?" he asked.

Stiles didn't answer and instead leaned more of his weight on the altar, causing my concern to deepen. What was happening?

"I should take him to the nurses office," Scott said to Mr Yukimura.

The teacher nodded and Scott grabbed Stiles' arm, leading him out of the classroom.

I watched them go, worry churning in my gut.

For the rest of the class, I remained distracted, my thoughts on Stiles. Was he okay? What happened to him? Did this usually happen?

From what I'd seen, it looked like he might have had stage fright, but Stiles never struck me as the shy and nervous type.

Whatever the reason, I was still worried and was waiting for the end of class so I could find him and see if he was okay.

When the bell finally rang, I got up from my chair, ready to leave, when Kira tapped me on the shoulder.

"We should take their bags and give them to them," she said.

I looked at Stiles and Scott's seats and noticed their bags lying there.

"Yeah, we should," I said, and grabbed Stiles' bag while Kira grabbed Scott's.

. . .

Kira and I walked down an empty hallway, both of us lost. We were trying to find the nurses office, but we were both unfamiliar with the school and ended up walking aimlessly around the building.

We had just turned the corner when Kira stopped walking, causing me to bump into her. I muttered a curse, about to ask why she suddenly stopped when I noticed her staring at something ahead.

I followed her gaze and found an animal on the top of the stairwell. A startled noise came out of me as I realised from closer inspection that the animal was a coyote.

It started snarling and I took a step back, eyes wide. The animal jumped down the stairs, running towards us and I quickly grabbed Kira's hand and shoved her into the locker room, slamming the door behind me.

"What the hell is a coyote doing in the school?" I hissed.

"I don't know!" Kira hissed back.

There was a thud on the door and we both quickly dropped the backpacks we were holding and ran to the other side of the room, hiding behind a wall of lockers.

We were sitting down, holding each other's hands tightly as we sat in silence. All of a sudden, there was a loud smash and I realised with no small amount of horror that the coyote had jumped through the window in the door.

I looked around, trying to find some sort of weapon when my eyes landed on a discarded lacrosse stick in front of me.

I hastily grabbed it and held onto it tightly, my throat bobbing as I thought of myself using it against a coyote. No way was I going to survive.

It was silent for a few moments before I heard the faint padding of the coyote's paws on the tiles. Panic clawed at my throat when it started growling, the sound coming from my near right, and I swiftly stood up, tugging Kira up with me.

We crept away from the growling as it got louder and more vicious and I started to raise my lacrosse stick, my arms feeling like lead, when I felt a hand clamp on my shoulder.

I nearly screamed as I spun around, my lacrosse stick raised, but sobbed in relief when I recognised Scott.

He pushed Kira and me behind him as the growling intensified and pushed the nearest wall of lockers over, causing a collision of falling lockers.

The loud clatter scared the coyote away, and I was so relieved I didn't even think to wonder how strong Scott had to have been to have pushed those lockers down.

There was a beat of silence, where everyone stood still, with me as the exception because I couldn't seem to stop my limbs from shaking, and then I ran.

I wasn't sure what I was doing or where I was going, but I had nearly been lunch to a coyote, and I needed to get out of that room.

I pushed open the door, running over the shattered glass when I spotted a figure in front of me. Lightning fast, I had my lacrosse stick raised and was about to use it when I recognised the figure.

"Woah! Woah! Y/n, calm down," Stiles said, his hands raised.

He looked at my terrified expression and then to the broken window, his eyes widening.

"Are you okay?" he asked, a note of panic creeping into his voice.

I nodded numbly, dazed, but when Stiles tried to take the lacrosse stick my grip tightened and I tugged it back fiercely.

"Hey, hey, it's okay," Stiles whispered soothingly, rubbing my arm comfortingly. "You're okay, you're safe," he assured.

He continued to comfort me, telling me everything was fine, and I was safe until he was able to pry the lacrosse stick out of my hands.

As soon as he did, he wrapped me in a hug, and I instantly hugged him back. Being in his arms felt so familiar, so safe, and we stayed there for a while until I managed to calm down. 

Stiles pulled away first and looked at me, trying to find any injuries. When he found none, he asked, "do you want to tell me what happened now?"

I nodded and told him everything that had just happened with the crazy coyote that somehow got into the school and how Scott saved Kira and I.

When I finished my explanation, Stiles looked up at Scott who had exited the room and they shared some kind of look.

I was about to ask what their shared look meant when a stampede of teachers arrived, and I was crowded around and asked many questions.

I quickly lost sight of Stiles and Scott and was led back into the locker room where I met up with Kira and we told the teachers what had happened.

When the teachers finally started to back off, Mr Yukimura arrived and hugged his daughter. As I watched him, I wondered how he knew my mother.

Just then, my mother walked into the room, followed by my father, and when they spotted Mr Yukimura, they both nodded to him in acknowledgment before searching the room for me.

Kira and I looked at each other, both of us noticing that and making me wonder if Mr Yukimura knew my dad too. It certainly seemed that way.

I then recalled my parent's odd behaviour after my first day of school when I mentioned Kira and her dad. My suspicion grew, but I shoved it aside as my parents spotted me and practically ran towards me.

They hugged me and fussed over me, asking if I was okay and telling me how relieved they were that I was safe.

I rolled my eyes at their affection, but having my mum hug me did comfort me a lot more than I was willing to admit. It comforted me in a way that only a mother's hug could.

Noah then came over, a smile on his face.

"Hey kiddo, how you going?" he asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I mean, I was nearly torn apart viciously, limb from limb, by a coyote, so I've been better."

Noah let out a chuckle, but my attention was taken away when a man asked Stiles something rather loudly.

"Where did you get that? Where did you find this?" he asked.

I looked over to find Stiles holding a doll and raised my eyebrows. Since when did he have a toy doll? It was ripped out of his hands by the man, and he looked down at the doll sadly.

Noah sighed and muttered something unintelligible before walking over to the man. I, of course, followed him, trailing behind curiously.

"Mr Tate, I don't know how you heard about this. If you got your own police scanner or what... but you can't be here," Noah told Mr Tate.

He moved to push the man out, but as his hand came in contact with Mr Tate's coat, he jerked back. Noah looked at Mr Tate and the man sighed, before letting Noah moved his jacket to reveal a gun.

My mouth opened in surprise before I felt a prickle of fear.

"I have a permit," Mr Tate said icily.

"California schools are gun free zones, permit or no permit," Noah said firmly. "You need to leave Mr Tate. Now."

The man stuttered, trying to say something, but one look at Noah's face made him shut his mouth and leave.

Trying to lighten the mood after that situation, I walked over to Stiles.

"I didn't know you still carried a doll around everywhere," I teased.

Stiles rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, but a small smile was on his face.

"Don't seem too scared now," he stated.

I grinned at his words, and he grinned back, but my face fell when I spotted my parents smirking as they watched me.

I resisted the urge to groan, knowing exactly what was going through their heads.

I bid Stiles goodbye and quickly hugged him before walking over to my parents.

"Can we go now?" I asked them, not wanting them to spend one more second in the same room as Stiles.

My mother's grin widened as she said, "Stiles is a nice boy, isn't he?"

I groaned and averted my gaze which landed on Scott. He was smirking, barely containing his laughter, and though he was all the way across the room it was almost as if he had heard us.


Thanks for reading chapter 4!

I wonder how Kira's parents know Y/n's parents. Thoughts???

Anyway, please vote and comment if you enjoyed, and have a good day/night.


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