Chapter 06

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I sat on a desk next to Kira at lunch with Mr Yukimura. He was talking to her about how she and I should have more friends.

"All I'm saying is, I don't get why you two are sitting here with me instead of in the cafeteria with the other kids," Mr Yukimura said.

I fished around in my pocket to find something to fidget with and found a lighter I stole from my parents' room one time and never returned.

"Maybe we want to keep you company," Kira suggested distractedly as she did something on her phone.

I flicked the lighter on and watched the fire before turning it off and then back on.

"You should be embarrassed to be seen with me. Not keeping me company," he said.

I stopped listening to the rest of the conversation, fixated on playing around with the lighter. I was distracted, thinking about how a murderer was somewhere close by and how Stiles had just left me, and I accidently brushed my thumb over the flame.

I stood up immediately, eyes wide. Kira and her dad looked at me with confusion and I managed to say something about needing to go to the bathroom before practically running out of the classroom.

As I left the classroom, I nearly ran into Scott, Stiles, and Lydia who were all talking in a little huddle by the window.

"Ah, sorry," I muttered breathlessly before moving past them.

Stiles called out to me, but I ignored him, turning the corner and finding the girl's bathroom where I locked myself in one of the bathroom stalls.

I sat down on the toilet seat, taking a deep breath, before taking out my lighter. Hesitantly, I flicked the lighter on and brushed my thumb over it, but nothing happened.

I did it again, and again, going so far as to even pressing the lighter directly onto my skin, but nothing happened. I felt no pain, and no burn marks appeared.

What was happening to me? Why was this happening?

I felt like I couldn't breathe. My thoughts were going too fast- nothing was making sense.

How the hell was this possible? What was I supposed to do about it? What did it mean? Did I have some sort of disease? Was I having a vivid hallucination? Was I immune to fire?

Even though whatever was happening was completely freaking me out, that last thought sent a little thrill through me. Being immune to fire felt like a superpower, even though it was a superpower I desperately didn't want.

What did this immunity mean? How did I get it? Was it like a disease and was slowly killing me? That though increased my panic as I tried to come up with an idea or solution to fix this problem. To fix me.

I couldn't just go to the hospital and tell them I was somehow immune to fire. What if the government decided to kidnap and experiment on me? What was I supposed to do then?

I stared at the lighter in my hand, feeling sick to my stomach. I've burnt myself from fire plenty of times before, so why was all of this happening now? What changed? What made me suddenly immune to fire?

I was snapped out of my panicked thoughts when the fire alarm rang, and students started streaming outside into the yard.

I threw the lighter in the toilet before walking out of the bathroom, trying to calm down, or at least pretend to.

I followed the other students, trying to act normal even though I was feeling anything but that, when I spotted Stiles outside. He was getting yelled at by Coach and something told me he was the one that pulled the fire alarm.

When Coach left, Stiles noticed me and ran up to me.

"Hey, are you okay? You ran off before and-"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said cutting him off. "I just sort of freaked out because there was a serial killer on the loose."

Guilt flashed across Stiles' face. "Y/n I- "

"It's okay, you had stuff to do," I told him, no longer upset by him leaving me. After whatever just happened, being left alone by my crush wasn't at the top of my priority list. "I have to go though, so I'll see you tomorrow."

As I started walking away, I could feel his worried gaze on my back and swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. He wasn't the only one who was worried.

I called my mum to come pick me up and she arrived rather quickly after I accidently mentioned that there was a serial killer on the loose.

She ushered me into the car and then drove home. I was quiet the whole ride and my mother seemed to notice because she asked if I was okay.

I nodded, not trusting myself to say anything in fear that if I opened my mouth I would burst into tears. I was terrified of myself and whatever was happening to me.

As soon as we got home, I went upstairs into my room and shut my door. I collapsed onto my bed, feeling exhausted and drained, and eventually fell asleep.

. . .

I opened my eyes as I woke up, wincing at the brightness of my light that was left on. When my eyes got adjusted I looked around my room, wondering why I went to sleep so early, when I remembered all of the events from today.

I groaned, rolling over and about to go back to sleep when my stomach grumbled. I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, and I was starving.

Sighing, I got out of bed and started walking downstairs when I heard my parents talking. I crept silently down the rest of the stairs to hear them better.

"She probably has no idea what's going on," my father said.

"It might not have happened yet," I heard my mother argue back.

Who has no idea what's going on? What might not have happened yet?

"It's happened! We can only assume it's happening to the Yukimura's daughter as well," my father said, raising his voice.

I frowned. My father barely ever raised his voice; and why were they talking about Kira? Did that mean they were talking about me too?

I quietly crept back upstairs before texting Kira, telling her that I needed to talk to her ASAP. When Kira didn't answer after 15 minutes, I started to get worried.

There was probably a completely logical, safe explanation to why she wasn't answering her phone, and I was just being paranoid, but there was a crazy, child killing murderer out there and Kira wasn't answering her phone.

I debated the pros and cons of going over to her house. It was only a fifteen-minute walk away, and if I ran, I'd make it in ten minutes, but it was getting late, and I didn't want to be outside when it got dark.

Deciding to be safe than sorry, I crept back down the stairs and past my parents before sneaking outside. Then, I ran as fast as I could.

I ended up making it to Kira's house in 12 minutes, probably because I wasn't as fit as I liked to think I was.

When I got there, I nearly screamed when I found Scott lying on the road next to his dirt bike unconscious. I ran over to him, kneeling on the ground as I rolled him onto his back and checked him for injuries.

Before I could complete my assessment, the sound of a car driving snatched my attention. I turned my head to find Stiles' jeep stopping in front of me, and Stiles and Lydia dashing out of the car and running towards me.

"What happened?" Lydia asked as she observed Scott.

"I don't know. I just came here and found him like this," I answered, a note of panic creeping into my voice.

Stiles held out his hand for me to take, which I did, annoyed that I still felt butterflies in my stomach at a time like this.

He pulled me up to my feet before letting go of my hand and trying to wake Scott up by yelling out his name, even though Scott looked like he had a concussion.

Miraculously though, Scott's eyes opened, and he gasped, sitting forward. He looked around for a second, as if trying to remember how he got there, when his eyes widened.

"Barrow, he took Kira!" Scott said, causing my eyes to widen.

"We know," Stiles said.

I looked at him in confusion.

"We do?"

Stiles glanced at me. "Yeah, we do. Barrow was after Kira the whole time."


Ended the chapter on a bit of a cliff hanger. :)

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