A Lover and A Fighter: Chapter 2

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School had been officially over and and she went to the dismissal area looking for Kenny. He snuck behind the girl and tapped her shoulder causing her to react and pepper spray him. "Oh my god oh my god why did you do that." "You scared me you can't just do that Kenny." She takes out water but her bus pulls up. She grabs the boys hand and walked on the bus not knowing Anthony was staring at them the whole time. "Hey Marge." She said to the bus driver "Hey Sadie Marie." She took the boy to the back of the bus and sat him down. "Ok hold still." She says as she sprays water on the paper towel she pats his eyes. Suddenly people start getting on the bus. The bus was never packed but there were a good bit of kid. "Awww look Kenny and Sadie are kissing at the back of the bus." Anthony said walking on. "Give me a second hold this on your eye." She says leaving the seat walking over to where Anthony was. "Shut your mouth you mop headed pig." She says spraying the boy with the water bottle. With no hesitation he pushes the girl trying not to look weak in front of his friends after being sprayed.

She turns around and slaps him. "He pushes the girl again but this time making her fall. Kenny takes the paper towel of his eye and helps the girl up. "You're such an asshole man she's a girl did your father not teach you better." Kenny says bringing the girl back to her seat. "You're gonna regret talking about my father." Anthony said sitting back in his seat. Kenny went and sat back with Sadie. "Are you ok." The girl took a puff of her inhaler. "Yes are you ok can you see." She says turning his face towards her looking him in the eye one thing about Sadie is she can hold eye contact well. Kenny got nervous
"y-yes." He says turning his head then the bus finally stopped. "Race you to my house." Sadie said running off the bus Kenny running behind her. "Looks like the new kid stole your girl larusso." Some kid said to Anthony. "We'll see when I show up to her house tonight." "Wait your going to her house are y'all gonna like do stuff did bro get the hook up." He said pushing Anthony causing him to smile. "Yeah yeah calm down she is invited me over when we were talking in the hall she said that she wanted to have fun and I said hell yeah new kid is just a cover up." "Damn bro is getting some." He said laughing Anthony was really going to show up at her house tonight but not the reason he lied about.

Kenny ran to the front door. "I won." He said smiling dancing and teasing the girl. "I have the key."she said smiling she went past him and opened the door. "Your house is so nice." "Thank you Kenny my room is upstairs you can put your stuff up there." She says putting her backpack down "um I didn't bring anything I would have to got get it." "That's fine we can walk." The boy put his backpack  down opening the door. Sandier went out first and Kenny didn't love to far. He opened the door and ran upstairs Sadie following behind him. "Nice room." "I can't wait to see yours." He says grabbing a bad and putting clothes in it "ok we're good sorry for making you walk all the way over here." "I'm fine Kenny." She says laughing walking back downstairs They left out the house and went back to Sadie's. "Cmon up here." SHe says leading the boy upstairs.

Her room imagine there is a swinging chair.

She opened the door and went to the swinging chair. "Now see this is cooler than any room ever." "Thank you Kenny." She says getting up and turning on her projector wall. "So what are we gonna do." Kenny asked the girl.  "Well I'm gonna call, my mom order pizza shower and we're gonna make cookies brownies and watch movies." "Sounds like a solid plan." He said smiling at the girl. Sadie got up and gave the projector remote to the boy. "Watch whatever I'm going call my mom and shower." She said leaving the room. She grabs her phone and calls her mom........Ringing........ "Hello." "Hey mommy." "Hey Sadie how was the first day back." "Amazing I did have an accident today though." "What did you go to your room do I need to come home?" "No mom you don't and I got helped my friend he helped me." "Oh thank god tell him I say thank you and is he over now." "Yes." "Ok but you know since you had an accident it means the heart machine." "Yeah I know but I gotta go." "Ok love you Sadie Marie." "Love you more." She says hanging up the phone. She went shower and put on her pajamas.

Her pajamas
She went in the room and grabbed a sweater. "Pizza is here on 30 we can start the brownies now if you want." "Yes let's go." They went to the front and the girl went to the pantry and grabbed aprons. "Ok so I have a personal recipe of my own so let's get to work. They started baking they were laughing and having fun. Sadie couldn't remeber the last rime she had so much fun or laughed at all she was always to her self. "Ok so we put both pans in the over and cookies brownies." She says as the boy grabs the tray amd puts it in the oven then turning around and grabbing frosting then putting it in the girls nose. "KENNY PAYNE." She says grabbing frosting and putting it on his nose then running. He chased the girl eventually catching her and pinking her up "ok ok I'm sorry." " frosting and running is not funny. He says putting the girl down then going upstairs. Suddenly the doorbell rang and she went to open it.

"Ricky's Pizza Palace 2 Large pizzas for Sadie." The pizza guy said. "Yes thank you and keep the change." She says giving the guy 50 dollars then closing the door. She went put the pizza on the counter then the doorbell rang again. "What the." She opened it and it was t the pizza guy it was Anthony. "What are you doing in this neighborhood at my house you live a street over." She says holding the door open. " just coming to see what's going on heard there was a sleepover wondering why I wasn't invited?" "Because I don't like you I made that clear now get out." She says trying to close her door but he put his foot in the way. "Anthony go away or I'll call daddy and mommy and tell them your harassing me not how would mommy feel knowing her sweet boy is harassing an innocent girl." "This isn't over Sadie." He says walking away. "Yeah it was over when you step foot on my property you lunatic." She says shutting the door.

"PIZZAS HERE." She yells hearing Kenny run downstairs "I'll take this all upstairs ." He says grabbing the stuff. She followed behind him he went put the food on the table and went sat down. She went in the closet and grabbed her heart machine. "What's that." "Heart machine." She says sitting in the bed. "I'm getting comfortable now because I won't be able to go anywhere once this thing is on. Can you turn around?" He turned his  head and she strapped the connector to her chest and put it on quite more and started it up. "Ok let's get this full week sleepover started." "She says turning on the projected putting on Pen15.


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