I woke up early and stopped my alarm. I went to the bathroom and began to start my shower. I got out the shower and brushed my teeth and after i was done i did my hair i didnt do much i just rushed it up with my hands. I then went to my closet and picked an outfit.
Outfit (Without the purse and hat)
I grabed my backpack and sweater and went downstairs. "Hello mother ." she says jumping off the last step. "Hey Sadie um do you have everything." "Yes mom i have everything but im gonna be late so I gotta go." " Alright but mame sure you call me and try to make some friends sweetie please." "Ok got it love you." "I love you to Sadie Marie." I ran out the door and down the street ad waited to see a boy dancing it was funny but the. I started to see the bus down the street so i ran faster. Right went i hit the stop the bus pulled up and the boy still had been dancing i guess what he had been Listening was magical but i had to interrupt so i taped his shoulder. He took off his headphones and stared at me i just pointed at th bus with kids hanging out the window.
I got on the bus first. "Sadie Myers how about you sit with me today." Alex Larusso called out I just ignored him and kept walking. "You're a freak anyway." Him and his lame friends just laughed. Then that boy got on I didn't know his name but they started messing with him I'm not one to talk or speak up but I don't like bullying. "Hey leave him alone he wasn't even bothering you do you always have to be so annoying. Hey kid come sit with me there's a seat right here." I say patting the sit next to me on the bus. He comes and sits next to me. "Hi I'm um Kenny." "Sadie Marie Myers." I said kinda low. "Thank you for sticking up for me it wasn't necessary." "It really was I don't like bullies they piss me off especially Anthony and from now on if you want you can sit with me and we can walk to the bus stop together like friends." I say excited but then toning it down realizing he looked a little scared of my hyper activity. "I would like that that's fine." He said smiling I just smiled back but then my phone dinged. It was my mother.
Sadie did you make it to the bus?
Yes mom .
Ok honey please at least try to make one friend pleasant
I already did his name is Kenny I let him sit next to me on the bus.
Ill ask leter but were close to school so i gotta go Love Youππ
Ok Love you to Sadie Mariππ
I Put my phone back in my bag to see Kenny on his phone. I tap his shoulder. "Hey um im gonna be alone tonight so i was wondering if you wsnted to hang out NO weird stuff i just have problems withbeing alone and my mom doesn't like it so i thought tha-" "Yes i dont mind my mom isnt home either." "Ok." she says shaking er head and turning the ither way smiling through the window. Anthony not to far from back heard there whole conversation he didnt likenit he had liked the girl but him being rude made her attraction move farther away seeing her with the new kid boiled his blood he wasnt going to let this slide.
They made it to school her and Kenny walked together she helped him to his first class then walked to her locker and put her backpack on the floor. "Sadie Myers it cant be." She heard Anthony call out from down the hall. "Not interested Larusso." "Cmon you cant hate me forever is it because im not attractive to many poor facial features for your liking." He drops his phone and picks it up. "No your just a dick." She said picking her backpack up off the floor and walking off. She walked into class seeing Kenny sitting alone so she went sit next to him. "Hey Sadie." He said all excited to see the girl. "Hey Kenny." They ended up talking for a bit then doing there work. An hour later Sadie started to feel her chest heat up she knew it had been time it was starting. "Kenny if im not back in 5 minutes ill be in the room with the red door." He nodded at the girl watching her walk out the door. She started walking faster as her chest started getting hotter heart beating faster. She opened the door and went straight to her backpack. But her medication it was gone.
She remembers packing it but it was gone she started rummaging through her bag she eventually dumped it out still nothing. "Oh my god oh my god ." She started breathing fater eventually the door opened revealing Kenny. "Are you ok." "No i need my medicine." "Where is it." "Locker 4 code 22657." She said with her breath starting to faid as her breathing began to wheeze heart beting faster it was a matter if time before it gave out. Kenny ran out the room to find the girls locker and enter her combination and grabbed the bag of medicine. "Im here what do you need." She saw the boy with the bag She threw peice of paper at him.
Medicine Listππ
Pink Bottle-2
Blue Bottle-2
He gives the girl the medicine and some water. She took it and her breathing began to calm down "Inhaler." She told the boy he gave it to her and she took it as needed. "Um the other thing on the paper says shot." "Yeah in this arm its always been in my shot arm." "You want me to do it." the boy says. "Yes i hate doing it to myself." He picked it up the needle and held his hand out. The girl grabbed it and he put the medicine in he syringe and gave it to her. "FUCKING HELL." The girl yelled not liking needles after t had been over she jus sat there the shit madw her a little loopy. "What the hell happened just now." "Heart condition you saved me though i coukd have been in the hospital by now."She hesitates at first and hugs the boy tight. "Thank you" She told the boy onc again. But she was left to wonder what happened to her medication bag in her backpack.
"Sadie Myers it cant be." She heard Anthony call out from down the hall. "Not interested Larusso." "Cmon you cant hate me forever is it because im not attractive to many poor facial features for your liking." He drops his phone and picks it up. He slowly went in her bag and grabbed her medicine bag and put it behind his back. "No your just a dick." She said picking her backpack up off the floor and walking off. He turned around and went to his locker and out the medicine bag in there and went to class.
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