A Lover And Fighter: Chapter 3

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My alarm rang and I got up and saw Kenny sound asleep. I took off the patches from my heart machine and got up. She put the machine in her closet and went to wake up Kenny. "Kenny come on get up." "No not now." "We're gonna be late for the bus." I say dragging him out the bed and on the floor. I went to my closet and picked and outfit.


I curl my hair and mess it up a bit and I put on some eyeliner I felt a little extra today and walk out the bathroom. "Wow you look great." "Aww thank kid." "I'm older than you." "But I'm faster." The girl said grabbing her backpack and running downstairs. "SADIE THATS NOT FAIR." He grabbed his backpack and ran out the door closing it behind him. They both made it to,the bust stop just on time. "Hey Sadie." The bus driver said. Sadie waved at the lady as soon as she got on the bus everyone started clapping but when Kenny got on no one clapped she was just confused. That sat together in there usual spot together. Two girl that sat in front of them turned around towards the girl. "So how was it?" "Um I'm sorry who are you and how was what." "Oh my god Sadie don't try to be incident you know what you did with Anthony." "I did nothing with Anthony I don't even talk to him." He was at your house right?"

"Yeah he showed up." "Exactly you can't even deny." "I'm so confused." The girl pulls out her phone and shows me a picture with the caption "just hit that thanks Sadie." "What the fuck I swear we didn't do anything." "Yeah ok Sadie." "I swear I didn't." She turned telling Kenny. "I know you couldn't have you were with me." The bussed stoped and Sadie was the first one off. Anthony didn't ride the bus today since his dad was going to work he rode with him. Sadie spotted the boy with a group of boys. "Sadie wait." Kenny ran behind the girl. She grabbed Anthony by his shirt and pinned him to the locker. "What did you do Anthony." "Oh Sadie if you wanna kiss me again let do it somewhere more private." He said trying to show off and also touching the girls waist. She kneed the boy in his stomach. "You're gonna regret this im getting my cousin and we're KICKING YOUR ASS until you tell the truth." She let him go. "Who's your cousin?". She took out her phone. "You'll see when she gets here." ..........Ringin.......
"Sadie." "Hey Izzy I need you down here I got sum to handle need an extra hand." "I'll be there."



AGE: 16
"Sadie what's going on" "I don't know when or where but Anthony convinced people we did it." "Did what." "Kenny." "Sadie." "We you know." "Huh ohhhhh." "Yeah ohhhh." "Tell his parents." "I'll do that later but right now I'm wanting to kick his ass." "Sadie I don't think that's the answer it's violence." "Oh my sweet Kenny I could give two fucks no one in there damn right ever embarrasses Sadie Myers. "Yeah ok." He said putting his arm around the girl. "So when are you gonna kick his ass." "When I get a chance and when Izzy gets here." "Well whatever you do I support you as long as you don't go to jail." "Aww thank Ken but I gotta go and thank you for the support." She kissed the boys cheek as she walked into class Kenny couldn't do anything he just stood there in shock. "YES." He yelled in the hallway and was jumping not knowing Sadie had been laughing knowing what the boys reaction was about.

This duo is soon to be unstoppable and talk about a cute moment SADIE + KENNY 4 EVER. Toon in next chapter coming out soon Pookies πŸ–‹πŸ’—

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