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Ahsoka's pov

I am so done with life right now. So done with it.

"What time is it now?" I asked Crosshair again who has not left my side in the past 8 hours. Its literally 0500 hours and were the only ones in the command deck. This is getting sad.

"One minute and 8 seconds since the last time you asked." That was his stupidly smart answer everytime and it drove me insane.

"Try contacting them again please?" He groaned amd tapped the com link but nothing happened. He tilted his head and sente another one of his looks.

"What? It was worth a shot." Although Crosshair would never admit it, he was cleary just as nervous as I am. Crosshair went throufh two while boxes of toothpicks in the past hour and over half of the pics were thrown in the trash because he snapped them like twigs. Probably because they are twigs.

"Oh come on. It's just me. You can drop the annoyed act and show how you really feel for once." He rolled his eyes and sighed dramatically. It didn't shake my gaze away though. We kept staring at each other for as long as we could. Eventually my eyes wandered to his own and I stared deeply at them. If I did creep him out it wasn't obvious. As I looked into his eyes I saw his eyes were not as judgemental as before. Now the brown eyes were laced with pure emotion I've never seen or felt in him before. This Mando used to scare me so much when he was hunting me, now I saw the faint fear in his eyes as well.

"What time is it now?" He groaned and threw his head back along with the rest of his body. Uh Crosshair just fell onto a table.

"Time for you to get a watch because I don't feel like being your human alarm clock anymore." Crosshair forced out through gritted teeth. I gasped and held my chest as if I was offended like some old person when they're called old.

"You dare speak that way to the woman who freed you? I'd hate to see how you speak to the people you-" I was cut off by my stomach letting out an unholy gurgle.

"C-Cro..." He knew what was happening. It's what happens almost every morning now. And this time it ia definitely not because of Fives moldy ration bar, although Crosshair has puked q lot too today and I seriously doubt it's because he's pregnant. As I puked my guts into the waste bin, Crosshair held it out for me with one hand and rubbed soothing circles on my back with his other hand. It was a subtle way but it only further proved ti me that the real Crosshair isn't the cold and calculating one, the real Crosshair has enough compassion for those who prove themselves to him to fill up the galaxy. Once I was done spilling out my inards, Crosshair and I switched places. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve then took the bin from Crosshair holding it out for him.

"Your turn yet?" He opened his mouth but quicklg shut it and pushed a hand to his stomach. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he is pregnant afterall.

"Yeah it's totally your turn." Right on time when I finished my sentence he leaned forward into the same waste bin. I'm sure you could guess what he was doing. Fives has got to stop leaving the ration bars out of the cooler container.

"Take your time Snarky. We have nowhere special to be anyway." I didn't know it was possible, but for someone barfing up his guts in an already barfed in waste bin, I think he was actually smiling at what I said. Once Crosshair was done he let out a loud breath and repeatedly opened and closed his mouth to get the bitter taste out of his mouth.

"Done?" He wiped the corners of his mouth with the napkin sitting on the table, folded the gross side of the napkin and handed the clean side to me.

"For now, yes." I wiped the remainder of you know what off my face and threw the dirty napkin into the waste bin we both puked our dinner into earlier.

"Hungry?" His face whipped to face mine.

"Seriously? We just vomited and your already thinking about eating again!" I sighed and rubbed my stomach as soothingly as possible as it growled like a starved loth wolf, again.

"Hey what can I say man? I'm eating for two." He rolled his eyes and facepalmed. As to why he did that, I don't know.

"What? What is it?" He gave me one of those looks implying I should know the answer.

"Ahsoka your barely past the first month. The baby is not even developed yet."

"Wow I didn't know it took a pregnant woman for you to start talking like Techie Bear." He clearly wasn't expecting that response. I could tell because he opened his mouth and started saying something then stopped himself and started mumbling something completely different. Luckily his unclear gibberish was cut short by an incoming transmission.

"Oh thank all things holy." I said and rolled my eyes. Crosshair did the same and followed me over to the main holoprojector in the center of the room.

"Tano here."

"Ahsoka, oh boy am I glad to hear your voice." Hunter said which concerned me. The mostly stoic Sargeant sounded so tired- no it was beyond tiredness. Hunter seemed past exhausted even. I think he was on brink of death it seemed. Plus it was a well known fact among the family that one of Hunter's top priorities was his ling luxurious hair, but right now on the projector the wavy locks were in shambles.

"Tough mission?" He didn't have to reslond for me to know the answer. One look in Hunter's eyes and I didn't need to see anymore to know it was beyond rough.

"You have no idea how kriffing complicated it got here!" I chuckled dryly trying to ease some of his tension.

"In my experience anything with Bariss Offee involved is complicated." He scoffed and shook his head. My light hearted laughter worked for a split second before his mood was brought down again.

"She said so many things, so many lies about you. I don't believe them of course but..." Hunter trailed off and scratched his chin. Crosshair stepped out of fhe dark to face Hunter.

"But nothing. Right Sarge? Is Offee with you or not?" The only lighting in the room was the soft glow of all the holotables and projectors in the room, shining a dim blue light on Crosshair's seriously hard facial expression. Infact the ice blue lighting was identical to Omega's light saber color.

"Sorry Ahsoka. But Offee escaped the prison frigate with the help of- help of..." I am so sick of the trailing off.

"Well Hunter? With the help of who?" A moment of silence passed by where no one muttered a word or sound. The only sound heard to anyone's ear was the faint sniffling and sobbing in the background of Hunter's sid eof the com.

"Hunter. What is that sound?" He stuttered and turned his head toward fhe aide to look at simething Crosshair and I couldn't see. Suddenly we heard screeching that was yelled by a scarily familiar voice.

"Hunter is that Omega?" I heard her cry out in pain again and vall out for a name that struck so many nerves for me.

"It is! What did you to her Hunter? What did you do to my padawan!?" He glanced to the side and back to me multiple times before finally deciding to hang up.

"Hunter!" Crosshair stepped forward and trosd to get him bsck on the coms.

"Sarge, do you read me?" Instead of a blank silemce we could here the com do that fizzy dizzy thing it does where the screen flickers on and off between different greys. That can only mean one thing.

"Hunter didn't hang up the com channel. The com channel has been disconnected by an outside source." I stepped up by Crosshair's side to examine his work and how heanahed to discover this. Low and behold, Crosshaie was right. It wasn't Hunter who disconnected the com. But jo one else was nearby so who did?

"Do you think it could've been Omega?" There's the question I didn't want to hear, or think about the answer.

"No it couldn't be her fault. Besides it also probably wasn't her screams anyway. Rex and Hunter- or any of them for that matter would never let anyone hurt their Megs. Plus if she was in danger, the first thing I taught her to do was contact me. Yet here I am, not having been contacted from Omega since-"


"Since just now. When she contacted me. Literally just now. Huh." Crosshair rolled his eyes, he seems to do that often, and started vigorously typing away again. And I thought Tech was the savvy one.

Omega is that you?


"All she's saying is help." I imformed him.

"Well, then, get her to talk more you jetti di'kut!" Jeez I thought we were done woth that term.

Omega what's wrong?

Help me! Please he won't go away. Please help me!

"She says someone won't leave her alone." Crosshair gagged and almost barfed in the waste bin agaun when he heard that.

"Well if some boy won't leave her alone then just tell her to knee 'em in the balls." I grumbled amd started trying to get Hunter back on the holoprojector. However instead of seeing him this time all I could see was the line of his voice waves as he spoke into the com and couldn't be seen. Which means the Havoc Maruaders com system was down. Hunter was contacting us from his helmet.

"Cross! Ahsoka! Tell Omega to stop!" Both our eyes widened in question.

"Stop what?" Crosshair asked his Sargeant. I could hear the bloody sxream in the bsckground that made Hunter pause.

"I don't know what she's doing but whatever is taking down our ship, it's because of her!" I blocked out the rest of Hunter and Crosshair's conversation to puck up mt other one with my poor padawan.

Who won't go away?

My brother is tormenting me. He won't go away. He's angry at me for what I did. I-I am too. I acted out of anger master. I'm not a true jedi.

"What now? I already gave her a great solution to the problem!" Crosshair asked when he noticed my urgency drop.

"She doesn't think she's a true jedi because she acted out against the person who won't leave her alone in anger."

Omega listen to me very carefully. Just because you made a mistake does not mean your no longer a jedi! Hell, in my opinion wcting out in anger isn't even a mistake! I don't know what you did but I garuntee we can move past this. Your still the best student a master could ever hope for.

"Ahsoka! Omega won't listen to us, like she physically can't hear us! We just got dropped out of hyper space! She's taking down the whole ship!" Hunter voice seemed to go up a while octave at the last part of his sentence. Then the com went static.

"Wait, Nosy? Is that a smudge on the glass or am I really seeing a Marauder in the sky?" Crosshair walked away from the holoprojector and up to the mainframe computer, pointing up through the window at something. I followed in his footsteps, just faster to see where he was looking.

"Holy shit! They're falling out of the sky! Don't just stand there jetti! Do something!" He violently shook my shoulders while screaming in my ear. Yeah like this will help me save them somehow.

"First thing we need to do is keep our hands to ourselves!" He stopped in mid shake and glared at me.

"Woohoo. Great plan. Did that solve anything for you? Cause it sure as hell didn't solve jack for them!" He pointed angrily at the falling ship outside just above our heads. The fact I could barely see the Marauder over the tip of the plexiglass scared me because thateant the ship was almost directly above us. And if the ship was still moving forward then- oh god. Crosshair must've figured it out the same time I did because both our eyes widened and we gasped at the same time.

"On no, oh no, oh no, oh no, what do we do, what do we do, what do we-" the sound of sharp shards of glass falling from the window I just broke drowned out Crosshair's voice. My fingertips grabbed the top of the window sill and I leaped out, curling myself onto the roof. Now outside in the warm humid atmosphere of the Alderaanean sunrise I could hear the Havoc Marauder spiraling out of control closer and closer to Crosshair and I on the roof.

"Okay I have a plan."

"Oh great. I feel so much better!" I groaned and in a moment of anger, I may or may not have dropkicked Crosshair off the roof.

"You'll feel better when your not dead, as long as you don't die of course."

"How reassuring of yo- wait what does that even mean?" I roleld my eyes amd glanced back to the Marauder. Luckily it was still maintaining its course on the proper trajectory towards- I need to stop taking flight lessons from Tech.

"How am I supposed to know what I mean? Just shut up and let me focus!" He let himself fall back on his ass and he just chilled there while I was prepping myself.

"It's getting awfully close."

"Yes that's what a ship does when it crashes, Professer Crosshair. Now as much as I love your snaeky remarks, Snarky, I really need to focus." I told him firmly without yelling. We only became friends a week ago. Neither of us know the others boundaries yet. I'm trying to keep that in mind right now but as he clearly wasn't gonna drop this it bexame increasingly harder to keep a leveled head.

"You know if you wanted to do your job eight about jow would be a swell time."

"Don't tell me how to do my job!" A sudden burst of power went through my body but not my mind as I threw Crosshair into a tree.

"Finally. Peace and-" he started groaning and grunting in pain. I screamed my frustration into the thick of fhe forest where Crosshair fell off the tree on his ass again. And still his yelling and complaining never stopped. I learned to tune his voice out from the distance he was at and closed my eyes. With the force to guide me, I didn't need my eyes to see the ship and the goal ahead of me. It was all quiet until a whisper voice said something in my ear,

"Is it time yet?"

"NO!!" He raised his hands in the air and backed away again. However something told me he'd be back.

"Seriosuly this is too close for comfort."

"Aw poor baby Crossy. Want a nightlight or some shit like that?" That got him to shut up real fast. Omce the ship was only approximately a few hundred feet away still speeding towards us, I held out a hand exactly one second before it made impact with my hand held out. I used the force to maneuver the ship to face the opposite way. Once the Marauder was facing the correct way in one swift motion I made it take a sharp left onto the shipyard. I let go and the ship plopped down right where I wanted it to.

"Wow. That actually wasn't horrible." At least it wasn't an insult or question he already knew the answer to.

"Was there ever any doubt?" Crosshair gave me his hand and I hoisted him up.

"Tons." I rolled my eyes and playfully punched him in the arm. Crosshair and I hopped off the roof together. Well he says we did it together. Truth is I slingshot him all the way across the shipyard and he crashed into the Maruader's cockpit window. Tech and Echo waved hello while Wrecker and Fives laughed from a distance. I leaped across the shipyard but landed more gracefully than Crosshair did. I waited patuently for the bad batch and the others to gather their bearings and face us. It wasn't long before they opened the door to the ramp. Rex was the first to run down the staircase and kiss the life out of me. I'm not complaining though. Once he pulled back I chuckled amd looked at his soft smile.

"Hard mission?"

"Hard landing. Still wouldn't call the mission a joyful experience though. But it was an experience nonetheless." His tone was sad and exhausted but his subtle smirk gave away his true emotions. He was just happy to be on solid ground again with the ones he loves.

"I'm just glad you weren't there. So many reasons for you to go, qnd yet you didn't. Thank you for putting our baby's safety first as well as yours." Rex leaned down a bit to kiss my hand, as he did he looked up at me.

"I'm so proud of you." I pulled him up into a bear hug. We stood there for a solid minute just embracing each other with all we had. Once everyone else came down I did a head coumt to notice a small blonde one missing. Qnd since it obviously wasn't Rex since he's right here, that only left the victim to the force.

"Where is she?" Hunter who was clearly still rattled from the near death experience wordlessly pointed up into the Maruader they just exited. I nodded in thanks and went up the staircase ramp into the ship.

"Omega? Are you in there?" Before I could properly knock on her large metal door, the door swung open to reveal the poor girl with the scarred face and bloody nose.

"Well you look like shit." She had no reaction whatsoever which was definitely concerning. Normally she always finds my remarks hilarious, even the ones I make about her. Whoch are very few and far between, but still. Without saying anything more she took a seat on the gunners seat where our first shared room was. I kneeled next to her and stared st her frowning face. Omega refused to look at me.

"Look at me." She finally gathered her courage to look at my face.

"Whatever you did back there whether it was on purpose or not, it's in the past. Okay?" I hated staring at her like this. When I reached out in the force all I felt coming from her was sheer pain and despair, with guilt and remorse as the cherra on top. She looked back down at her lap when tears started to build up in her eye.

"I feel like I'm dying." That one small sentence and just like that I understand what it means when people say Padme Amidala died of a broken heart.

"Stay with me, my padawan. Your not the one who's dying with the past. Look at me," she wouldn't do it. I had to move her chin for her. When she looked in my eyes that was when she finally cracked. She broke down right in front of my eyes. The tears that pooled in her eyes finally spilled over and the choked sobs were finally let out.

"I'm giving you this." I took the small braided bracelet I made in the first hour they were gone qnd placed it in her hand. It got a smile out of Omega, that's all I can ask for as of now. I helped her strap and tue it aroumd her wrist in the small crevice of her arm armor and glove gear.

"Being angry is being human. Now you are a jedi and a rebel. Although rebels are looked down upon by others, mostly the Empire, jedi are held to a higher standard by most. But jedi are still human."

This is the symbol on Omega's new bracelet.

It is a combination of the old jedi order and the new rebellion emblem. It's proof that you can be anything you want to be, or you can be everything you want to be.

Word count: 3439

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