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Real quick note. Ive had people ask me why Ahsoka says oh my force and the clones say oh my god. The simple answer is they have different religions and beliefs.

And for the people who are gonna tell me "clones don't say that" or "thats not officially canon" watch the video above from the actual clone wars series. Lol yall have been caught in 4k 📸

Ahsoka's pov

Holy shit. I slept a whole 25 hours. On the bright side I know Omega did too because we were both still curled up in the gunners seat like before. I chuckled at Omega's unholy snoring that no doubt woke up the base. I'm just happy I got her to calm down.

"Megs. Wakey wakey, its a brand new day... key? I don't know. Just get up." My straightforwardness surprised Omega and I but the gasps outside of the curtain signals I must've surprised somebody else too. It was early so obviously I was too lazy to move my arms so instead I inched my pointer finger left and the curtain flew open.

"Oh! H-Hey Soka. Have I mentioned lately how much I love you? Cause I really should've." It was Wrecker waiting sheepishly outside the curtain. I groaned as Omega helped push up. I leaped out of the gunners seat with her right behind me, both of us rubbing the sleep out of our eyes.

"How long have you been here?" When my eyes finally unblurred I could see his silly smile which caused any trace of anyone's bad morning mood to disappear. However my mood soon returned before Wrecker could answer, ai had to dash off to the nearest refresher that happened to be Wrecker's room. Honestly I know this baby will be worth it but jeez it's cutting close.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm-" Apperently my gut wasn't done with me quite yet. I let out one fianl gag of it. Omega used the force to bring me a hand towel. I wiped my face with it then neatly placed it over the refresher.

"I'm doing phenomenally well right now actually. Thank you for asking." He awkwardly chuckled and backed away. Wrecker then walked off to force only knows where to do force only knows what. Omega brought me a bottle of water. I tried to take it from her but she gasped and snapped her hand back, dropping the water and grasping her head. I found it odd when she flinched a second later away from me to avoid contact. I stared st her oddly but q small bit of familiarity was found swelling un my heart as well.

"Omega?" She started wildly shaking her head and grunting so much she sounded like a bear giving birth. It got so bad at one point I speumg up to be by her side. She started hitting her head like she was trying to knock something out. I think I knew what was happening. I just didn't want to believe it could happen to her to.

"Omega what's happening?" Once she was borderline slapping herself I tried to grasp her hands before she inflicted actual red marks onto her face. I knew a girl who slapped herself once. She was the same girl who turned out to be a physco sith pinned a temple bombing on me. I peaked inside her head and all I saw was her kneeling before someone crying on her knees. She repeated the single phrase;

"I'm so sorry I failed you, I'm so sorry I failed you, I'm so sorry I-" I couldn't bare to listen anymore.

"Omega, hunny, you need to snap out of... whatever your un right now! It's not real, none of what you see is!" That didn't appear to work on her.

Omega's pov
"Are you okay?" Wrecker asked my master who was currently puking in the refresher toilet. I was just happy to be out of that horrid dream I was having- that is until Ahsoka woke me up.

"Yeah I'm-" She cut herself off by going another round. It was quite ugly and had to be grosser for her but it still beat facing my past.

"I'm doing phenomenally well right now actually. Thank you for asking." Even after dealing with the disgusting bantha shit in the refresher, that quite literally looked like bantha shit she sat her butt on her heels and took a breather. I was may or may not have been eavesdropping this whole time so I figured now was as good time as any to being her the water. I used the force to float it over to me and everything! Unfortunately that is eerily similar to-

"Mega~" Oh no. Not again.

"Mega!" I flinched away from the voice that screamed my horrid nickname in both ears. My whole head was ringing, throbbing with familiarity. It was luke the galaxy's most extreme headache and migraine combined to form an ultra extreme source of pain. I tried shaking, hitting, even slapping. I tried slapping the terrorizing voice that wouldn't give me a minute's peace lut of my head, yet nothing would work.

"Omega what's happening?" Fhe voice was disoriented and fuzzy. Barely audible but it was a voice nonetheless and it wasn't Boba's.

"Ahsoka?" I tried to say but I couldn't tell if I actually said it or if I judt thought it. As Ahsoka's voice was drowned out all I couls focus on was his maniacal laughter filling my brain so I couldn't think properly anymore.

"Pathetic!" Both the outside craziness and my internal battle for control blurred together. I couldn't tell what was real anymore. It was absolutely horrifying to see Boba with a smirk on his face in front of me. I looked at him funny. In the end apperently I thought it would be best to stick my whole hand through his torse as the ultimate test to see what was real and what was only a figment of my imagination. The problem was even after I stuck my hand through Boba I wasn't sure because his while face was etched with pure pain as id he was being tortured by his own self. Oh wait-

"Omega what's happening?" The words flashed through my mimd but there wasn't a voice this tume to match it. Boba was- or appeared to be in utter agony.

"Oh my force! Vod, I'm so sorry!" What was even more horrific than my brothers face was the blood oozing out of the spot where I pulled my hand away from him. I gasped and stumbled away frim Boba pathetically. I was so and felt so pathetic right now it wasn't even funny.

"Omega, hunny, you need to snap out of... whatever your un right now! It's not real, none of what you see is." Was it real or was it fake? Was it my loving master or my treacherous brother? I can't tell the difference anymore.

"It's all... molded, together." I grunted. I could feel someone grab qhild of my wrists. The sudden contact overwhelmed me further and I yanked away from their grasp. I couldn't see who was doing this to me. At first I was praying the person I force psuhed away was Boba, but then the picture of him bleeding out in front of me flashed through my brain.

"No no no no no no no..." It was too late. I removed Boba's helmet expecting to see the eyes of a bloody bastard who lost it all. Instead I was to frightened by the shock of who was actually under the helmet to move.

"It's, m-me." Have you ever stared into your own eyes? Well I don't recommend it. Because no one knows you luke yourself, and if you take time to look at yourself we can see the inspiration and bad influence others have given us. At first I saw Ahsoka. She was so independent yet caring. Sarcastic yet compassionate. No doubt she had a major part of making me who I am today. But then I saw myself. How did I shape myself? I have no idea. But then Boba was next- and I just couldn't look me in the eyes.

"This is bad. Go get Hunter or Rex or literally anybody!" Hunter... Rex. They were real. Right?

"I don't know who to worry about more. The one who's knocked unconscious or the one who knocked the one unconscious!" That was definitely real. The voices I heard were slowly becoming more and more recognizable.

"Oh what to do, what to do..." That voice was Wrecker's I knew. The voice had a sort of gravely tone only Wrecker possessed.

"Ah! I know-" Just when I started to come out of it my whole head shook however this time it wasn't from slapping myself, my whole body was turned upside down by somebody lifting me.

"Wrecker? That's you, right?"

"Oh- hey Megs. Do me a favor, stop squirming? It's hard to kidnap you with people looking at me like I'm kidnapping you." I just shrugged and waved at some horrified rebellion officer who tried to approach us. Poor guy was probably scarred for life. I don't know it's kinda hard to tell with their egg heads and non existent necks that are hidden by their uniforms. Suddwnly the egg hwad taking careful steps toward me grew. But he didn't grow, his neck did and it turned into the off-white color of a Kaminoen. I gasped and stopped waving, then averted my eyes so I was staring at Wrecker's back.

"Wrecker. Walk faster. Pease." Even though I was upside down over Wrecker's shoulder I clenched on to him tighter around his torso below his chest plate. Right now Wrecker was the only one I could depend on. He was the only I knew was real amd wouldn't hurt me.

"Sure thing Megs." I could feel the fhe wind breezs by me as he sped up speed walking down the hall. I shut my eyes, finding comfort in the wind blowimg the short hair out of my eyes. Once all the hair was behind me I shut my eyes tight.


I was absolutely terrified it would have been Boba's betrayed tone in my head but it was one far more innocent.

I'm so sorry I hurt you master. I swear I didn't mean to.

I know hunny. It's well known that you wouldn't hurt anyone if you didn't have to. Just tell me where you are so we can talk about this.

I could feel her force prescence growing ever closer.

"Where are we going?" Wrecker glanced to the left and right before taking off in a mad dash to who knows where. And as anybody could imagine he still refused to tell me where that was. Eventually we entered the command deck by the broken window. It was everybody's break time so they were most likely in the cafegeria or in thwir own private quarters.

"Okay okay ya lovable brute! You can put me down now." Sadly I wasn't specific enough.

"Wait no! Wreck please don-" He let go of my ankles and I fell over his left shoulder. Luckily I sensed it coming so I was able to curve my head inwards and set my arms in position to push myself up.


"Oh what? Your fine!"

"Barely!" He blinked several times at my raised voice which happened rarely.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to yell. But you went to all the trouble of saving me so you could've been at least a bit more gentle..." after a second my entire mood changed and another quesrion popped into mind.

"Why are you so persistent on keeping me away from them?" He bit his bottom lip un concentration. Wrecker wasn't the best with words but he tries.

"I like making people happy." The explanation was short and to the point. Just like he was.

"Ans that is a wonderful goal Wrecker. You've definitely accomplished it." He beamed at my praise and gave a dubious laugh.

"Thanks Megs." He tried to put his arm around me but when he did my head jerked toward him. An image of Boba flashed on and off where Wrecker's head was. It was genuinely terrifying. I let put a full-on scream and averted my eyes to the other wall. As I scooted away

"Tell them I'm not here." When Hunter tried to peek through the cracked door to see me I somersaulted out of his line of sight.

"Oh okay. Sure thing Omega." Wrecker said fhen closed fhe door on Hunter's face. Hunter screeched and jumped back.

"Omega's not here." Wrecker deadpanned.

"Omega I know your in there! I can help you! We can get through this together!" I heard Ahsoka shout through the door her and Hunter were trying to break off it's hinges. Wrecker was wrestling to keep the door closed and locked away, as well as keep me secured safely inside away from anyone else I could hurt. Wrecker looked at me with a pleading look in his eyes, asking the silent question on who should be loyal to.

"You pick." Wrecker took a moment to contemplate on who his loyalties truly lied with. I could tell he was really thinking hard about it by the small beas of sweat trickling down the side of his forehead. After taking no more than a second to consider the ultimatum, apperently his loyalty lies with me because he shoved that door shut.

"Consider yourself picked." He sent me a olayful wink before I heard another knock on the door, more aggressive this time. I just knew somewhere out there someone was trying to hotwire that solid metal door open.

Master I know that's you back there.

Omega open this door right now. All I'm here to do is talk to you.

She replied back through the force. Eventually I could feel Ahsoka's patience run thin. The door blasted open to reveal a huffing and puffing Ahsoka with Hunter and Tech cowering behind her.

"Leave us." Those two singular words were said with such malice it could be enough to instill fear in any mans heart. Hunter and Tech glanced from me to Wrecker, both mouthing I'm sorry. Wrecker's feet dragged as he slowly approached the entrance.

"It's alright Wrecker. Thanks for trying." That didn't improve Ahsoka's mood but to Wrecker that small sentence was enough to make him smile.

"I will always be loyal to you." That definitely didn't improve Ahsoka's mood but it sure as hell made me feel better. That's just what I needed to hear after my freaky panic attack, jedi vision bantha shit.

"Shut the door behind you." Wrecker fumbled for a bit trying to put the door back on it's hinges.

"Sorry just- just uh... one sec- okay this isn't working." I sighed and chuckled. Fives may lighten up a situation on purpose but Wrecker does it on accident.

"Oh for kriff sake! Little help here?" Ahsoka rolled her eyes and force pushed him out of the room.

"At least it was Wrecker and not some strange man in here with you." Ah there we go. The true insecurity has been revealed. She only busted down the door because she thought I was getting kidnapped. By someone other than Wrecker I mean.

"Alright well, I think you know what we need to talk about." I nodded lamely and looked at the ground. Ahsoka walked around me once

"I'm so sorry I hurt you. It was an accident I promise." Ahsoka's tough eyes immediately softened when she met my eyes.

"It's okay. See? You didn't hurt me. I'm fine."

"Is that why you ran- er, let yourself be carried away? Because you were scared you'd hurt someone again?" Judging by the tone used it would be a safe assumption that she already knew the answer to her question. I have one little nod that conveyed my every emotion to her. Although it was a little more than rhat

"You could never hurt me Omega. You never hurt any-"

"Really? Because lately all I can do is hurt the people I love!" I could tell Ahsoka was easing off my back a little bit but now that I was involved I didn't want to just stop the momentum of talking about it.

"I couldn't decipher what was real. It was all just a big blur from reality and this nightmare I had." Ahsoka gasped so quietlg I could barely pick up on it. But I still did.

"What do you think it is?" I asked her opinion. She shook her head and tapped two fingers to her chin.

"I think you are way to young to have the problems you have but... I know what it is."

"You do!? How? W-What is it?" My excitement dwindled when I saw her face. She sighed and leaned back against the wall.

"You have night terrors, Omega." I soaked up her expression of pity qnd sorrow. Right now the onlg thing she had to offer was her advicd amd answers so I listened to them.

"Go on." She sharply inhaled before explaining as requested.

"Night terrors are basically nightmares to the extreme. It's when post traumatic stress overtakes and you relive flashbacks, or moments of your past but instead of just waking up they follow you to reality." Qhat she's saying makes sense. It's just hard to believe. I thought onlg wad veterans had PTSD and night terrors. I guess Crosshair isn't the only one suffering from this anymore.

"Forgive my bluntness; but how the hell do you know about this?" Her calm prescence faltered into one of pain and sadness.

"Because I have night terrors too."

"I- on no. I-I didn't know I'm so sorry." She chuckled and got off her shoulder spot on the wall to walk over. She quit my rambling by shaking mg shoulders like people always do on Wrecker's holomovies.

"I know you don't know. The reason you didn't know is because I always have Rex there to calm me down. He's the person who brings me back to reality. You just haven't foumd your person yet." Gee that's relaxing. Also not very kid appropriate.

"Are you trying to tell the 13 year old girl that she needs to start sleeping with people this early? Shouldn't I wait till at least 18? Or when Hunter dies? Plus 3 days? You know, to like, make sure he's really dead?" You opened he rmputh like she was about to renect me but then she closed it.

"Are ypu actually telling me to-"

"No! No I would never do that! Good force that would make me a terrible pare- master. Anyways all I'm saying is for now, if you need someone to sleep with - in a non-romantic way - then I suggest starting with Crosshair. Afterall I gave him the same advice." I scoffed and leaned on the war table.

"I doubt he took that well."

"Yeah he did not at all. He threatened to throw a hatchet at my face."

"Then you threatened back what?" She scoffed and backed away acfing offended af the rude but accurate assumption.

"Fine you caught me. Then I threatened to shoot off his manhood."

"Yeah that sounds more like it." I stuck my head out the window and suddenly all was still. It's as if the air from my lungs came out and filtered the fresh air around me, becoming whike with the planet's gorgeous natural environment. Once everything stopped just as soon as it happened the world sped back up to it's normal speed again. My hair whipped in the wind that pecked my cheeks. I turned back to Ahsoka and giggled. She chuckled too once she saw how the wind affected my hairdo.

"As adorable as this is, we really need to get you a hair cut." I scoffed and tried to flatten out my odd new do atop of my head. Ahsoka was right though. My hair was getting way too l I my for my taste, and it was even getting in the way of my helmet too.

"Don't judge me! I just, found a new appreciation for the wind is all." Ahsoka cracked a laugh and shofted in her seat.

"Omega if you want to feel the wind more often jusr ask Wrecker to crack one off. You'll be feeling- or should I say smelling it for days." Cringy. I tried my best to ignore that piece of info I could've gone mg whole life without hearing. Still though she saw my gag and shudder. She chuckled lifhtlt behind me buf I tried my best to ignore that too.

"There's just something so... hypnotic. About how the wind flows so smoothly yet crisply. The natural wind I mean, not whatever Wrecker's version of it is." She hummed quietly. I could feel her soft gaze on the back of my head.

"So you... like it here? On the base I mean, don't you?" Without turning around I gave her a nod hoping she could see.

"I like it here, is an understatement."

"We'll worry about it when we have to. For now I just want to enjoy my new safe spot." And my new safe spot was something no one could ever take away from me because it was all 100% natural and ir came from a power greater than myself. My new safe spot is the wind.

Word count: 3590

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