Hi guys so I'm sorry if I break your hearts but don't worry next chapter will be super better and more cheerful. Kk but don't skip this chapter some real important shit happenes I swear. Okay please read vote comment and enjoy!
Ahsoka's pov
Omega stood there confused as hell as I glared daggers at the man in front of me. Darth Vader. Anakin Skywalker. Right?
"At last, you have returned to me, my padawan. Our long awaited meeting has finally come." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. The Anakin I know would never be so formal sounding. Ever.
"I'm glad I gave you something to look forward to." I sassed back. I could tell he was less then pleased. I gripped my light saber and held it steadily in my hand.
"We need, not be adversaries. I will show you mercy if you lay down your weapon and come peacefully." I scoffed again. His request only made me grip my light saber tighter. He sighed heavily understanding my answer.
"Tell me where the remaining jedi can be found. You at least owe me that." I gawked at the audacity of this man.
"Owe you!? Skyguy we both know I don't owe you shit. Now step aside." His eyes behind his helmet were full of fire, and not the good kind. His eyes flickered between me and Omega. I took one big protective step in front of her.
"Come near her and you die."
"I don't want to hurt you Ahsoka-" He taunted with an emotionless tone. It made me sick.
"Yeah that's what you said last time. Guess what? I got hurt." He was snarling under that mask. I would be lying if I said it didn't scare me at least a little bit.
"I don't want to hurt you but I will do what I must to get results. Tell me where the remaining jedi are now."
"There are no jedi. You and and all your troopers have seen to that." I growled back at him. I am not in the mood for this shit. The last thing I need is a showdown with some emo-ass sith lord. He hummed slightly through his mask modulator. My god that thing gave me a huge headache. And trauma. That too.
"Perhaps that child will confess what you will not." Threatening an innocent child!? Now that definitely doesn't sound like something Anakin would do. Omega moved out of the way and grabbed her light saber too.
"You know, I was beginning to think I knew who you were behind that mask. But the more I see of you the more I see I was wrong. My master could never be as vile as you."
"Anakin Skywalker was weak. I destroyed him." My heart. That's it. It just broke in two. When I heard the anger, the vengeance in Vader's voice I knew this wasn't a game. So this is how I go out of the usniverse huh? By the hands of the man who promised to never let any harm come to me? Is that how I go? My savior will be my killer? Is that how it is? Is it!? After the sadness washed away the pure rage took it's place. Omega sensed my shift in mood too. I was practically squishing my saber in a death grip. I looked vader dead in his covered up eyes.
"Then I will avenge his death."
"Revenge is not the jedi way." I sucked in a breath and used the force to make Omega's light saber, my old one to come to my open hand. I sharply inhaled and shined a sadistic smirk that would scare the darkest of creatures.
"I'm no ordinary jedi." I activated my light sabers and held it in offensive position. He did the same. We stood there staring each other down. General vs Commander. Master vs Padawan. Big brother vs little sister. This was but wasn't Anakin. If I kill him today, countless lives will have been saved. But if I don't kill him one heart will be saved. Mine. I bared my teeth, sucked it up and charged. The first time he blocked my saber I took him by surprise and kicked him in the knee. However I was taken by surprise by the sudden overwhelming pain in my knee and the metal clanking sound I caused. I bit my lip to keep from crying out in pain. It's probably best to distract myself.
"Since when did you become a kriffing clanker? Your captain would not be very proud, Skyguy."
"Clearly this is nothing but a game to you. But I assure you, I will be the one laughing in the end." He striked so hard I stumbled back. Pure rage taking over my mind. How could he do this? My better judgement was clouded. All I could think about was my former love for Anakin, now hatred for Vader. He was the one person who stood by me. Who believed in me! Now he's gone too. Only difference is he happily left. Which only fueled my anger for him.
"You've grown more powerful in the force, my young padawan." I was kneeling on the ground catching my breath. For once in my life, I let my anger fuel me. Give me the strength I need to keep going. After finding my breath I finally looked him in the eyes. I see through that phonie mask of his. He can't hide from me. And visa versa.
"I'm not so young anymore." A cold shiver ran down my spine as a vision threatened to take over me.
"Omega run!"
"But I can't-"
"Get out of here now! That's my final order." I could see the clear tears brimming up in her eyes. She was on verge of tears but regardless she ran. She ran so fast she was a blur. I turned my focus back to Vader.
"Ahsoka, you were meant for more. You are capable of so much more. Join me Ahsoka. With me you can help make a difference. Bring change to the galaxy! And together we can become master and padawan again. Together we can rule the galaxy!" I groaned as I pulled myself off the ground and stared at him.
"Ya done? Because as long as you are Darth Vader, I will never join you."
"Your anger says otherwise." Okay he's got me there. I really got to calm down.
"Join me Ahoska. It's the only way you are going to walk out of here alive." I could feel the small beads of sweat form at my forehead. I gulped and deactivated my light saber.
"That's it. Think about it. What has the light side ever done for you? Tried to break your spirit? Cheat you? Betray you? Try to murder you? Promise you a future and then rip it away from you?" I want to not believe him so badly. But I do. Everything he just said is true. And I knew it. So did he. But still only one thing was on my mind.
"Alright. I will join you only on one condition."
"Anything." I scoffed at his words. Now this sounds more like the Anakin I know. I missed this Anakin.
"You must promise me that my padawan will be safe." His shoulders tensed up. Clearly he wasn't expecting me to say that.
"No! Her life is not mine to control. We must get the female clone back to Kamino as soon as possible." I was visibly shocked. Kamino!? Omega!? Why? Wait wait wait, did he say clone?
"Yes, a clone. Search your feelings my padawan, you know it to be true." He's right. It is true. But if Omega's a rogue clone and this important to Kamino then that's probably who sent Fennic Shand after us! Kamino. The home world of all clones. Where all the evil longnecks live as well as that little prick Nala Se. If I ever get my hands on her... but if she gets her hands on Omega. Then what will happen? Will she die? Even if she doesn't I don't want to find out. I activated both my light sabers again ready to fight for my life and hers.
"Padawan, no. I order you to put down your light sabers and come with me now. Trust me." A shiver went down my spine. This time the vision had the upper hand. I was too angry to think straight and so the vision took over me.
"Listen I would never let anyone hurt you Ahsoka, never. But you need to cone back and make your case to the council."
"I feel horrible Fives. I called her dangerous. My own girlfriend, dangerous! I acted like she was a threat! Ive never felt more ahsamed in my life..."
"No. I am not going to take the fall for something I didn't do!"
"Good. Sir I'm gonna say this as bluntly as possible, you really fucked up. But you weren't the only one."
"I am ordering you to put down your light saber and come with me now! You can trust me."
"Yeah everybody blamed her and everybody messed up but I'm not everybody. I was her Rexy Fives everytime you fuck up it seems like you brush it off and move on. But when I fuck up my lover stops loving me."
"I do trust you. But you know as well as I do that no one else will beleive me."
"She left us all, she didn't even say goodbye."
"Anakin you have to trust me now."
"Hold on a minute. You are not the only one she left! It's not all about you Rex! You think Jesse and Tup and Kix and I aren't heartbroken as well!? She was our sister!"
"Ahsoka I do trust you!"
"I know Fives. You and Jesse are right. I just- I just can't live without her. I can't imagine what it will be like on a battlefield without her. What it will be like in the mess hall without her and you constantly pranking everybody. I need her. More than you know."
"I know you do."
"I know you do. We were lucky to have a Commander like her. We all had a good thing while it lasted. I guess what we do now is mourn our loss and cherish our memories together. That's about all we can do."
"Wish me luck."
"Yeah I guess there's no point in mulling over the past. The past is in the past. We have to focus on the future now. And I know for a fact one day, we'll all see each other again. You'll see Fives. You'll see." I jolted forward as if the horribly vivid and real vision didn't affect me at all but I was surprisingly already up. Ooh, Darth Vader wasn't though. He had one large scar crossing his right eye. Did- did I do that?
"Ahsoka, this is your last warning. Join me, or you and your precious padawan die." His voice sounded all jumbled up since half his crusty face was exposed.
"Nah, I think I'll take my chances with a clanker instead. Don't make me kill you Skyguy." He lunged forward again but I easily blocked it with both sabers.
"You have no right to call me that! I am not your Skyguy anymore!" Those words hit harder than the ones he said before. The realization of it all is dawning on me. A whole flurry of emotions crashing down on me at once, not just anger. There is anger, yes but also pain. Sadness. Greif. Loneliness. Fear. All of the above. His strength only grew as mine weakened. Hot tears burned my eyes as they threatened to spill over as I mentally prepared myself for what I'm about to say.
"Well in that case I guess I'm not your padawan anymore! I-I-I... I hate you!" With sudden fury I deactivated both my light sabers and Vader fell forward. I slid underneath his legs and kicked his metal ass. I reactivated both sabers. Darth Vader's only power was his intimidation and strength. He never intimidated me and luckily Anakin taught me how to fight opponents much larger than myself. Yeah he's about to regret that. He was lying on the ground and when he tried to get up I used the force to keep him in one spot.
"This is for Obi-wan, for Padme, Rex, the whole 501st and the countless lives I'll be saving when I do this. Goodby Skyguy. We all loved you. You did this too yourself." I brought both my sabers high up in the air ready to strike him down in anger but before I could a blaster bolt grazed my shoulder. My head flipped around to see Omega running out of the cave as fast as she could with troopers behind her.
"Master I found trouble! It was waiting for me!" She yelled across the cave. I used the force to bring her all the way across the cave and out of those clone troopers reach. I caught her in my arms and gently petted her hair.
"Shh it's okay. I got you. Your safe but I need you to run and not stop. Go find Echo and Tech." She looked at me with sadness in her eyes.
"Turn around." A loud voice commanded. A loud, all too familiar voice. And it wasn't Darth Vader.
"Freeze and raise 'em, jetti!" Was that mando'a? I thought only clones still spoke mando'a. A large blaster point hit my shoulder. Yeah that was definitely a clone. But which one? I disobeyed the clone and immediately reached for my sabers. He tried to stun me but I slapped the weapon out of his hands and ignited the blade straight through his chest. No regrets. My face contorted in anger as I stared at the clone with his emotionless helmet on then I realized something. The armour he has. It's not just white, its blue. Medium blue highlighted armour can only mean one thing.
"No. I-It can't be!" But I knew it was. Who else would Vader bring to such an obviously important mission other than the 501st? No one. I was fighting my own legion. I was battling the 501st. No, I was killing the 501st. I blocked they're shot after shot not once reflecting it back at them. I didn't kill anymore of them. Eventually the laser fire got to be too much so I grunted and pulled all my energy together to create one massive force push. Darth Vader fell back several feet. I started running with my sabers still at the ready until my feet slowly lifted off the ground unwillingly.
"Not so fast my young padawan. If you will not join me, you will die. Not to worry though. I'll take good care of your padawan." That angered me. I eidnt care that my throat was closing in. I didn't care that the 501st was starting to get up. I only cared about Omega. I broke the force connection and attacked his mind.
"Would an ordinary jedi do this?" I reached out and grabbed him with the force. I flung him to the right, then the left, then up to the ceiling then smashed him on the ground. But him being Darth Vader he landed on his feet as if it didn't faze him at all.
"I'll admit your braver than most."
"Well duh. I mean I did learn from the Anakin Skywalker." He growled before standing up again. Just before his troops open fired on me he paused them.
"Last chance."
"No way. I'd rather die knowing that girl is safe than help you kill!" I spat at him. He seemed barely effected by it.
"Do it." All the clones checked they're aim and pointed the blasters at me. They all fired at once. I squeezed my eyes shut ready to accept my fate. It's funny how the ones I've trusted my life with are the ones ending it. When I expected to be blown into the next century none of the blasts ever came. Then I heard a familiar sound. The grunting of a child. I opened my eyes to see all of the blue blasts from the troopers centimeters away from my head chest and body. I helped by force pushing all the blaster shots back at them with my mind. Eh, they deserved that. When I turned around I saw Omega on the ramp of the Marauder which had broken through the ice wall. Tech and Echo were both higher up on the ramp beckoning me forward. I looked back once at the cave then Vader on the ground barely breathing. I knew he was going to be fine. And now that my anger had died down I almost feel bad. But like he always said, purpose before feelings Snips. Purpose before feelings.
"Come on Master. Move!" I leaped up off the ground and landed on the ramp. I grasped Omega's hand and she pulled me up. She gazed at me with a large smile plastered across her face. What on Coruscant could she be so happy about? Thats when I saw a soft blue glow coming from her hand.
"You found your crystal!?"
"I found my crystal. I don't suppose you-" I shook my head no and sighed.
"Yeah I-I figured. Lets go." She went to walk forward but i held her back.
"No. Hunterrrrrrrr!!!" A loud groan could be heard as the ramp shut and we entered the ship.
"Tech get us out of here. What is it Ahsoka?" I marched through the rooms to the cockpit where I found everyone.
"No Tech we can't leave. I'm not done here yet. Were not even."
"Even? Even with what? Even with who!?" He yelled. I didn't respond to him. I turned to Wrecker standing in the corner.
"Wrecker I need every thermal detonator, explosive thingys you have." His frightened face turned to a sloppy grin.
"Thought you'd never ask." He ran out and ran back in with 3 satchels, 2 armie packs and a handful of detonators. On him they looked like scarfs but on me they were heavy and I almsot collapsed. But I didn't.
"Perfect. Lower the ramp again Tech." I tried to storm out of the cockpit but Hunter grabbed my hand. I ripped it out of his grasp and glared at him.
"Are you really gonna blow up the kyber crystal caves? I thought you said they were sacred to the jedi!" I scoffed at his attempt to argue.
"They're sacred to ordinary jedi. But you know who else they're sacred to? The Empire. And if Darth fucking Vader himself is here then these caves are too important to just leave for the Empire's taking. So I'm gomna do something about it. If your going to try to stop me, don't. Your wasting your time." He opened his mouth to argue but immediately shut it. Good.
"Wish me luck."
"Your Ahsoka Tano. You won't need any." I smiled my first genuine smile for the day.
"Thank you Hunter. For understanding." He nodded and went back to safety. I slowly walked to the lower part of the ramp. I emptied a pack of proton bombs and precisely made them stick to different spaces in the cave via force. I lost my grip for a few seconds but I got it back. I tossed the stack aside. I used Wrecker's entire supply of, well, everything. Every corner of the cave was rigged to blow. And luckily I have the remote.
"Raise it up Tech!" Just as I yelled it the ramp raised. For a breif second I wasn't on the Havoc Marauder anymore. All I could see was hideous Darth Vader's mask. It made me sick. It also made my wanting to blow up that cave up even more. Once I blow this cave up it'll mean the end of the 501st. The end of the jedi's oh so sacred cave. But most importantly it will mean the end of Darth Vader. Suddenly the vision started flickering back and forth between Darth Vader's face and... and Anakin's. I recognized that look. It was his exact facial expression the last time I saw him. Right before we went our seperate ways. Then it just stayed on Anakin's face. He used to look so normal. So human. What happened?
"Ahsoka." The Anakin in my head said. I was so mad. I just knew this was a trick. It had to be.
"Don't do this."
"Why shouldnt I!?"
"Because. It's not the jedi way."
"Oh for the love of god how many times do I have to say this today? I'm no ordinary jedi!" I snapped to the Anakin who looked like he was there, but wasn't. Anakin Skywalker is dead.
"You are anything but ordinary my padawan, but its not your way either. Don't do this." I could feel the tears rising back as I hyped myself up.
"I said it once and I'll say it again. I am not. Your. PADAWAN!!!" I screamed as I aggressively punched the initiate destruct button. That was it. The deed was done. The very last bit of my former life, gone. And I was proud. I was the one to rid the galaxy of them! I was the one who saved countless lives!
"Master! Snap out of it!" I blinked rapidly and I could see the Havoc Marauder again. Omega was screaming in my face for me to wake up. It was peaceful and the voices in my head were fuzzy and unclear. However I sure as hell could feel the cold hand slap against my cheek. My eyes jolted open.
"What the hell was that for!?"
"For almost dying. Never scare me- er us like that again." Echo pulled me in close amd wrapped his arms around me. That's when it all hit me. I was no longer proud. I was left an emotional and physical wreck. My anger was subdued and left my mind leaving only pain of the hardhitting deed I had just commited. What is wrong with me? Why did I do that? And why was I proud of it? I broke out in tears.
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