Ahsoka's pov
"I don't think we'll make it very far with you wearing that." Hunter said which made me confused and a little subconscious.
"Why? What's wrong with it?"
"Young jedi if I may, you are wearing a bright cloak that doesn't cover you completely. And besides that you seem to still be in your old jedi order attire which would most likely be instantly recognized by troopers or Republic- now Imperial officers in town." Wow. That was a really long explanation when he could've just said please go change clothes.
"Wrecker get her situated." The big guy just looked at Hunter confused. I scoffed and put it in more straight forward terms.
"I think he means to ask if you have a new cloak or perhaps some clothing that would fit me on your ship." I don't know why they would have clothing that fit me but it was worth a shot I suppose.
"Oooooooh... oh. Okay. Come on little jedi let's go." He said quieter then usual. His sudden shift in mood was obvious. He was quite the gentleman though, opening the door for me and walked behind me.
"What's up with you?" I asked. In the little time I've known him I have already figured it out. You have to be assertive but calm and gentle at the same time. It worked because he sighed and slowed his pace down to walk beside me.
"I'm sorry." Well that was unexpected.
"What could you possibly have to be sorry for?"
"For being stupid." I couldn't help a laugh but I stopped when I saw it only made it worse.
"Wrecker I wasn't laughing at you."
"You were, but it's okay. I'm used to it. Happens all the time. Let's just get to the ship and give you your cloaky thingy." I sighed but reluctantly nodded and pressed on. The whole time was spent staring at him. I definitely have him figured out.
"What are you looking at?" He asked not as harshly as I would've expected though.
"You, obviously. I was just thinking. You don't survive war by being stupid. And you've survived longer than most of my friends so..."
"What are you trying to say little jedi?" I internally groaned at the nickname. Again. How do I tell him I'm not a Jedi without him asking how or why?
"What I'm trying to say is that you may not be as smart as the other clones but that doesn't mean your stupid. You are smart in your own way. Like I see the weapon on your back. It doesn't have a scope so you must be pretty smart in weaponry to aim the proper trajectory path to shoot down your enemies. Glad I didn't end up on the wrong side of your blaster." I poked the tip of it for extra emphasis with a bright and shining smile on my face. Wrecker didn't understand everything I said but he understood the key parts which is what really matters.
"Ha ha! Your right! Boy do I like to shoot stuff up!" I giggled.
"In the short time I've known the bad batch I can tell that you all are special in your own ways. You are proud of your differences. Never apologize for who you are Wrecker."
"Not one to take your own advice, eh?" He said back regaining his loud persona. He tried to lightly punch me in the shoulder playfully but I almost fell forward from his force.
"What do you mean?" I asked genuinely wondering why he would say something like that.
"Aw come on little jedi. Echo told us stories. He said you were the most impressive, loyal, snipy, sarcastic, fun, and badass Commander in the entire army. Your not really living up to his description yet. Right now your more like that old master green bean." I burst out in a fit of laughter. Did he mean master yoda!? Well thanks for that new nickname Wrecker I'll be sure to use it. If I ever see him again.... no. Happy thoughts Ahsoka! Happy thoughts.
"Well if you must know Wrecker I technically had two masters. Anakin Skywalker who you met and another man named master Obi-wan Kenobi. In front of different people I either brought out my inner Skywalker, or Kenobi. Right now I'm in Obi-mom Kenobi mode." We both chuckled. We were coming up on their ships location.
"Well I'd love to see Skywalker mode. That guy was pretty cool."
"Fine give me a sec to get into my inner Anakin." I replied which confused him slightly. I took in a sharp inhale and stopped in my tracks.
"My name is Anakin married man Skywalker. I love Padme and try to keep it a secret even though literally my entire battalion knows! Rex give me back my cookies! For the love of god Ahsoka put the kriffing troopers down! Don't lecture me Obi-wan! I HATE SAND!!!" Wrecker was literally losing his shit in the corner at my outbursts. I took a small breath in and out and began walking again. It made me happy to see the big guy laugh so whole heartedly.
"Alright I'm back to my old snipy self. Come on big guy let's go find that... ship." I trailed off. I looked at the open space where the ship was supposed to be.
"Well... shit." Wrecker started laughing loudly again despite the circumstances.
"Yep Skywalker mode is definitely better then Obi-mom mode." I snorted and walked closer to him. I pulled his arm out closer to me with the force and hit the com.
"Hunter do you copy?" Hunter picked up almost immediately.
"Let me guess. You got to the spot and there's no ship?" He said which surprised us both. We looked at each other then back at the com.
"How'd you know?" I asked him. Wrecker nodded although he couldn't be seen. Does he know that though?
"How about you explain the situation to them Tech." Wrecker and I eyed the com suspiciously. I have a bad feeling about this.
"I got the ship impounded so we could get the chaincodes. Ms. Tano would you like me to make one for you as well?" Tech said a huge problem in such a calm, level tone it almost made me forget what the problem was in the first place. He asked me a question I heard but I was more focused on the first part.
"You- ship- What the kriff man!? I left for literally five minutes and you get the damn ship impounded!?" Tech wasn't interested in the most important part of the conversation.
"Ms. Tano would you like a chaincode or not?" He asked again as if my previous remarks didn't have any affect on him. But I honestly didn't know. A part of me kind of hoped that maybe, just maybe I could go with them. But at the same time I would love to go with Cut and Suu. I don't want to say Suu is Padme's replacement because she isn't, but she is kinda. I may be a powerful force wielder but that doesn't mean I don't want to depend on someone.
"I-I um... there are more pressing matters at hand Tech! And please don't call me Ms. Tano."
"Sure thing Ms. Jedi. Should I make a chaincode for you just in case?" Is there a wall close by? Because I would really like to smash my head on it!
"Sure fine. Just- ugh. Why do I feel like there is something else you guys aren't telling me?"
"Because there is something we aren't telling you. Omega was accidentally left on the Havoc Marauder when we got it impounded. She is with us now." I gritted my teeth until I felt a sudden disturbance in the force. It was so foreign yet so familiar. A pull toward something. Or perhaps it's someone... Omega. That's it!
Omega is a force-sensitive.
That's the only explanation. Omega is a force sensitive. That's why I felt an instant connection to her. That's why I believe it is the will of the force that they found me. I am meant to be with them.
"Hunter I need to speak with you." I said completely changing the whole topic and mood of the conversation.
"I- uh, okay? What is it?"
"Privately. I need to speak to you privately. I thought that was clear but I guess you-" the com went static. Welp. That felt great. Totally wasn't a slap in the face at all. I'm fine. I'm good I'm great. I'm fine. Yeah. Anyways moving on.
"Come on Wrecker let's get back to the house." He grunted in agreement and we started running. We ran all the way back the same way we came from. Talk about a short trip. I pushed open the door and nearly tackled Hunter to the ground. And as you probably guessed he wasn't thrilled about it.
"Ahsoka! There you are. Wow that was quick." Hunter said pushing me away from him. I simply rolled my eyes.
"I get it. I'm amazing. Now can I please talk to you." I pleaded with him. He still looked very unsure. Wrecker however was still loving the Anakin mode.
"What could possibly be so important you-"
"It's about Omega."
"You have my undivided attention." I smirked at the sudden mood change. That is one good space dad right there. I grabbed space dad's wrists and yanked him into my room and shut the door.
"Omega is force sensitive." Not beating around the bush today.
"Did you just say Omega is a Porg sensor?" I facepalmed and rolled my eyes again. Is a porg sensor even a thing?
"No. I said force sensitive. The force is what makes a jedi a jedi." I put in simpler terms that hopefully he can understand without me having to switch back to Obi-mom mode. What would a port sensor even do?
"So let me get this straight. You're a jedi and Omega has power to be a jedi. You are an experienced jedi and she isn't. I'm assuming she doesn't know she could be a jedi. I also assume you already have a solution to all the problems I just listed?" He assumed correct. Should I invent a prog sensor?
"Duh. We wouldn't be having this conversation if I didn't. I want to join your batch." He was surprised but I also sensed he was relieved. Probably happy I'm not like kidnapping his little Omega away from him or anything. Should the port sensor sense porgs or would it be a porg who can sense things?
"I mean we're not used to having a jedi around so it'll take some getting use to. But it's clear to me that your no ordinary jedi, your different. Like us. Plus if you could teach Omega how to defend herself that would take some weight off my shoulders. So Ahsoka Tano, welcome to the Bad Batch."
"I'm not a jedi." I mumbled thinking it was inaudible but apparently it wasn't since he looked at me funny. I shook my head at him and thankfully he didn't press the sensitive subject any further.
"Come on we've still got a ship to get back and chaincodes to recover." Hopefully that got him more perked up than my last comment did. Just as I was about to leave he gently grabbed my hand and turned me around.
"If you train Omega you have to promise me that you'll protect her with your life." I smiled at him.
"This girl might be the galaxy's last hope. I guarantee I won't let any harm come to her as long as I'm alive. And lucky for you I don't plan on dying soon." He chuckled and let go of my wrist. We both exited the room when I realized I never got the chance to change out of my jedi clothes from Mandalore. Oh well. Guess this'll have to do.
"Come on. Let's get moving. Suu are the kids ready to go?" I yelled echoing through the house. There was no response. I was starting to get worried until I felt two force presences behind us. Gee I wonder who that could be. It was the two kids trying to sneak up on me and scare me, something they've been doing since they found out I could sense them. I waited for the perfect moment then,
"BOO!!!" The kids shrieked and stumbled back before erupting in a fit of giggles and laughs. I picked both of them up with the force and walked with them floating right beside me. Hunter stared at me like a was an alien. Oh wait. I am an alien. Heh.
"Cut Suu hurry up we'll meet you outside!" I yelled again. I opened the door with the force and guided the children and their little bags outside. We were shortly followed by the actual adults. We were on our way. Hunter scooched over to me and nudged my arm. I didn't look at him since he was probably just trying trying be annoying. That's what Fives did whenever he wanted attention from me or anyone. He did it again. I groaned and snapped.
"What the kriff is wrong with you!?" He backed away a bit. Just now realizing that came out more aggressive than I was going for. I couldn't help it though.
"Sorry that came out wrong. Do you need something?" He nodded and smiled.
"I was actually just going to compliment you on how well you are with kids." I hummed as I thought back to my time as a padawan and as a Commander. I helped younglings a lot. And whenever something was bothering my men we used to just have one big clone cuddle pile. I missed those days but as Master Yoda said, we jedi can never dwell on the past.
But your no jedi
I know I'm not a Jedi up to the orders standards but I am one at heart. I will teach Omega to be a true, genuine jedi. Not what the jedi order would try to make her. An emotionless soldier.
"Ahsoka?" I snapped out of my thoughts at Hunter's voice.
"Sorry about that. Just got caught up in my thoughts is all." He patted my shoulder. I didn't even realize it but we entered the city. It certainly looked average for a town like this. We pressed forward into the huge line. A trooper walked past us announcing for the crowd to have the chaincodes out. I looked at the trooper closely. He had no armour paint. No color whatsoever. But the worst notation of all, no emotion. All because of one stupid chip. Hunter's com beeped so he pressed it.
"The chaincodes are en route... with Omega." Oh boy. Here comes the dad attack. I rolled my eyes and watched the chaos ensue.
"You let her go by herself!?"
"Well we didn't let her go. She ran off on her own." Believable. I sensed a familiar presence coming up on Tech and Echo. It was a dark presence with hostile intents.
"Hunter you go help Tech and Echo. They're about about to face some fire. Wrecker find Omega and escort her here safely. I'll stay with Cut until ya'll come with the chaincodes. Once she returns I will get her, Wrecker and I back to the Havoc Maruader. You guys just be ready to take off. I sense we'll need to make a quick escape." Hunter looked hurt and shocked for a second that I ordered him. But he brushed it off and nodded. He probably remembered I was a jedi Commander. Key word: was. I sighed as the line grew shorter and shorter, just like my patience. Finally I heard a small voice exclaim,
"I got it! I got the chaincodes!" She was having trouble keeping up with Wrecker but she managed. Kind of. Not really. He arrived in front to say the least.
"Nice work Omega. You did great." She grinned at me before looking back at the family.
"One for you and one for you, you, and you. Bye Jek! Bye Sheash!" She whisper yelled. I could hear the blaster bolts ringing out from the fight when I focused hard enough. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Wrecker go join your brothers and be sure to stun some regs for me." He roared and clicked the safety on his blaster for extra emphasis.
"Don't have to tell me twice!" I flipped Wrecker's helmet down and he charged away. I gave Cut and Suu a quick hug then pulled back.
"Thanks for taking me in even if it was only for a day. Thank you so much. May the force be with you." They both nodded and smiled, I gave Jek and Sheaesh a hair ruffle. It would've been cuter if they had hair but it still worked.
"Come on Omega. Let's go." She happily smiled at me and ran off yet again. As I watched the young girl I couldn't help but wonder. Is this what it feels like to be Obi-wan? I guess so. Acting like him and being him are two different things. Thankfully I'll only ever do one. I ran after Omega straight into the dogfight she ran into.
"Omega! Wait up!" She didn't listen. How shocking. I could make out four people blasting the regular clones. I leaped past them and past Omega. I landed directly beside Hunter behind the crate. I used the force to bring Omega to me.
"What is the problem here? The ship doesn't look ready to take off at all!" He scoffed.
"Yeah, I feel your anger. Tech!" He growled out the last part over my shoulder. I heard buzzing and whirring but I never turned around. Instead I activated my old blue light sabers and started defending them. Blocking shot after shot.
"It responded to that." I scoffed at the snarky comment which was so obviously Wrecker.
"Everybody in!" They slowly stepped in still shooting until I force pushed them all straight up the ramp. Then they moved a lot quicker. I looked dully to Hunter who was angry until I felt a sudden sharp pain in my shoulder. I could feel the small trickle of blood oozing down. I groaned and grabbed it while dropping my light saber.
"Get in the air!"
"What!?" I rolled my eyes and winced as I squeezed my shoulder to temporarily stop the blood from dripping out all while dodging and blocking
"Keep the ramp lowered and get in the air!" Confusion was radiating off of him but he ran back in the ship anyways. To be fair that's how I felt when my master told me to do that for the first time too. I brought my light saber that I dropped back to me with the force. The ship took off just as ordered. I continued to block more shots but more troopers kept shooting. At the last possible second I turned off my light saber and clipped it on my belt. I waved my hands around me and sent every trooper flying off their feet. Then picked up my fallen light saber and clipped it to my other hip. I hopped on a crate and leaped at least 50 feet high then summer salted into the ramp grabbing Hunter's wrist as he grabbed mine and pulled me up.
"Not bad jedi. I can certainly see the Skywalker in you." That one sentence made me grin ear to ear. I never realized how much I craved that sentence until I heard it.
"Thank you Hunter. You boys weren't so bad yourselves." I said as I walked further into the ship. Wrecker laughed loudly, Echo smiled softly, Hunter rested a friendly hand on my shoulder, and my grin still remained.
"Thanks Commander. It's been awhile since I got to see you show off like that." He stood up and stepped closer with his hands- well hand on his hips. I scoffed and stepped closer.
"Hey when your as awesome as I am, your aloud to show off." Echo smirked, clearly up to something.
"You certainly showed off that hickey the day you and-"
"Echo I swear if you start telling people that Rex got me pregnant again I will kick your sorry little ass off this kriffing ship while in hyperspace!" He visibly flinched but laughed it off.
"Heh. I know you got that threat from General Skywalker. It was his original go-to threat whenever Rex stole his cookies. Ooh! Or when Fives would clothes and pretend to be him." Echo told me before turning around to his other batch mates.
"My friend Fives pretended to be General Skywalker and order all of us to clean the refreshers!" We both laughed hard while everyone stared at us.
"Yeah, good times." I should tell him.
"Good times indeed." He agreed. He took his helmet off and sat in his seat. I almost sat down before remembering something.
"Where's Omega?"
"I'm right here. And I need to talk to you." I flipped around and there she was with a ghost of a smile on her face.
"I need to talk with you as well. You go first." She sat on the floor. Horrible decision, really. I picked her up and sat her on the seat in between Hunter and I. Everyone else gathered around.
"When I was running with the chaincodes I could feel something. I can't explain it. It was almost like... like-"
"You know what I think it'd be best if I went first actually." Everyone around chuckled. I took Omega's little hands in mine and gave them a squeeze which made her stop laughing. I let go of her palm now that I got her and everyone else's full attention.
"Omega. From the moment I first saw you with these 4 crackheads I knew something about you was
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