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Before Xu Yang was called, the Emperor was talking to his mother and from topic to topic he began to tell her about the meeting today and how there is a problem he needs to solve quick. He never expected his mother to call the Empress here.

❝Listen, your mother saw that the Empress is a very smart woman. She isn't just educated in music, literature, dance and calligraphy, she is also well educated on solving political issues. She is the daughter of the great general after all.❞

That was all the Empress told him before sending a maid for Xu Yang.

Now that she is here, Zhang Wan explained the issue to her, not expecting any good answer from her.

❝I see. ❞Xu Yang said after the Emperor finished speaking.

❝Do you have any idea in mind, daughter? ❞The Empress Dowager asked

❝I do.❞ Xu Yang responds.

The Emperor looked at her carefully.

❝Speak then.❞he demands.

❝Killing them will be a waste, they are our empire people and also innocent. Our Empire had a good amount of good quality silk and expensive fabrics in the past years so we can use them for trading.❞

The Emperor eyes widened and motioned her to continue her idea.

❝The Saju Kingdom will be interested. The Queen, Mi An, loves to dress in bright and expensive fabrics and she will be interested in our materials. We can also trade some jewelry to them and they can give us rice, flour, meat, since their Kingdom is know for their livestock and quality of meat, or they can pay the price in money and we can buy the necessary food and medicine from other Empires around us.❞

The Emperor listened to her every words, he couldn't believe that her idea was good and he didn't thought about it. His Empire, Xuan, is an empire that doesn't do trading with other empires, they rely on their own goods to survive and starting trading now will help them get food and medicine to help the ones affected by the disease without cutting their own supplies.

The Empress Dowager clapped her hands smiling.

❝Yes, yes! That is a brilliant idea, daughter! I told his highness you're a smart woman. Good, I'm very proud of you.❞

Zhang Wan cleared his throat.

❝Yes, mother is right, your idea is good and might work if they accept our trading suggestion.❞ Zhang Wan said.

He accepted that Xu Yang had a very good idea that no one thinked about yet. Even if he didn't particularity like Xu Yang, he can accept that she is right.

❝Will your majesty let me solve this?❞ Xu Yang suggested looking with a smile on her lips at Zhang Wan.

The Emperor looked at her and raised his eyebrow curious about what's on her mind.

❝You? Why?❞ The Emperor asked.

❝I can say her majesty, Mi An, and myself are friends. ❞

❝How so?❞ Zhang Wan further asked intrigued.

❝When my father visited Saju Kingdom he would bring me and oldest brother with him so when I was there, me and her majesty, who was a princess at the time, became friends. Now, I can't see her due to our roles, but she is a kind woman and I have more chances on convincing her to trade with us.❞ Xu Yang explained looking determined.

❝Yes, it makes sense, I knew you are worthy to be our Empress, Xu Yang. ❞the Empress Dowager said.

❝Alright then, I accept your suggestion. You may do all you can to ensure us a trade contract with Saju Kingdom.❞ Zhang Wan said drinking his tea and looking out of the window.

❝Yes, your highness. I will excuse myself first, then.❞ Xu Yang bowed then left satisfied.

She found Jiang Meng waiting for her inside.

❝I completed the mission, miss.❞ he said

❝Sit down.❞ Xu Yang said and sat down, followed by Jiang Meng.

❝Miss, I will go bring some tea and food.❞ Ji An said excusing herself and rushing out.

❝I'm listening.❞Xu Yang said looking at Jiang Meng.

❝I left the letter on Concubine's table and then watched from a tree. She found it herself, read it and gasped loud, then she called her loyal maid and I assume she was getting ready to see his majesty so I left to report.❞

❝Good job, Jiang Meng. Now, I have some other bussines for you. I am in charge to make an

trading agreement with Saju. Luckily, me and Queen Mi An were quite close when we were children so I will trust you to sent my official letter to her. ❞

Xu Yang looked at Jiang Meng smiling as she was happy to contact her old friends and also show that arrogant Emperor to not look down on her. She thinks this is an opportunity to show others as well that she isn't a doll Empress who just fills a seat at banquets.

❝Of course, miss. I will give the letter gets to her majesty myself.❞

❝Good. Let us prepare the letter then. Maids, ink and paper, please. ❞

The maids quickly put the paper, ink and brush on the table in front of Xu Yang. She takes the brush, dips its tip in ink and starts to write.

"To her majesty, Queen on Saju, Mi An
I hope your majesty is doing alright and it's healthy. I know we didn't spoke for years, but now, As Empress of Xuan, I would like to ask your highness for a trading agreement between our countries. We can offer precious silk and other fine materials as well as jade and jewelry in change for meat, rice, fish, flour and what other food you consider fit as payment. I congratulate your majesty on your country succes and wish you prosperity and health."

Satisfied, Xu Yang put her Phoenix sigil, the Empress sigil, on the paper and fold it placing it in a gold envelope.

❝Tell her majesty you're my most trusted man and to give her letter to you. Get imperial guards with you to accompany on your road.❞ Xu Yang instructed the Jiang Meng and gave him the letter.

Jiang Meng nodded and left to get some imperial guards at Xu Yang's order.

Ji An finally came back with other maids with trays of food and tea they placed on the table. After the rest of the maids left, Ji An leaned down to tell her miss something.

❝The Concubines gathered together Miss.❞ Ji An told her miss

❝Hm, I wonder what for.❞ Xu Yang said chewing the food in her mouth.

As Ji An said, the three Concubines were all at concubine Ki place, except Mu Jong who was the one they gossip about.

❝The Emperor will go crazy if he sees this letter.❞ concubine Ki said.

❝I can't believe that low woman is meeting someone, an affair...❞ concubine Jiang said still in shock.

They all read the letter Jiang Meng put in concubine's Ki room and were outraged by it.

❝What are we doing now?❞ concubine Xiao asked.

❝I'm not sure. I don't even know who put this letter in my room.❞ concubine Ki said sipping her tea looking at the other two.

❝Let's tell the Empress.❞ concubine Xiao suggested.

❝The Empress? She may be able to show the Emperor the letter without any consequence... ❞said concubine Jiang thinking about the possibility.

❝If we show it, the Emperor may think we are trying to frame concubine Jong, but if the Empress is there he may not do anything to us. Empress Dowager also loves the Empress....❞ concubine Ki said agreeing with the idea.

After agreeing they were on their way to Phoenix Palace where Xu Yang finished eating.

❝Greetings to your majesty, the Empress.❞ all three women said bowing their heads.

❝Rise. What are you here for?❞ Xu Yang asked motioning the maids to get tea.

❝We found something, your majesty.❞ concubine Xiao said slightly hitting concubine Ki's elbow to signal her to get the letter out.

Concubine Ki got the hint and showed the letter to Xu Yang who unfolded it and read it.

"I didn't expected them to come to me."

❝And what does this letter has to do with me?❞ Xu Yang asked putting the letter on the table.

❝We suspect it's concubine's Jong letter, I mean it's obvious. We think she has an affair.❞ concubine Jiang said whispering the word affair.

❝Hm? And why didn't you showed this letter to his majesty then? ❞Xu Yang asked curious.

❝We think he may get angry and punish us, your highness. Everyone knows he dots on concubine Jong... ❞concubine Ki said

❝I see. And you want me to show him the letter? You think he won't get mad at me?❞ Xu Yang asked.

The three concubine's look at each other.

❝Your majesty is more powerful than us so we assume his majesty won't punish you if you show him the letter. And Empress Dowager also loves your majesty...❞concubine Jiang said

❝What letter is there for me to see?❞ the Emperor asked from behind the women.

All four got up and greeted the Emperor. He came to see Xu Yang regarding the trading agreement and happen to overhear a part of the conversation.

❝Your majesty... we.. ❞concubine Ki tried to say

❝Empress, what's this about?❞ he asked looking at Xu Yang.

She got the letter from the table, walked in front of Zhang Wan and gave him the lettet with a look on her face like she said "Look for yourself".

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