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Zhang Wan read the letter and his face had an ugly look on it.

โWhat is this?โž he asked raising his gaze and looking at Xu Yang who was calmly looking back at him.

The other three on the other hand were scared.

โA letter concubine Ki found in her room. They all came here to show it to me as I am the head of the harem, your highness. They didn't know if they should show it to your majesty or not.โž Xu Yang explained.

Zhang Wan was angry at Mu Jong. It's crystal clear that this letter belongs to her. Suddenly he remembered why he came here to see Xu Yang.
Zhang Wan looked at the three concubines and opened his mouth.

โYou're all dismissed.โž

The concubines excused themselves and left. Xu Yang sat down after the Emperor signaled her to.

โI came to ask about the trade agreement, any progress? โž

He pinched the bridge of his nose trying to calm his anger.

โYes, I've sent a letter to her majesty and it should reach her tomorrow morning, your highness. โž

โYou did? Why did no one told me? Who did you send? โž

โMy trusted guard, your majesty. He will give the letter to her majesty and come back with her response. โž

Zhang Wan sighs tired.

โGood job then, notify me when the answer comes. I will take my leave now. โž

Back to his study room he called for one of his shadow guards.

โKeep a close eye on concubine Jong and raport to me if anything strange happened.โž the Emperor told the shadow guards who was kneeling.

โYes, your highness. โž

Zhang Wan was tired of this. After the first letter and Jong lying about being sick that night he didn't wanted to see her anymore, but he needed to know the truth. He loved her, but now that there is a chance she is cheating on him, dark thoughts clouded his mind.

Two days passed and Jiang Meng came back with the Queen's answer.

"To my dear Xu Yang, the Empress of Xuan,
I was shocked to get a letter from you, but happy at the same time. It's such a pity we are both busy with our duty and I hope this agrement will give us a chance to see each other.

Regarding the agreement, you already knew I would say yes, how can I refuse your country beautiful jewelry and fabrics? And it's also a dear friend who asked so I'm waiting for you at my Palace in 6 days from now to talk about it in detail. "

Then the Queen's beautiful sigil placed at the end of the letter.
Xu Yang smiled reading this letter and she prepared quickly to go see Zhang Wan who was reading documents in his study.

โHer majesty, the Empress!โž the eunuch announced.

โLet her in.โž The Emperor said putting the document on the table.

โGreetings, your majesty, I received an answer from her majesty, the Queen of Saju. โž

She gave the letter to Zhang Wan and he hummed smiling while reading.

โYou did a good job. We have 4 days to prepare for out journey.โž he said

Xu Yang looked at him confused.
"We?" she thought to herself. As if reading her mind, Zhang Wan laughed at her reaction.

โWe are going together. Did you thought you're going alone?โž

โYes.โž she answered honest.

โI trust you to go alone, but this journey is beneficial for me too as I need a break. But I must thank you for finding us a solution for the problem.โž

โI only did what's best for my people.โž Xu Yang said I will leave first so excuse me.

โAre you upset with me, Empress?โž Zhang Wan asked looking at Xu Yang'a back as she was ready to leave.

โI wouldn't dare, your majesty.โž

Without giving him a chance to say anything else Xu Yang left. She was upset that Zhang Wan is going with her as she looked forward to spend time with her old friend, Mi An, but now that annoying man is coming along. Xu Yang cursed the Emperor in her mind and went back to her Palace.

โIs something the matter, Miss?โž Ji An asked after noticing the irritated look on her Xu Yang's face.

โDon't worry about it. Make me some tea, please. โž

โRight away. โžJi An bowed and rushed to prepare tea.

At Tranquility Palace, concubine Jong was in the middle of a violent tantrum. Her maid heard from other servants about concubine Ki findings the letter and about the Emperor seeing it and reported to her master, who is now smashing vases and tea cups.

โHOW? HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN? WHAT IF I LOSE HIS FAVOR?โž concubine Jong screamed like a madman.

โImperial concubine, please calm down... โžher maid, Rou, said in a quiet voice as she was scared.

โCALM DOWN?? IF HE LEARNS THE TRUTH HE WOULD KILL ME! WHO'S FAULT IS THIS? WHO PUT THE LETTER IN THAT BITCH'S ROOM?!โž concubine Jong sad down exhausted and tried to calm down.

Her room was trashed after the violent tantrum.

โThink, Mu Jong, who is intelligent enough to do this? And how did they found out about my letters? โž

The woman bit her nails annoying when a sudden name came in her mind.

โXu Yang. โžshe said clenching her teeth.

She and Xu Yang were rivals even before becoming the Emperor's women. Both were beautiful ladies and everyone was comparing them. Mu Jong hated how Xu Yang seems so perfect in every aspect and yet she seemed like a dumb, but beautiful noble lady. Mu Jong tried to humiliate Xu Yang on multiple occasion at social gathering, but Xu Yang, being the smart woman she is, always found ways to turn Mu Jong's words against her and humiliate her instead. When finally Mu Jong was selected as a Imperial Concubine, Xu Yang was chosen to be Empress, Mu Jong couldn't stand it, she went mad that night and tried her best to seduce the Emperor and it worked, but now she is losing his favor. She didn't loved Zhang Wan, but she needed his favor to climb to the top so she had a secret lover even before she became Imperial Concubine.

โHow do I pay back that bitch for making the Emperor suspect me? I need to turn him more against her. Yes, make him angry at her.โž

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