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❝We will have to show the Emperor his dear concubine under another man. But for now, let's go back. ❞Xu Yang said leaving the brothel.

❝Yes, miss. ❞Jiang Meng said and followed Xu Yang back to her Palace.

He couldn't help but feel worried for his miss. He knew now that the trash Emperor didn't treat his miss well. How can such man exist? Miss Xu Yang was beautiful, the most beautiful woman this empire will ever see, smart, kind to everyone, her smile could melt hearts and stop misfortune and that bastard treat her cold as if she is one of the officials, not his wife.

The next day, Xu Yang was serving tea with the other three concubines in her garden.Du Ki, Xen Jiang and Lu Xiao came early in the morning to greet Xu Yang and chat together.

❝His majesty is still favoring Mu Jong. Don't you think it's unfair?❞ Du Ki asked sipping her tea.

❝Yes, yes! How can he only give her attention? Doesn't he think about the rest of us?❞ Lu Xiao asked irritated.

❝That is the fate of a concubine I assume... forgotten in a corner of this Palace.❞ Xen Jiang said looking at the view  with a melancholic look on her face and a sad smile.

Hearing those words, Xu Yang remembered her past life, how she was forgotten in a corner until they needed a black sheep to blame a sin upon and kill. Her face darkened for a moment.

❝Last nigh, I went to visit Imperial Concubine Jong and the maid told me she was sick and couldn't leave her bed.❞ concubine Ki said.

❝Sick? But I saw her this morning, she looked just fine to me. ❞concubine Jiang replied.

The two looked at each other and gasped at the same time.

❝Do you think she was lying?❞ Concubine Ki asked concubine Jiang.

❝It may be, but why? To get attention?❞concubine Jiang asked trying to think.

❝Maybe to hide something.❞ Xu Yang finally said something.

The three woman looked at the Empress with curious looks on their faces.

❝Do you know anything, your highness?❞ concubine Jiang asked with a smile on her face.

❝Not really, but last night I was taking a stroll on the Palace grounds as I couldn't sleep, and saw Imperial Concubine Jong and her maid walking towards the gates.❞ Xu Yang said drinking from her tea cup.

The three woman looked at each other wide eyed. Having the other concubines suspect Mu Jong and keep an eye on her would be beneficial. If they learn the truth and start the fire it would make Xu Yang's work easier.

❝She left the Palace last night? That's why her maids told me she was sick and bound to bed.❞ concubine Ki exclaimed with a shocked expression.

❝Yes, that must be it. But to where? If his majesty learns about this he wouldn't be too happy. ❞concubine Jiang said.

❝Why would she leave in the night other than to do something bad? ❞concubine Xiao asked, with a look of disgust, directed at Mu Jong.

❝Let's keep an eye on her and see what she's doing.❞ concubine Ki suggested.

The other two agreed and then looked at Xu Yang.

❝I will keep and eye on her too.❞ Xu Yang said nodding her head.

The concubines excused themselves and left each to her Palace. Even if they agree that Mu Jong needs to dissappear, they know they are still enemies in here. Each will use the information they receive on their own advantage.

❝Do you think it was a good idea to tell the concubines that Mu Jong left last night? ❞Jiang Meng asked looking at Xu Yang.

❝Yes. Let them make some problems for that little concubine.❞ Xu Yang said getting up and going inside.

Zhang Wan left Mu Jong's Palace after staying there for more than three hours. On his way to his Palace, he met concubine Jiang who wanted to see Mu Jong.

❝Greeting to his majesty.❞the concubine said bowing her head polite.

The Emperor looked at the concubine in silence before asking.

❝Where are you going?❞

❝To greet Imperial Concubine Jong, your highness. I heard she was sick last night so I want to check on her. ❞

Zhang Wan looked confused at the woman in front of him.

❝Sick? Imperial Concubine Jong isn't sick, what are you saying?❞ he asked irritated.

❝Your highness, Imperial Concubine Ki went to see Imperial Concubine Jong last night and her maids told concubine Ki that concubine Jong is sick, bound to bed.❞ Concubine Jiang explained in a soft tone not to anger the Emperor.

❝Last night? ❞Zhang Wan fell deep in thought.

He saw Mu Jong around 7 that night, then he left to work. Mu Jong seemed well then and he wasn't notified neither that she is sick. The letter were the two words that came into the Emperor's mind from nowhere and made his expression ugly.
"No, it can't be" he thought and left without saying anything to concubine Jiang who thought he would snap at her.
Arriving in his study room he took the scrambled piece of paper he throw under the desk and read it again. He found it in his study three days ago and the letter hold the day and hour for a meeting, the day being last night at 10. Concubine Jiang said that Concubine Ki went last night to see Mu Jong and she was sick in her room. How come he didn't know she was sick?

❝Eunuch Li, call the imperial doctor here, now.❞ Zhang Wan commands.

In 15 minutes the Imperial doctor enters his majesty study room confused.

❝Greeting his majesty, why did your highness asked for me?❞the man asked keeping his head down

❝Rise. Last night, did concubine Jong called for you? Was she sick?❞

❝No, your majesty. Did something happened to Concubine Jong?❞ the doctor asked.

❝Leave. ❞The Emperor ordered.

He massaged his head annoyed.

❝Call for concubine Ki immediately. ❞he commands the eunuch.

Something didn't felt right in his mind. He brushed the letter incident, but now this? The date on the letter is the night his loved concubine was supposedly sick in bed. He wanted to believe this is some sort of bad joke, but he wasn't that stupid.

❝Greeting the Emperor.❞ Concubine Ki said bowing and smiling.

❝Last night you went to see Concubine Jong, right?❞ Zhang Wan asked keeping his eyes closed.

❝Yes, your majesty. I gave Concubine Jong my favorite face powder and she didn't gave it back and when I realized it was already night so I went to her Palace to retrieve the power, but unfortunately, she was sick.❞ Concubine Ki explained.

❝How late was it when you went there? ❞The Emperor asked opening his eyes and fixing his scary gaze on Concubine Ki.

❝I think it was 10:30,your highness.❞

The Emperor's face turned dark as he motioned for Concubine Ki to leave so she did before angering him.

Zhang Wan looked at the wall trying to calm down.

"This is too much to be a coincidence, isn't it? The day and hour match with the letter, so was the letter for Mu Jong?" His anger grew as he smashed the tea cup in his hands. Someone who called his concubine "my dear", someone that must be a man.
"WZ... WZ, who this WZ is and why is he writing to the Emperor's concubine? Why Mu Jong met with him?"

❝Fuck!❞ he said before storming out of his study room.

He rushed to Mu Jong's Palace with a very angry expression, but he calmed down when entering. He didn't want to cause a scene and it's better to handle this smarter.

❝Your majesty!❞ Mu Jong shouted and got up to hug Zhang Wan.

❝Were you sick last night?❞ The Emperor asked forcing a smile.

❝What?❞ the concubine asked confused.

❝Concubine Ki visited you last night and your maids told her you're sick. ❞he explained sitting down.

❝Ah! Yes, I felt fatigue so I couldn't meet concubine Ki.❞ Mu Jong said sitting next to the Emperor.

❞Why no one told me you're sick? ❞he asked looking down at her.

❝This concubine didn't wanted to worry your majesty, it was nothing more than some dizziness. Probably because of the baby, your majesty.❞the woman said smiling shyly and putting her hand on her stomach.

❝Tell me next time, alright?❞ The Emperor said getting up to leave.

❝Your majesty, aren't you staying here with this concubine?❞she said smiling playful.

❝I'm tired.❞ he said and then left without another word.

It was clear as day that she was lying to him and Zhang Wan wanted to punish her for lying, but he wanted to see the truth. A part of him still had faith in concubine Jong and tried to act calm and calculated. He went to the throne room where the officials were waiting for him to start the meeting.

❝Rise.❞ Zhang Wan told the men who were kneeling.

The men did as told and silence filled the room.

❝We can start the meeting.❞ The Emperor said once more from his dragone throne.

The eunuch next to his majesty had a tray with oficial documents.

❝Your majesty, the problem with the disease that spread in the west side of the Empire caused a rebellion. ❞an official said.

❝Yes, your highness. The people started to revolt since the sick can't work and their food is soon to be finished.❞ another old man said petting with his beard.

❝Why didn't you send them more food? And the doctors, did they found any cure for the disease?❞ Zhang Wan asked looking at the official document regarding the disease and the consequences of it.

❝We did, but however, we can't give more than this. The rest of the Empire considers it's not fair to take from them and give the others.❞ another man said.

❝Your majesty, don't get this subject wrong, but I think we are wasting resourced on them. I suggest to burn their villages down and stop the disease from spreading further. ❞

Zhang Wan looked at the old men then back at the documents. They were his people after all, to kill them like this, what kind of Emperor would he be? But giving them more food will cause more mess and a potential rebellion from other subjects in the Empire and the disease itself doesn't have a cure yet and if it spreads it may cause the downfall of the Empire.
The Emperor had a very troubled look on his face.

❝Let's end the meeting here, I will think about a way to solve this problem alone and tell you as soon as I find a way. You're all dismissed.❞ Zhang Wan said getting up and leaving the room.

Xu Yang was at the Empress Dowager all morning and now was walking back to her Phoenix Palace.

❝Greetings to the Emperor.❞ she said bowing her head together with her maids.


Xu Yang raised her head.

❝You came from my mother's Palace?❞ he asked,staring at Xu Yang unintentionally.

❝Yes, I spend the morning with her highness. ❞Xu Yang responded and looked up to see his majesty eyes.

The eyes she fell for before and now she hated more than anything.

❝Mother seems to like you very much.❞ Zhang Wan said looking down at Xu Yang.

❝I'm grateful for the good treatment, her majesty is a wonderful woman.❞ Xu Yang said smiling.

Zhang Wan looked once more at Xu Yang then left to see his mother. Xu Yang sighs and continues on her way to her Palace.

❝Miss, I found this.❞ Jiang Meng said giving Xu Yang a letter.

Xu Yang looks at the letter then at Jiang Meng before taking the paper in her hands.

❝What is this?❞ She slowly opened the purple envelope then unfolded the paper inside.

❝A maid of Concubine Jong gave this letter to a eunuch to give it further to a guard to be sent to Drunken Heaven.❞ Jiang Mend responded

❝I see.❞

Xu Yang reads the letter.

Β  I think we can't see each other later this week, I think someone noticed me leaving, because his highness was suspicious of me so I need to lay low for now. I will see you soon, don't worry."

❝How did you get this letter?❞ Xu Yang asked curious.

❝After I saw the maid give the letter to the eunuch I just threatened him a little and he gave it to me. He is scared, so he won't report back to concubine Jong. If he does, however, I will kill him. ❞

❝Good job, Jiang Meng. You really are an amazing help. ❞Xu Yang said smiling.

Jiang Meng couldn't help but smile for a second at the compliment his miss gave him.

Xu Yang fold the letter and place it back in the envelope like it wasn't opened.

❝Let's give this letter to Concubine Ki. ❞she said giving the letter back to Jiang Meng.

❝Concubine Ki? Why?❞ Jiang Meng asked puzzled.

❝I'm sure she will know who this letter belongs to and maybe show it to the Emperor.❞Xu Yang explained.

❝Why not place it in his study like the other time?❞ Jiang Meng asked again

❝It's more fun this way, isn't it? Maybe his highness will believe the first letter was put there by Concubine Ki.❞

❝Yes, I will go now.❞ Jiang Meng bowed and dissappear to finish his mission.

❝Miss, Miss! Empress Dowager asked for you, quick!❞ Ji An came inside shouting.

❝What? Why?❞ Xu Yang asked startled by Ji An.

She just came from her highness Palace so why is she asking for Xu Yang again?

❝I don't know, miss, but let's hurry. ❞The Emperor is also there.

Xu Yang got up and rushed back to her majesty Palace.

❝Her majesty, The Empress!❞ an eunuch notified as Xu Yang entered the room.

The Empress Dowager and Emperor were indeed both there.
Xu Yang greeted both of them and before she could say anything Empress Dowager told her to sit down.

❝Was it necessary to call her here, mother? ❞Zhang Wan asked.

❝Shush, son. You will see I was right. Explain the problem to her. ❞

The Emperor looked at Xu Yang with a trace of annoyance and sighed loud at his mother stupid request.
Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Β 

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