𝑹𝑶𝑻𝑻𝑴𝑵𝑻! 𝑹𝒂𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒆𝒍 𝒙 𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒕!𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
Note: You're a shapeshifting cat mutant with cheshire cat from Alice in wonderland like abilities!
Enjoy reading!
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"Alright mad dogs! you guys know the plan." A large snapping turtle in red looked at his 3 younger brothers, snaggletooth peaking out of his confident smile.
It was another day of patrol, fighting crime and cleaning the streets of New York city. Their daily schedule, of course. Unlike usual however, today's agenda consists of animal patrol.
"What does that mean?" You may ask, well, thanks to Donnie Infiltrating the police radio signals the turtles managed to overhear multiple reports of a troublesome stray cat in a neighborhood. Police being the police, continued to do nothing about it. So Raph had heroically decided for his team to take care of the feline, for the betterment of peace and the people! (Totally not an excuse to pet a cat or whatever)
The reports varied with crimes, from breaking into homes to eat whatever stocked food was in their pantry, to stealing valuable items like money or expensive watches. Coincidentally, Mikey had caught gossip of a similar thing happen in the mystic city during his bonding day with Draxum. Donnie using the given clues and context, hypothesized that the feline they were after tonight, might also be the same one committing the crimes in the mystic city.
Meaning, that the cat could be a mutant cat. But without any further information on the subject, they were going into this mission without a viable synthesis. So Raph came up with a plan, pairing up two brothers each, they would skim through the city till they find any suspicious looking cat roaming the streets.
The last report was made an hour ago, so the stray could be resting somewhere. An alleyway, some random rooftop, central park, or wherever cats are popularly loitered around.
"Donnie and Mikey, you two look around the neighborhood." He pointed his finger at his two younger brothers, using his thumb to refer to him and the 2nd oldest next. "Me and Leo'll take on central park. Strays love the park!"
Donnie, who was scrolling through his socials in the corner, breathed out a sigh and rolled his eyes. Giving him brother a flat lidded look. "As usual, dear brother. A simple mind, creating simple plans."
"Fortunately, I have already been 1 step ahead!" He held up a finger as a mechanical arm shot out to pocket his phone into his battle shell, then started furiously typing and tapping on his gauntlet.
"Donnie...you are not going mad scientist mode on the cat." Raph gave his purple brother a warning glare, voice lowering an octave.
"Scoff! You think too barbaric of me Raphael." He jutted his chin out with crossed arms.
Raph continued to stare down his brother, making Donnie sweat from his heated glare. A small beep sounded from his gauntlet, making all the turtles turn their attention to the device's screen.
"For your information," he paused his sentence to tap on the screen, his eyes darting around on what looks like a digital map from what the others could see.
"I was merely referring to the fact that I have managed to calculate the approximate location of the cat burglar we are after." He smiled with scientific pride as he continued to type, but his pride was soon replaced with confusion.
"Huh?...that's weird?" Squinting at what he was looking at, eyebrows furrowed with a wrinkled forehead.
Raph noticed his brother's dilemma, approaching him with interest. "What's wrong Dee?"
"Well for starters, I did NOT make a miscalculation with my equation." Donnie projected his tabs into a hologram screen for the rest to see, showing CCTV footage of a cat comfortably stretching and making way into the pantry of someone's home. "Secondly, this video was caught and alerted by my algorithm 2 minutes and 36 seconds ago."
"Aaand?" Leo dragged out his word with emphasis, looking over Donnie's shoulder to see the video better.
"What's so weird about that?" The purple turtle gave his twin a fed up twitchy glare, Leo just thought it got in because a window was probably left open, or something...but Donnie continued his explanation nonetheless.
"Not long after the alert, I've gotten another ping of the same cat at central park." He switched the footage from the home to the park, the same cat from the last video jumped down from a tree branch, like it had been up there all this time. "The weird thing about it is the interval."
"The what?" Mikey popped up closer to the screen, squishing against Donnie's face.
He grumbled from the contact and as gently as he could, used his finger to push his younger brother away from him and his personal space.
"The interval??" Despite putting emphasis on his words, the dumb blank looks on their faces still remained. "The break or pause between—....oh what's the point of explaining anything to you dumdums"
Rubbing the spaced between his drawn on eyebrows, he withdrew the holographic screens and further explained. "It's weird because that was live, real time feed. Each video had a 15.8 seconds interval, but calculating the route from the house to the park..."
Double checking the numbers, he finalized the results. "It would be a 13 minute walk, with the average speed of a cat which is 20-23 miles per hour."
The brothers looked among themselves, the obvious fact only slowly popping into their heads. Despite realizing at them same time, Mikey spoke up first.
"It's a teleporting cat mutant!" Voice high pitched from excitement, feeling so proud and smart of himself.
Leo found the humorous fact in the situation. "Like Mayhem?" The end of his words a sort of chuckle.
Raph nodded, two fingers framing his chin with a smile, eyes closed with thought. "So now we know it's a cat mutant." he suddenly turned to his brothers, a ready smirk and squinted eyes.
"Gear up boys, it's time for animal control." His voice went deep and gruff, a comical shadow framing his face. The other 3 looked unimpressed at each other, but they just shrugged and equipped their tools. Each turtle sported items a cat would typically like or literal animal control equipment.
Mikey swung out a cat toy, Donnie pulled out a cat grasper and Leo a snappy snare. Raph however, felt bad and bought a red leash with cat treats. Him and Mikey thankfully had enough humanity to balance out the twin's pandemonium. The oldest felt disappointed but not surprised at the twins, unlike him and mikey, they didn't have as much mercy when handling poor strays. The mission will carry on anyways. He turned to his blue brother, a prepared smile to his brother who mirrored his expression.
"Let's go mad dogs!"
The brothers dispersed into their designated areas, Mikey jumping onto Donnie's back as he flew away with his jetpack, while Leo sliced open a portal for him and Raph. The two jumped out the portal, rolled up to a bush, and looked around silently. Peaking from multiple angles to spot any lingering humans, they landed with a thud once they deemed it safe enough to be out in the open.
"So now what." He sheathed his sword, looking to his brother in red. "Do we split up and look so it's like quicker or what, what's the plan here?"
"You check around the public basketball court, I'll check out around the water fountain." Leo gave a salute and jumped away towards the direction of the court, Raph doing the same to his own destination.
Appearing out of a random shadow casted by a tree, he swiftly rounded around the fountain, looking for any signs of a cat. Resting his hands on his hips, he gave his surrounding a quick analysis, seeing no obvious signs of a cat.
Till he heard a faint far away mew heading northeast. He moved fast, running and jumping over fences to the supposed spot where the sound came from.
He stopped in a tree flooded area, spots and blobs of lights doing little for Raph's vision. It was dark and cold, but he trusted his instincts that the cat was somewhere around here.
He craned his neck up towards the branches, leaves blocking his sight of the feline, he definitely heard the cat somewhere above. It would be impossible for him to climb up the trees, there was no way the trees could handle Raph's weight, they were too slender and skinny. It would snap the moment he grabs a leaf.
"Meow" hearing it again, this time closer, he frantically looked around the shadow covered leaves.
And finally spotting the cat.
Its fur pattern definitely suggested it was a mutant, and those eery dark creepy eyes gave him the hibee-jibies, but he was too focused on finally spotting the cat. "BINGO!" The sudden shout didn't scare the cat, unlike usual cases Raph had experienced before. In fact, it barely paid attention to him, not acknowledging his presence with suspicion or on edge like he thought it would. Still happy he found it though.
"Now how do I get you down?" Searching for a possible solution in his surroundings, but finding none, he glanced to where to cat was only to see it was gone.
Panic started to rise inside him, looking and turning around frantically hoping to find the cat again. He felt something furry brush against his cheek, preparing to shriek in fright only to realize quickly that it was the cat on his shoulder. Now, under normal circumstances, Raph would be ecstatic that a cat was on his shoulder. He thinks this is the closest he's even been to an animal without being mangled and shredded, like his first encounter with Mayhem.
Not this time though.
Looking into its eyes, he felt something ominous and menacing stir inside him, like a chill swirling around his bones. It was just now he's realized the possible dangerous mutant abilities the feline could be capable of. He thought to activate his communicator, get his brothers here, and then hand off the cat to the animal shelter for a warmer home. Yet he couldn't move. Not a muscle, or a breath. It felt somewhat suffocating with the cat's piercing gaze.
"You reek of fear." Raph had to do a double take at the cat, the fact it talked only registering now. He felt terrible goosebumps appear on his skin, something about its voice gave him the feeling it was more sentient than a normal kitty. "What—uh..."
The alarmingly large smirk it gave him almost made him scream, but he was paralyzed in his spot. He was more afraid of this stray than he was with mrs.cuddles!
"Well aren't you just adorable." It suddenly floated off his shoulder to face him directly, its tail swishing and caressing against Raph's jaw. "For someone of your stature, you sure visibly panic."
Its velvety and smooth voice rose every red flag in him, but he was too caught up with the fact the cat was talking. "HOLY JUMPING JACK FLASH YOU TALK!" The aghast look on his face amused it, laughing darkly.
"Of course, I can." It disappeared into a puff of smoke, blowing into his face. Raph coughed and chocked for air, the dust particles almost giving him asthma.
"I'm just as human as you are...Big Red." He slowly looked up behind him to see the cat as a...HUMAN?!?
"YOU'RE A HUMAN?!?!" They replied with a weak shrug, their smile so sly it almost represented a smirk. They were enjoying toying with his astonishment, he could feel it, basking in his appalled look.
"Somewhat. So, you and your brothers have been looking for me." It wasn't a question, they knew. Still, he didn't know what to say or what to reply. He thought back to Donnie's hypothesis and how they heavily underestimated how mutant the cat could be.
"Thinking is so tiring Big Red, and you don't seem like the type to think." He watched closely as the person flew down gracefully to his face, almost like they were swimming. It amazed him, to watch how smooth they moved and floated, the still prominent feline features. Man, was this a day...
"I can't tell if that's an insult or not." Getting over the previous fright he felt, now seeing them as he would with any other mutant, but the sense of distrust still beated inside him.
"Mmm, proves my point exactly~" they used their tail to caress his jaw like earlier, but it was different seeing their humanoid form do it compared to the feline. He felt embarrassed and vulnerable, and he'd be lying if he said that their smooth voice wasn't a pleasant sound.
"Now that you've found me," they slowly flew around him in a circle, their tail swooshing along Raph's body making him follow with his body. "What will you do with me?"
"Well we uh—....w-we.." He didn't what to say! What should he say, it'd sound weird now if he admitted they were capturing them so that they could send them to an animal shelter so they could stop terrorizing and breaking into people's homes?!
His internal panic was interrupted by a chuckle, coming from them. "I already know."
"You what...?"
"I know."
The blank look that spawned onto his face, amused them more than they thought. "I know you and your brothers planned to take me to an animal shelter."
"Oh." Now he was just speechless, they knew so, what else is he supposed to do. "Do I still take you to the animal shelter or?"
"Sorry Big Red, but I'm a free lancer." Stretching in the air, letting out a hum of satisfaction they slung around his shoulder once more. The proximity this time made him flustered, the sly look making it 5 times worse. "I don't like being tied down or...leashed, per se."
He forgot about the leash hanging on his belt, he hurriedly defended himself. "No! Wait- it's n-not what you think!!"
"Just ridiculing you." Getting off his shoulder to walk to the ground, taking a few steps out in front of him. They walked away but before they disappeared back into the shadowy trees, they gave him a wave.
"Till next time, if you can find me." And like the wind they vanished, out of his sight.
He stood in the same spot, motionless. He didn't know to do from this point on. Does he tell his brothers? What's the plan now? Do they continue looking for them? Will they still break into homes though? Questions and thoughts clouded his head till his communicator beeped, and came Mikey's voice, making him yelp loudly.
Oh boy...
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I accidentally gave this oneshot more effort than I intended, oopsies.
But now that each turtle has a chapter, the next ones will be random! They will either be requested or thought of by myself.
Anyways, thank you for reading and please request if you want!
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