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𝑻𝑶𝑻𝑻𝑴𝑵𝑻!𝑹𝒂𝒑𝒉𝒂𝒆𝒍 𝒙 𝑭!𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓

Requested by: TMNTFanGirl2245
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"Guys!— I just...eard———happened. Is e-everyone alright?" Your voice filled was with concern, the sound coming out static-y and broken from the damage Raph's phone received throughout the whole ordeal with the East River three, plus the super cool fight on Bad Bernie's yatch.

Once everyone had arrived at the docs safely, everyone cheered out in triumph from the victory, however the moment was interrupted with a disgruntled ringing from Raph's pocket. Initially pulling it out in aggravation, he flinched when he read your contact's name in bold bright letters with your ever so adorable contact photo flashing on his cracked glitching screen.

"Pssshhh...of course we are! w-Why—wouldn't we be?" He cringed at his own voice crack. Goddamn, he felt like Leo right now.

His brother's snickered at his slip up, at his glare they immediately shut up and acted innocent. He turned back to his phone but his brothers continued, making kissing faces and high-pitched giggles in mockery to their red brother.

Raph growled in agitation, preparing to jump his brothers but your voice rang out and stopped his actions.

"T—hats good. I-I'm overlooking th-the——right now, it's a m—...ess!"

Walking some ways away from his family he waved goodbye to Lee and sally, his family just let him be and bid their own farewells.

"Don't worry about the city Y/N, the police will take care of it." Idly kicking a pebble away from him, he wore a cool and uncaring face despite you not being able to see him. "Are you, uh.......a-are you ok?"

Heat surged in Raph's cheek, becoming flustered at the sound of your sweet giggles.

"I-I——thought caring was my job, Raph. Well, it's sweet of you ask to ask anyw--s. I'm ok, thank...lly. If I didn't live on the highest fl......my apartment I'd probably be—...right now."

He could barely understand your illegible sentences, the water damage done to his phone was no joke. The audio came out cracked and muffled, only allowing him to grasp the small concept of whatever you were saying. He'd have to force Donnie to fix it.

"Right. Cause cats hate the water, don't they?" Raph's voice was filled with humor, laughing at his own joke.

"H-Hey! Leav- Mr.whiskers—....—this!" He could hear the mentioned cat meow uncaringly in your background.

You had a gray spotted Persian cat that you loved dearly; it was practically what your whole life revolved around. That, and caring about everyone and everything too much.

If he asked people to describe you with one word, they would all collectively answer with "Sweet", because you are. You are the most sympathetic and caring and kind person on the planet, and that is not over exaggerating. You were like a ball of sunshine, rainbows, and candies mixed into one singular person. But in all honesty, that one main personality trait of yours, just irked Raph off most of the times. Don't get him wrong, you're a nice person and all, but do you ever not care?

You see an injured baby bird? You'll take care of it till it heals. You see an old lady crossing the street? You'd abandon whatever to help her.

Him and his brothers went on a grueling life-threatening adventure and end up with 56 injuries each? You'd immediately rush over to the lair and be their personal nurse.

It pissed Raph off.

Your kindness was a light he looked away from, not wanting to be blinded like others in fear that he'd fall in love with your brightness. Unfortunately, his own hormones betrayed him and now he's in deniably in love with you.

Meaning he's in love with you but is in denial and refuses to accept it.

"I'm starting to think your cat matters more than your own friends. You're gonna end up being those like, old grammas with 15 cats in a singular apartment." His chuckle increased when he heard you gasp defensively.

The feline meowed angrily after a small thump, which Raph assumes is the cat growing annoyed and jumping away. You would've chased after the cat, but you were more focused on your turtle friend.

"You—nd Mr.whiskers m-matter the most——to me!"

Raph choked on his own spit from your small indication, sometimes he wonders if you state such things purposely.

"What do you mean by "you"? A-are you saying...?" the grip on his phone became clammy, making Raph almost drop his phone.

"Well---to be honest...out of yo- and y-your brothers, ---ou're my f--f-favorite." The sudden softness of your voice despite the glitching audio did not go unnoticed by Raph.

Goddamn, was his heart running marathons right now. It weirded him out how much of sap you had turned this rageful turtle. What was worse was the fact he didn't mind how much you softened up the hardcore red turtle.


His youngest brother's voice echoed throughout the whole dock from behind him. Raph fumbled to cover his phone's speaker, worried you'd hear. Turning to glare at his giggling family, heat gathered in his entire face from anger and embarrassment.

"SHUT THE HELL UP MIKEY!!" he quickly returned to his phone to say goodbye. "I-I'll talk to you later Y/N. I'll come by later to check up on ya, ok?"

"O-Ok-! G--t home saf---Raph."

"Yeah, yeah. See you later, Love ya." Not realizing his last two words he hung up the call before hearing your reply and ran back to his waiting family, walking towards the closest sewer entrance but not before punching Mikey behind his head. The youngest crying out in pain.


4 hours after the call you just laid in bed, staring unmoving at your ceiling. His last words rang in your mind like a bell, it consumed every thought, worry, and feeling you had at the moment.

Did he mean it? or was it out of habit from talking with his family? but he doesn't say that to his family, not that you've ever heard him even say something remotely close. He's not the type to say it so casually too, could it have been a slip up? Well, you hope not.

Don't want your hopes up for nothing now.

Hearing small knocks coming from your fire escape, you sat up in a flash and looked to see Raph kneeling with an impatient look on his face. Hastily but cooly as you could, you made your way to unlock the window and let the turtle in. Both of you attempting to stay quiet as to not alert your parents.

He jumped in softly, slowly closing your window back down. "I thought you were dead for a moment there." turning to look at you with a smug grin.

"Staring blankly at the ceiling again, are ya?"

You shoved him weakly with a scoff, jumping back onto your bed and laying down on your back. You looked so relaxed and uncaring despite the whole mess the city had turned into, it confused Raph, to say the least. 

"You good...?" Feeling unsure and awkward, he took 2 steps towards you and sat by the edge of your bed on the floor.

The lack of chatter from you worried Raph, even so, he let you be thinking you were just probably tired. His attention was placed on the carpet he sat on as he leaned against your bed frame, the furry texture soothed his sore body in a way, he could also see pieces of stray gray fur stuck to the rug.

"You're cool Raph." His head swiveled to look back at you, the small, soft, and beaming ghost of a smile you had gave his heart a stroke.

He could feel butterflies swarming and fluttering around inside his stomach. The way you looked at him so adoringly, the warm lighting of your room totally enhanced your gentle features.

"Not just because you saved the city thrice now.......but also because you always cared, even if you don't show it."

God, how your voice sounded like heaven. He pleaded to any god, angel, or ethereal being that could hear him right now to make you stop talking like that to him, Raph wasn't sure how much more his heart could handle of you being so wonderful.

The rapid beating of his heartbeat turned into an aching feeling as he thought of how it would be like if you two dated, the images in his head looked so lovely. Unfortunately, there was no way you and him could be a thing.

You were an amazing, kind, and loving human girl. And Raph is, well...him. You needed someone you wouldn't be judged for. He swore to himself he wouldn't admit it, he wanted you to be loved more than you loved. He wanted--no--he wished for you to have someone who could love you more than you could ever imagine, someone who you could love freely with no judgement. Raph wanted to be that guy so badly, but alas, the world isn't as caring as you.

"You need to stop saying crap like that Y/N." The hurt tone from him scared you for a second, turning to your side for a moment before sitting straight you looked at the side of his face in concern. His head was down and turned away, denying you the chance to see his face.

"Raph...i-is something wrong?" Slowly reaching your hand out towards him, you tapped his shoulder softly.

You let out a small yelp as Raph suddenly gripped your wrist jumped up, instantly pinning you back down onto your bed. You looked up to his frustrated face with blushing cheeks, holding your breath in fear and from the unexpected proximity between you two. His breathing was heavy and deep as he stared intensely into your eyes.

"Stop...being so kind and sweet. You're not helping me; you're not helping anyone. You are just a constant nag and a pain in my ass. N-not in the way that you're useless or a nuisance, but in the way that all I could think, feel, and say is about you." Raph's irritated expression morphed into one of defeat. "You make me feel so calm and soft..i-it drives me nuts! Like you just turn me into mush with every word you say, or putty at your touch. I hate it so much, I hate how I love you more than I can handle. Your sweetness is literally a high I'm actually addicted to at this point, and I don't know how to stop."

"So why stop?" Slowly sliding your wrist out of his grasp, you held both of his cheeks tenderly, giving him an amorous smile. "If you feel so much for me Raphael, why stop it. I was sure my kindness was an obvious clue of my feelings for you. Plus, you already did admit your feelings for me earlier on the phone." you giggled at the memory .

"Just because I asked if you were ok?" Raph scoffed at your statement.

You shook your head no, giggling louder. "When you said you loved me silly."

"I did?" the blank horrified look on his face caused you to burst out laughing, him grimacing in embarrassment at you.

"Y-you did, before you hung up the call...heheh...you said you loved me!" he scowled deeper, hanging his head, humiliation filling up his entire body.

However, his mortification was quickly replaced with surprised as he felt a warm sensation touch his lips. Eyes opening wide in shock to see you with your own eyes closed as you kissed him, just when you were about to pull away, he urgently kissed you back to keep you in. Raph's sudden eagerness to keep you in the kiss caused a happy yelp to escape you, but nevertheless you reciprocated once more.

How sweet.

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Thank you for reading!

I wrote half of this on my phone and the other half on my pc for the first time, so if you notice don't mind it lol

I had more fun writing this than I expected but anyways,

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