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Enjoy reading!
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"Mikey, hey!" Hearing his name being called out he turned around to see his brothers, Raph and Donnie, approach him at his locker. Once reaching the youngest, his second oldest brother slung an arm around him, slapping the middle of his chest 3 times.
"You ready to get your ass beat at mortal combat once we get home?" An excited but prideful smile on Raph's face.
Mortal combat, the game all the brothers play once they get home after a long day of school every Friday. It became sort of a tradition ever since they started high school, with their last period being, in most cases dragging out their day, playing the violent video game helped them stay all night being competitive with one another and relishing the 2 days of the weekend.
The tradition started when they saw the PS4 console and multiple cases of games in a dumpster one night when they were out on patrol. They all got hyped finding a basically free and surprisingly still working, PS4 with games included, in the garbage!
They didn't care who threw it away or if they would wanted it back, finder's keepers!!
"Yeah! Dude," Mikey's excitement couldn't be controlled, his braced teeth shining with his smile as he thought about him and his brothers playing together, despite always losing. "I'm so gonna beat you this time."
Raph scoffed, pushing his younger brother slightly, his pride still high and strong. "As if, you always lose bro. It's just your thing, you're not the alpha Mike."
The last part was satirical, but it still made his brothers cringe and laugh. Mikey looked around, noticing how their oldest still wasn't here.
"Where's Leo, shouldn't he be here by now?" At his question the 2 oldest present groaned, their mood visibly dampening.
"He's staying after school to help April." at Donnie's words they both started making kissy faces and smooching noises, breaking into laughter.
"Which means we have to stay and wait for him, for who knows how long." Raph rolled his eyes, disappointed and annoyed with their oldest.
"Last time we ended up going home at 5!" Mikey cried out, waving his hands out dramatically.
"Dude, and the fact that he-..."
His brother's words was slowly falling to deaf ears, as his attention was caught by a girl the was some ways away from him to his left. By the lockers stood a girl, just mindlessly storing her stuff in her locker, quietly singing along to whatever song was playing in her earphones.
What stood out about her the most however, was her style, one which Mikey wasn't familiar or had any knowledge on. Her outfit was mainly black but was highlighted or accessorized with bright neon colors, mainly pink from what he could see. Her hair was so cool too! The almost luminous shining purple with pink stripes on her bangs, certainly captivated Mikey. The different prints and designs looked so awesome together, he couldn't tell if it was carefully thought out or if they just threw it on and looked effortlessly beautiful.
His brothers had realized moments ago that Mikey wasn't listening to them at all, and was just instead staring into space. Or so they thought. Following where his eyes were pinned at with their own, looking to see you standing there, chilling by your locker.
The brothers exchanged mischievous smirks, a realization appearing in their heads simultaneously, almost telepathically. To Raph you were just any other ordinary high school student with a weird style, he thought the amount of prints and neon colors would give him a stroke when his eyes landed on you. But to Donnie, however, he recognized the dyed hair and the wacky fashion style. Him and Mikey had AP computer class with you, and from the looks of it, Mikey had never noticed you till now. You and Donnie have had a couple conversations here and there before, it was mostly just questions about schoolwork though. But even with the short and small exchanges, you both had managed to silently establish a friendship of the sort.
Which is why Donnie had a genius idea.
With a smirk he signed silently to Raph to follow him as he slowly lead Mikey towards you, the turtle in red already understood what he meant from the beginning.
"Yo Y/N!"
Hearing your name being called out over your music blaring in your ears, you turned to look over your right shoulder to see Donnie with a panicky Mikey, and who you presumed to be their older brother from the looks of it. Then again you didn't know him, just the turtles in purple and orange.
"Hi Donnie," taking out both earbud from each ear, you waved politely then smiled brightly at Mikey. "Hey Mikey. You two need anything?"
Mikey seemed enamored even just by looking at you, your eyes didn't compare to your brightly colored outfit, there was a shine in them that he couldn't look away from. His unwavering stare just confused you, but you still held your smile.
Damn it, you were so cute!
Mikey couldn't believe he's only noticed you now. He's seen flashes of color on a student before in one of his classes, but he never did pay attention that much, and he sure was regretting it now.
Donnie cleared his throat obnoxiously, successfully snapping his brother out his trance. "We just uh...wanted to talk to you about the er-"
He quickly racked his brain for an excuse, any small unsuspecting white lie. "T-the AP computer project! Yeah! Uh-...the one where we're in groups of three and have to make and program a website?" His wide toothy, nervous smile caught you off guard, but you nodded in understanding nonetheless.
"What about the project?" Closing then locking your locker's door you held the strap of your bag securely on your shoulder, straightening your posture. "I still don't have a group...unfortunately, everyone else is already full." Despite the light hearted tone of your voice, Donnie and Mikey could see how you worry if you'll be able to complete the project alone.
Mikey screamed out without thought, shocking both his brothers and you, while even gaining the attention of the remaining students in the hallway. He smiled out an apology to everyone, who couldn't care less and went back to conversing with friends.
"Really?! But I thought Dave was already in your group?" At your hopefully and happy expression, Mikey realized he'd have to explain to their professor how you managed to switch with dave without his knowledge.
(He's not gonna worry about that right now.)
"What?!? N-no! Pfftβ...He uh-" Mikey and Donnie had this liability that they weren't able to come up with a convincing lie on the spot, so Raph, being the awesome big brother that he is, came to their rescue.
"He got some weird disease from some bad cheese, so he's like in the hospital right now which means, they got an open spot just for you." Ok so technically it wasn't a lie, Dave did eat some bad cheese, but way to save his dignity Raph. He only couldn't care less because he didn't personally know the dude, and even if he did, he'd still be honest and say the same thing anyways.
Dave's situation made you wince in disgust and pity, but at least you got into a group so it wasn't all that bad. Maybe except for Dave......but no one's thinking about him right now!
Letting your gratefulness take control, you jumped to hug Mikey with a squeal, unconsciously squeezing him with all your might.
"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" The same 2 words spitting out your mouth rapidly. Despite the layers of clothes and accessories you wore, he could feel your warmth surrounding him, like a blanket he didn't want to get out of.
When you let Mikey free, he wobbled a bit, feeling dazed and dizzy. You heard a small beep from your watch, reading the time you panicked, almost being late to last period.
"I'll meet up with you guys after last period, k?" Without waiting for their response, you quickly jogged to your last period, a sense of internal dread bubbling inside you for Math.
Mikey watched you run off with a dopey smile, adoration swarming his insides like a bee colony, he felt fuzzy and buzzy after talking to you for the first time.
What a blessing it truly is. God really does send angels to earth, and he just managed to meet the most ethereal one! As he thanked the gods and goddesses above, his brothers stared unimpressed at him.
"Way to go sMoOtH oPeRaToR, you've got about as much rizz as Leo does." Raph punched Mikey's arm with a teasing smile.
He didn't even react, he just stood there motionless, the pain not even bothering him. The two shared bored looks, "There goes another brother" they thought.
Donnie pulled Mikey by the strap of his bag, forcefully dragging him along to their last class of the day. "Come on rizzler, let's get to class."
Mikey just allowed himself to be dragged, too occupied with thinking about you. From this moment on he promised, actually no, he vowed to get closer to you. To learn your hopes and dreams, to like your interests, to hate your peeves, to be bright and happy with you in his life. Whether you'd accept him romantically in the future or not didn't scare him one bit, he'd be contented just having these ever developing feelings.
Most people would be creeped out with themselves for falling so quickly, but Mikey wasn't. In fact he was excited, excited to see how far these feelings will come, and how big these emotions will grow.
"At this point, mortal combat will have to wait till Saturday." Raph grumbled with crossed arms, walking along his brothers on the way to his own class.
Seeing his disappointment, Donnie winced as he remembered a small detail concerning you.
"Actually, we're required to work on the project over the weekends because presentations are next Tuesday." He didn't attempt to ease his words, letting and effectively hitting Raph with his bluntness.
"No way you guys are ditching to hang with some chick!" Raph was in disbelief on the situation, even if he did help a minuscule amount in the situation earlier, he still can't believe it!
Donnie rolled his eyes, annoyed with his older brother's drama. "Dude, seriously. It's not that big of a deal." Shaking his head side to side with a flat face. "It's just for school. We can play mortal combat next friday."
"Only if Mikey and Leo aren't gonna go make out with their "girlfriends" somewhere." Raph crossed his arms with a pout, similar to a toddler attempting to be mad.
"You are such a baby."
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Longer and more in depth chapters will be written soon, I'm just hoping to post 1 oneshot per turtle with no specific iteration.
But the next oneshot will be about Raph!
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