"𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫."
I sat beside Monty as he informed me about the peace with the grounders gone wrong, not sparing any details. I can't believe nobody woke me up for this. I run my hands through my hair stressfully.
"We aren't going to survive down here are we?" I question Monty. He nudges my side, giving a hopeful smile. "Not with that attitude Sleeping Beauty."
"Pulling up with the nicknames now? Well, in that case you shall be called Green Bean from now on." I smile at Monty cheekily.
Octavia walks up to the two of us. "Hey, any sight of your brother or the others yet?" Monty questions. "Hey, I don't care." She responds.
Our attention shifts to Jasper as he continues to tell the story, but in his own interpretation of course. "Fear is only a problem if you let it stop you, right?"
Octavia rolls her eyes at Jasper "Thats not even his line. Finn said that."
"I saw the Grounders in the trees. It was like nothing I ever felt. You know, pure animal instinct took over. One pull of the trigger, two Grounders dead." Jasper tells the delinquents.
"Pure animal instinct? More like pure pant's-wetting panic." Octavia jokes, I lightly push her while giggling.
Jasper continues, "You don't really know what you're made of until a moment like that, you know, when it's kill or be killed and there's just nothing between you and the tip of the spear."
"Ok, this has to stop." Octavia whispers while walking towards the group. Monty quickly grabs Octavia wrist, "Oh, come on. Let us have this." Monty responds.
I furrow my eyebrows at him. "Us?" I ask at the same time as Octavia. "Look at him. Boys a folk hero. They even gave us a bigger tent." Monty continues.
"You two don't even need a bigger tent. You probably share the same bed, spooning." I tell him while making kissing faces at him. Octavia laughs as Monty slaps me in the back of the head.
"I could say the same for you and Bellamy." Monty grins. Octavia nudges me slightly, "He got you there."
I scoff at the Octavia, "This is your brother we are talking about here." Octavia puts her head on my shoulder, "Still doesn't stop me from thinking that you two are the cutest."
Suddenly the trip wire goes off, "Somebody hit the trip wire." Someone yells. I immediately sit up in panic, looking around at any sight of a grounder. I flinch harshly when I hear two gunshots.
"Lincoln." Octavia whispers lowly before rushing towards whoever tripped the wire. I look at her in concern before following after her.
I place my hand on Octavias shoulder as she crouches down beside whoever was laying on the floor. I observed the person, cuts and blood covered a majority of their body.
Octavia reaches towards them, immediately scaring them as they try to rush away. I pull Octavia back protectively, scared they might hurt her.
My eyes widen as the light shines up their face. Murphy. Honestly I thought he would've been dead by now and as much as I wanted to hate Murphy for all he had done I felt bad for the boy. He looked awful.
☆ ☆ ☆
I watch as the other delinquents do their jobs. I never really ever had to do anything here, it was quite boring at times. It also made me feel a bit useless.
Monty enters my vision, his face shaped in a deep frown as he walks towards me. My face softens at the sight of him. Monty sits next to me, placing his head on my shoulder staring off in the distance.
I wrap my arm around his shoulders, twirling his shirt black hair with my fingers. "Do you want to talk about it?" I question. The only response from Monty is a sigh.
A comfortable silence grows between the two of us. His voice changing that after a few minutes, "Jasper and I had a fight. He's changed Aurora."
I stop playing with Montys hair as she lifts his head up looking me in the eyes. "He's just letting this new 'fame' get to his head. Soon the hype for Jasper will die down and he will realise how important you are. He needs you and you need him. Monty and Jasper. The ultimate bromance." I smile at him.
"Yeah, you're right." Monty lightly says. I grin at him, "Pfft. When am I ever wrong?" He rubs his chin with his fingers as if he's thinking, "Most of the time."
I feel warm liquid roll down from my nose and onto my plump lips. The metallic taste making me scrunch my face up in disgust. I cover my nose with my hand, the blood trickling down like an endless waterfall.
I watch at the others around me begin to cough, most of them coughing out blood. I turn around as a load of bloodied vomit escapes my mouth. Montys hand lightly caressed my back as the vomiting continued.
I wipe the blood from my face, probably smudging it to the side. I could feel all the colour in my body leave as I grew feverish and weak.
My name gets called quietly from behind me. I turn around, coming face to face with Finns scared expression. "The two of you need to go into the drop-ship. A virus is going around that Murphy carried. Anyone that make contact with him and everyone they made contact with carries it."
"The grounders?" I question. Finn only nods his head in response before looking for the others.
I slowly stand up, feeling faint. Monty puts his arm around my waist, helping me keep balance as we walk to the drop ship together. He crouches down as he helps me sit on the floor.
Clarke walked up to the two of us, checking Montys eyes and digging her fingers in his mouth looking for any sign of symptoms.
Luckily Monty seemed to be immune to the virus, it's a good thing. The guilt would've killed me if I got Monty sick.
Monty looks at me, "I need to go." He looks away from me, grabbing a water bottle that was sat on the table nearby. Handing it to me caustically, "Stay hydrated." I smile gratefully, "Thanks Monty."
☆ ☆ ☆
Waking up, I had already felt better. I probably didn't look any better though. Delinquents around me were still coughing and grunting. I needed to leave asap.
I grab the table near me to help me stand up. I observe the area, searching for anyone I know. My eyes focusing on Octavia as she hovered over Bellamy.
I tip toe around the sick bodies on the ground, trying not to step on anyone. Octavia gave me a scared look, standing up to come face to face with me. I wrap my arms around her, rubbing my hand up and down her back as tears fill her eyes.
I rest my chin on her shoulder, whispering into her hair. "He's going to be okay." I unwrap my arms around her, placing my hands on her narrow shoulders. "I'll watch over him okay? Get some rest."
Octavia looks at Bellamy before looking back at me. She sighs before nodding her head slightly, "Yeah okay."
As she leaves I sit down beside Bellamy, my brown eyes scanning his face. He looked awful, but peaceful. Blood smeared across his cheeks and his face was ghostly white.
I grab the damp cloth from beside his head, using it to wipe the dried blood from his face. His eyes flutter open as he groans, grabbing my wrist.
My body tenses at his touch, my heart racing faster. He moves my small hand away from his face as he sits up, letting go of my wrist.
Bellamy looks me directly in the eyes causing me to feel intimidated and anxious. "We need to talk." I down at the ground, playing around with the cloth in my hands. "Not now okay?"
Murphy walks up to the two of us, breaking the tension. "Here," Murphy says as he attempts to pass Bellamy a cup of water. Bellamy moves the cup away from him letting water spill, "Get the hell away from me."
"Bellamy, you're sick. Okay? I'm just trying to help." Murphy lightly responds. I watch as blood travels down Bellamys nose, Murphy goes to pass him a cloth but he ignores him.
"When I get better, if you're still here." Bellamy tries time threaten. Clarke saves the day as she interrupts the conversation, "I got this one. Aurora, you should go clean up."
I give Clarke an annoyed look, scoffing as I walk off with Murphy. I lean against a table, wiping my face with the damp cloth. "Are you with Bellamy yet?" Murphy asks.
I choke on my spit, unprepared for the question. I cough as I pat my chest, "No. What makes you think that?"
"The lovey dovey looks you give each other." Murphy mocks, grinning as my cheeks heat up. I didn't think that I looked at Bellamy in a loving way, I wonder how many other people noticed.
"Hey, uh, you missed a spot." Murphy says as he takes the cloth from my hands, wiping my cheek.
If looks could kill Murphy would be dead by now. Courtesy of Bellamys death stare after watching the two of us. Rage and jealousy building up inside him.
"You aren't as bad as I though you were, even though you did try kill me." I honestly tell Murphy as he leans on the table beside me. "I wouldn't say that."
I give Murphy a questioning look but he just shrugs it off, as if he meant nothing by it.
☆ ☆ ☆
Monty and Jasper got over their feud quick when they worked together to explode the bomb. I sit in their tent as I watch at the two gloat about what happened.
Bellamys pokes his head through the tent flap, "Hey boys, can I steal Aurora from you for a while?" Bellamy asks. Monty and Jasper look at each other grinning, "Be our guest."
Bellamy tilts his head for me to follow him, I sit up wiping my hands. "Have fun." Monty quietly says, winking. "Not too much fun though," Jasper adds.
I roll my eyes at the two, "You guys will be the death of me." I leave the tent, following Bellamy as he walks to the tent we tend to share.
I lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I knew he wanted to talk, but frankly, I didn't want to. The bed dipped down as Bellamy sat on it, his back facing me.
"Do you remember the night of unity day?" Bellamy asks me in a low whisper. "Not really. Why?" I question. I wouldn't be surprised if I had done something stupid.
There's a long pause before he looks at me, running his hand through his hair. "You told me that you were afraid of me. I guess I just wanted to know if it was true from sober you."
I could see the hurt in his eyes, when I finally look back at Bellamy. I sigh, placing my hand on top of his hand that was rested on his lap. "I'm not afraid of you. I'm just afraid of who you might become."
Bellamy turns his hand around, enlacing his fingers in mine. "I was doing what I thought was right. To protect the people I care about. To protect you. It was foolish of me, I was scared, I wasn't thinking."
"I would never hurt you, I-" He abruptly stops, not finishing his sentence. I tilt my head as I look at him, "You what?"
Bellamy hesitates before answering, "I care about you a lot. More than I would like to admit." He rubs his thumb across the back of my hand smoothly before continuing, "Hell, I even think you make me a better person sometimes."
"I really care about you too Sprinkles." I respond, smiling with joy. He gives me a questionable look, "It's been a long time since you've called me that."
"It lightens the mood, doesn't it?" I tell him. He chuckles at me before laying down beside me, hands still laced together. He wraps his heavy arm around my slim waist to be more comfortable.
"Yeah. It does."
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