~ twenty two ~

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^this pic minus the ocean lol^

"You've heard about the corkscrew right?" Melany asks as she looks down at her watch, and then back up at me.
I have morning practice today. And I mean six. I was up at five.

I never believed anyone when they said morning practice was hard. Now I understand. Because I am sweating like a pig in my shorts and tee, hair sticking to my red face.
"I mean yeah," I huff a few times, "it's mentioned in the script?"

"Yes!" She claps her hands harshly, trying to get me to hike up. My guess is that Melany is one of those twenty year old workout geeks. Waking up at four to hit the gym before having their Starbucks.

"And that move is coming up very soon in this movie. We probably should've started working on it sooner but that's what now is for. So lay down right here," she guides me to a position, "first step is just to flip on your stomach."

She placed her hands on my waist and helped me flip onto my belly, and then grabbed my wrists and clasped them onto my ankle.
"Once you have this, flip back around to your back."

I listen, but still remain slightly confused.

"Then your going to kick your legs up, and use the ball of your heel to hit my shoulder, and the other one on my waist to make me fall," she instructs, grabbing my ankles and showing me where to kick down.

I think I got it? I know this is a skill I have to work on though because it's in the actual movie.

I just don't think I know anyone who would allow me to practice with them.

"Give it a try?" She asks, allowing me to stand back up.
I sigh and nod, "Yeah."



"Come on. Get pumped up or something."

"But it's six thir-"

"We have to have morning practice. I have another meeting and we have called off way to many practices."

I nod a few times and the girl wipes a bit of sweat off her forehead. I tuck some strands of hair behind my ear and then hold my hands on my hips for a second.
"Ready?" She asks, and then raises her eye brows.

Stomach, ankles, flip, kick.

"Ready..." I hesitate.

"Alright... three, two, one, go!"

I drop down and get on my stomach, and grab onto her ankles, then flip back around and toss up my feet, kicking her shoulder and waist.

But that's when it happened.

On the positive side, I got her down. She fell to the mat underneath us. The negative? She landed on top of my left ankle, twisting it lopsided.

I immediately bit onto my lip and squeezed my eyes shut.
"Great job y/n! You got me!" She cheers, standing back up as the weight of her body is finally released off my ankle.

I didn't speak, rather I just sat up and nodded a few times, taking a couple deep breaths and trying not to let my eyes well up in pain.

"Hey what's up?" She asks, sitting back down beside me and placing a hand on my shoulder.
I stare down at my ankle for a split second but then shrug, "Nothing I just tweaked my ankle a bit but I'll be fine."

That's a lie. I'm screaming internally.

"Well maybe we should call off today's practice. It's been about an hour and you best get to cleaning yourself up," she chuckles, holding out a hand that I grab onto and hoist myself up, hopping on one foot.

"You sure that foot of yours is alright?" She asks, gesturing down to my ankle.
I take a couple deep breaths and try to calm myself down a bit.

"Yeah I'm positive," I assure with a fake smile and nod even though I literally feel my ankle pulsating.
"Good. Go on and take a shower for the day. I'll see you on Wednesday night!" She announces as if it weren't just me in the room.

I give a thumbs up and force myself to walk normally with both of my feet. The least I can do is make sure I look fine so she doesn't suspect anything.

How on earth am I supposed to go on set?


After arriving back at my trailer, and taking a painful shower, my ankle felt just slightly better but not by much. It only hurt when I walk, which isn't exactly great but it's something.

My hair was damp as it laid on my back while I brushed my teeth in an old theater shirt and some shorts. It's already June third and boy is the weather getting warm.

After combing my hair and blow drying it to the point where it's almost dry, moisturizing my skin and doing some chapstick, all while on one foot, I was done.

And then there was a knock on the door.
"Y/n can I come in?"

I recognize that voice.


"Yes, Louis."

"What do you need?"

"I found your script on the ground," I hear the door handle gently twist open until there was a tall and beautiful brown haired boy there.
"What? Why would it be on the-"

"Thats what I was wondering," he chuckles, "my guess is it fell out of your bag last night or something."

He sets the papers down on the counter beside my sink and then looks down at an object in his hands.
"You wanna come with me?" He suddenly asks as if I had an answer.

"Where?" I ask, running my eyes in slight exhaustion for I was just about to take a nap.

The boy shrugs and smiles a little, "Skateboarding!" He cheers as if he were three and holds a board up.

I yawn a little in exhaustion, "Louis it's seven thirty. We don't even have to be on set until one. Why would we skate right now?"

"Because the sky is pink and purple!" He smiles, "And I mean come on. At least today."

I cross my arms and rest them on my chest before giving the boy an "I'm-Confused" look.

His smile barely drops and he chuckles, "What? You don't remember today? Like you know it's..."

It's what?

His smile fades this time and he looks down before clearing his throat but then pastes on a new grin and shrugs.
"It's alright... we'll do it another time."

As much as he was trying to shrug something off, I knew he was disappointed. But what? What's so upsetting? We have a lot more time here and plenty of time for him to teach me to skate.

"Okay? Why are you-"

"See you on set," he cuts me off and then turns around and shuts my door.

So that just happened.

I stare down at the script that he had left on my counter, and sigh before walking over. But I wish I had remembered that my ankle was killing me. Because I took two steps before feeling a sharp pain slide straight through my ankle.

"Damn it," I whisper and pick it off the floor really quickly. How on earth am I expected to film today?

I hop on one foot over to the paper and pick it up. This isn't good. I have to tell someone otherwise I'll be in horrid pain all day.

So that's what I do. Even if I look like a rat, it's just Amara and Willow. And maybe Louis if he sees me stumbling over.

But I've gotten more comfortable with all three of them. I mean they see my morning face when it's seven and I'm sitting in a makeup trailer, so as long as I look better than that, I'm fine.

I hop a few times over to the door and slide on my shoes, being extra careful with my left foot. And then I open the door to my trailer and look out. The sunrise really was pretty. Pink, purple, blue, yellow, orange, I mean you got the whole rainbow.

I looked out at the road and saw a boy who was skating, jumping up into the air as his board spins underneath him, and then landing back on top.

Pretty impressive. I'm not gonna lie.

But enough with him. I have to get to the designers trailers.

I step down the first step, and then take down the second, both on one foot as I catch Louis' attention, but he quickly looks back down.

What is this boys problem?

I couldn't give myself enough time to think about it before taking too harsh of a step and once more twisting my ankle to the right.

"Fuck!" I say, feeling the strain that ripples through the tendons of my ankle. I carefully lower myself to the ground and sit, taking deep breaths and closing my eyes.
"Y/n?" Louis spots me and quickly hurries over, "You alright?"
He sits on his knee and sets a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh yeah I'm perfect," I say sarcastically, "No you dipshit I rolled my ankle this morning!" I say as I re-open my eyes and stare at it while I though I felt it swell.

"Okay okay I'm sorry!" He looks down at my foot and then back up at me, "Here just tell me when it hurts," He says, very gently putting his hand on my ankle and applying pressure to different areas.

"Shit," I mumble as he presses the side. Louis quickly looks up at me and furrows his brows.

I nod once and the boy takes his hand back, before holding it out to me.
"Okay here let me help you up and we'll go to Amara or Willow in their trailer," he carefully grabs onto my hand and I snatch it away.
"I'm perfectly capable of walking on my own. I was already going there," I refuse, trying to stand up by myself.

I make it to my feet, the boy holding out arms incase I fall.
I really didn't want to be carried to our designers. It just looks pathetic. But the throbbing pain that was shooting through my ankle was unbearable, and I stumbled with each step I took.

"Alright nope. Not happening," Louis interrupts, stopping me from walking any further and stepping in front of me.
"I'm not letting you hurt yourself even more. Now hop up."

Hop up?
"Do you mean piggy back ride?" I ask, biting my tongue to stop myself from grunting in pain.
"Yes get on my back what do you think I meant?" He says with a small bit of attitude.

"No. Honestly Louis I'm f- shit," I stutter, looking down and sighing a bit as another wave of pain hits. Louis looks me straight in the eye and then I feel a hand tie around my arm.
"Too late."

He quickly flips around and reaches under my knee caps, carefully setting me up on his back. Thank god I shaved this morning. I have no choice but to wrap my arms over his shoulders, my hands landing on his chest.
"What the hell Louis!" I scold, gripping him tighter. The boy simply sighs and starts walking.

"I hate you," I grumble, resting my head on his shoulder while he continues to carry me over.
"I hate you more," he replies, "Unfortunately for me, I can't succeed if my co-star hurts herself."

Louis continues walking with me on his back, my eyes shut tight as the pain very slowly relaxes.
"You sleepy or something?" He asks, giving me a little squeeze. I furrow my brows, "No because I totally didn't work my ass off in class this morning."

I say sarcastically and close my eyes.

"Aww you like this don't you?"
"Like what?"

I thought I saw a teensy weensy smile appear on the boys face.
"You like me caring for you."

"What?" I jolt up, shaking my head, "You think I want to be given a piggy back ride from you?"
He shrugs and tosses me up for a second so that I'm higher on his back and easier to manage.
"You laid your head on my shoulder!"

"That doesn't mean I like you, I'm just tired!"

"Woah woah woah..." the boy's pace slows down and he chuckles a bit to himself, "I never  mentioned feelings for one another..."


My face slowly turns scarlet, and my entire body heats up, "I- I know and that's not what I meant-"

"Don't be catching feelings too soon now y/n!" He teases, spinning around which forces me to hold onto him even tighter and makes me look like I'm relying on him.

"You bitch! Just take me to the trailer!" I grumble, sliding my arms back to his neck and gently pulling the way toddlers choke you while they ride on your back.

"Ow ow okay fine I'm sorry!" He laughs and I move my hands away from his neck, "Relax y/n I'm just joking around with you. Even if you don't deserve my helping."

"And why wouldn't I?"

"Because you forgot."

"Forgot what?"


The boy's happiness which was gained for a second leaves, and we get closer to the trailer. It was quiet for a second.
"Louis it's not fair that you say I'm forgetting something and not telling me what," I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder once more.

"It's fine y/n. I just wanted to double check that you didn't really kno-"

"Know what?" I say more aggressively this time.
"Like I said, it doesn't matter anymore okay? Now come on," he takes one hand off my leg and uses it to open the door to Amara and Willow's trailer.

What am I forgetting? He says it's not a big deal but yet looks upset. And I have no clue why he won't tell me.

The boy peeks inside the trailer, and then sighs a bit.
"They aren't here yet. Probably in their own spots since it's early."

He takes two steps up inside and I hold tighter onto him so I don't fall off. He stopped walking and carefully moved down so I could step off.
"You good?" He asks as I hopped on one foot to the couch.

I give him a nod and close my eyes as he holds his hands in the pockets of his joggers
"I can go look for them if you need? Or do you know if they have any ice packs or wr-"

"I don't know just go find them," I say, slightly frustrated about how today has gone so far.

"Okay okay, just don't move," he smirks.

Even when this boy is disappointed that I forgot something, he still finds a way to throw in an annoying joke.

"Haha so funny now go find them please."

The boy nods and looks down at the floor, before opening the door to the trailer and taking the steps out.

"I'll hurry, just try and relax okay?"

And then he left. And I'm left in the trailer, alone.


"She said she rolled it in morning practice," I hear Louis tell Amara from just outside the trailer.
"Uh oh is she alright?"
"Well she couldn't walk..."
"But then how did she get here?"
"I- I carried her..."

There was a pause and I could almost imagine exactly what Amara's face looked like.
"Not Louis shooting his shot," she teases.
"What? No! She was just in a ton of pain and I'm not gonna say "tough it out" because I'm not a dick!"
"I know Louis, don't worry," Amara chuckles even more.

"You don't think she can hear us right?" His whisper traveled through the trailer.

I chuckle a bit and tuck a strand of hair away, "Yup."

The door slowly pushes open and I see a Louis and an Amara, both looking at me with different faces.
"Welp. Awkward for you two. Now let me see this ankle of yours y/n," she hops inside and walks over to me as she placed down her purse. I awkwardly glance at Louis, who's cheeks were tinted rose, but then quickly looked back to Amara.

"We were working on the corkscrew, and I got her down but she landed flat on my foot and... well I don't know. It just hurts like hell," I admit, sliding sideways she can sit whereas Louis parks himself on the floor right beside me.

"Does Ms Melany know about this?" Amara asks and notices the slightly swollen spot.
"I told her I tweaked it, but she didn't really seem to think anything of it," I sigh and watch as the girl stands up and walks over to this door, which as she opens, reveals a small fridge and cabinet.

"Well hopefully it's just rolled or something but I'm honestly thinking more a sprain. Chances are you'll have to ice it and wear some sort of wrap for a week or two. I mean it's not that severe and I know it because you can walk, it just hurts. Right?"

I nod a few times and close my eyes. This is so insanely frustrating. Just to know that I'm gonna have to deal with this pain for a few weeks. Amara closes the dark colored cabinet and I hear her shoes clicking against the floor as she walks back over to me.

"Alrighty well lucky for you, we have a wrap right here," she slips off my birkenstock and replaces it with a black-grey-ish colored wrap. The pressure sends crippling pain through my leg and I bite harshly onto my tongue before my hand grabs onto the nearest thing it could find.

It was warm, and soft, and seemed to... hold back?

"You alright y/n?" Louis asks, while something gently gives my hand a little squeeze and rubs the back of it.

Uh oh.

Once I realize what I did, I quickly snap my hand back from his and look down at Amara as she finishes tying me up.
"Yeah I'm fine Louis..." I mumble a little, still mentally slapping myself for being an idiot.

Once Amara finished up, she walked back over to the fridge and pulled out a cold compress.
"Just go back to your trailer and take it easy. I'll let Harry know you hurt yourself and we'll see what he says okay?" She shrugs and hands me the freezing pack.

"Alrighty, Louis gonna give you a ride back too?"

Is there another option?
I look back up at Amara.

"I- I think? I don't know I-"

"Yeah sure. C'mon," Louis sighs, pushing himself off the floor and up to his feet, before stepping in front of me and making sure I'd be able to hop up.

"You better be thanking Louis for helping you y/n. Especially today," she chuckles, and opens the door for us.
For the last time, what is today? And why does it feel like everyone but me knows?

"I will. Thank you Amara."

The boy takes extremely cautious steps down the stairs, so that I don't even slip a bit, and then makes it to the ground and starts walking out. The cold ice pack in my hand as it started to feel numb. But that was not at all what my mind was thinking about.

He and I were quiet for quite some time, as he allowed me to rest my chin on his shoulder and close my eyes.
"Did that brace help at all?" He asks, breaking the silence.
"Well I've only had it on for a few minutes so how would I know?" I chuckle a bit, and turn my face sideways so my entire head is relaxed on his shoulder.

I don't know why it was so comforting to have him carry me like this. I don't know why I'm starting to enjoy being around him. I don't know if he likes being around me. But it gives me a weird feeling.

We arrive at my trailer a little sooner this time, and I carefully make it over to my bed, plopping down on the edge of it and placing the ice pack on my foot.

Louis sighs and drops his hands onto his hips, "Need anything else? Or are you okay now?"

Well... there's one thing I still want to know.
"Perhaps I have one last thing in mind..." I shrug and stare him dead in the eye, wish forces the boy to stare back. His cheeks turn redder, and redder as I hold the eye contact.

"You could tell me what today is..." I say, breaking the silence and tension of our eye contact.

The boy takes a deep breath and looks down.
"Today's uh- it's nothing..."

Yeah nice try, Lou.

"Seriously. Tell me."

"Y/n I'm being honest. Nothing is going on today."

"Then why were you saying I forgot something this morning?"

I can see the boy growing slightly impatient with the fact that I wasn't giving up, and his jaw clenched, hands tightening into fists.

"I- I don't know?" He says in a louder voice.

"Just tell me!"

"You forgot my birthday y/n! Is that what you wanted to hear? I turned seventeen today and I thought you knew but I guess not."

Fuck. It's June third.

His voice wasnt quite a yell. It was just loud enough to be considered one however. And I felt my heart being ripped apart piece by piece. I feel like such a bitch. Now it makes sense why his smile faded so quickly this morning. Why he wanted to take me skateboarding, and why he wanted to do it at sunrise. Why he looked upset.

"And I didn't really get any texts from my friends, or even my family so I was a little bummed out, but I thought that you'd

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