~ twenty one ~

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"Please forgive me?" Amara begs as she does my hair for today. I've been tense all morning. Me and Louis practiced our scripts a few times last night, but then I left as soon as I could.
And like I said, now we're awkward again. Because god forbid the boy and I ever get along for one full day.

Louis looks at me from the corner of his eye, Willow working on him. I feel my face burn up and look back at Amara through the mirror.
"Fine. I forgive you," I budge.

"Yes!" She jumps a little bit in cheer and I can't help but smile a bit.
"I promise I won't make things weird between you two," she says and slips one more bobby pin into my hair.

Louis stands up as Willow hands him his costume, and then he heads to the changing room to get ready.
I let out a sigh of relief and sink in my chair, while Amara grabs onto some light concealer and begins dabbing it on my skin.

"So..." she whispers, "what's going on with you two?"
I could tell that this time she meant it in a genuine way, and wasn't trying to make me fall for him.
I start cracking my knuckles and bouncing my leg.

"We just- we tried to hang out yesterday. We're trying to get along and stuff it's just every time something happens to make things uncomfortable," I admit, both of us talking in a whisper so Louis doesn't hear.

It's hard because I actually like hanging out with him. I like it when we get along and stuff. But it only lasts so long before it's ruined.

"I get that," she shrugs, "you want me to help?"

"Wait what?"

"I'll help."


"I got some tricks up my sleeve," she chuckles, "I'm still in my twenties. I know my ways."

The girl finishes my makeup and then turns to grab my costume again.
"Here you are Enola Holmes, go ahead and change. I might watch from off set today," she smiles.

I take the clothes from her and nod a bit, letting myself smile too.

And then I turn on my heels and start walking to the changing room.
Be professional. Be professional. Be profession-

"Oh shit!" I yell, after opening the door to the changing room and seeing Louis, shirtless as he was finishing putting his shirt on.
I slam it shut and feel my face burn to a thousand degrees.
"Sorry I'm sorry I- I didn't mean- sorry-" I stutter through the door as I hear Louis' chuckle.
"You're good y/n don't worry," he assures, opening the door again with an open shirt on, showing his skin as he carefully buttoned it up.

Shit look away y/n

I awkwardly look up at his eyes, not sure why I felt butterflies, but I did.
"I didn't mean to walk in on you..." I mumble, taking a couple steps back.

"You didn't. This is the last piece to the costume," he smiles, finishing buttoning it up and then throwing on the cream colored suit.
"I thought you had brothers... or have you just never seen a boy without a shirt?" He teases, walking past me with a little nudge.

"I have I- I just didn't expect to see you sh-shirtless..." I stutter, clenching my jaw after each sentence and biting my tongue.

"I gotta get into costume- see you in a sec."

Holy shit holy shit holy shit that did not just happen. I did not just see that oh my goodness lord have mercy on me.

The second I hear the door shut I melt in my puddle of humiliation. I drop my head into my hands and quietly whine to myself.

"I'm so stupid!" I mumble. I don't think my face has ever felt more red in my life. Ever.

"Stupid stupid stupid," I slap a hand on my head once and tightly shut my eyes.

And just when I thought things couldn't get worse.

"We can hear you y/n," I heard Willow chuckle from outside the door.


After the most terrible morning ever, I arrived on set. Today we filmed at a meadow with tall grass. Film at noon for an extremely short clip, at seven when the sun is setting (another short clip) and once more at nine when it's dark out. Meaning there's a couple solid breaks in between.

Breaks with Louis.

And my foolish self.

Wind was gently blowing in my face and it was humid outside.

June second.

"You still embarrassed?" Louis asks, carefully elbowing me with that same old smile that I see everyday.
The boy must not hold grudges very long, because after all the awkwardness we go through, he still gets along with me no problem.

Or maybe he's just playing pretend.

"Will you ever just drop the topic?" I ask, soundly slightly harsher than I expected. The boy dramatically holds a fist to his heart, acting like he got stabbed.
"Ouch Ms Downey I'm just trying to make conversation!"

"About this morning?"


"That's really all you can think of?"

"We could talk about what happened last night?"

"Louis!" I yell a bit, catching a few stares from the producers.

Calm down. He's trying to fluster you.

I bite the inside of my lips and look back up at him, but only for a second because I don't want the eye contact to become what it was last night.

"Just shut up alright?"

"Whatever you say... Enola," he chuckles and then mimicked under his voice, "Which backward spells alone."

I roll my eyes but can't help the small giggle under my breath.

"There's that beautiful smile I missed!" He cheers and applauses a bit.

"Alright everyone in positions! We're starting in three..."

I look up into Louis eyes again and he looks back.


I drop the eye contact and smile at the ground.


Get into character.



We filmed the first part of this scene at noon, which lasted a total for two minutes, and then there was a six hour break, which consisted of me in my trailer on TikTok, and then talking with the cast outside. Other than that, it's been uneventful.

But now we're filming the second part, when Louis names the plants, and boy is he struggling.

"Um, and there's tri- folum?"

"Folium," Harry corrects.
"I knew that. Sorry," Louis chuckles, as we both start walking back to the starting position.

"Are you ever going to get that one?" I tease, as the boy and I walk side by side a few feet back.

"Yes I will. I will this time," he promises, holding out a pinky like we were three.

I stare at his hand for a short moment, confused.
"Why are you holding a pinky out?"

"Have you never pinky sworn with someone?"

"Of course I have-"

"Then this shouldn't be too difficult."

He grabs my hand and pushes down all fingers but my smallest one, and then locks his with mine.
"I promise I'll make this one," he smiles, giving my pinky a little squeeze.

Ah shit here come the butterflies.

"If you don't whats your punishment?" I ask, dropping my hand from his.
The boy hums for a second and then smiles once more.

"If I don't make it I'll-"

"If you don't make it you have to tell me why you act so nice around me now."

"Oh I don't have to mess up to tell you that," he chuckles a bit, which spikes my curiosity.
"Wait wh-"

"We're starting in three,"

I quickly look away from him and get back into character.

"Two, one, action!"


"Um, and there's trifolium! Clover," He looks back at me and smiles, and I just know he's happy that he got the line down.

"And is that... yes, I knew it! Mushrooms!"

My character smiles a bit, but tries to hold it back. Enola starts to warm up to Tewksbury from here on out. Meaning my acting has to take a step up.

"Agaricua Lanipes. The Princess. Delicious," he hands the small plant to me.

"If you can get a fire started, I can make us a feast!" He stands up as I examine the mushroom he had handed me.

And then I toss down the little thing, "Fine."

And I continue walking. Scene almost done.

"I'm not entirely and idiot, you know."

A/N: Fun fact about that line^^ he also says the same thing at the end when he shows Enola that he was wearing that metal chest plate.
They made a full circle <3

I pause and stare at the camera for a second, before turning back to Louis who gave me a small smirk.

"Scene! Good job you two, we'll wrap it up in two hours, until then just relax but don't change alright?"

I sigh and give him a thumbs up before walking back to Louis.
"Marvelous job Enola Holmes," he jokes around, giving me applause as we walk together to head back "home."

He knows I don't like to be called my character off set, so he purposely does it it annoy me.

God that's so Louis of him.

"As goes for you Lord Tewksbury, Marquess of Basilwether," I joke back.

There's a silence between us that's more comfortable, but I still have a thought lingering in the back of my mind.

"Tell me."

I say.

"Tell you what?"

"Tell me why your nice around me now."

"You really want to know huh?" He chuckles a bit.
"Yeah! I really do."

"Well in that case I won't share," he smirks.

Ugh. This boy. This annoying, crazy, adorable boy.
"Yeah I really do still hate you."

"Oh shut up you like me."

Woah. Hold it right there.
"Wait what?"

The boy chuckles even more and his little smile shows, "I'm teasing. I know you don't, no worries Ms. Holmes."

I roll my eyes and sigh in relief that he didn't think I actually liked him... because I- I don't. Yeah... I don't.

A/N: Thank you for waiting you guys :)) I know it's been like three days since I updated and I'm sure it's hard but I have an announcement:

My schools spring break started today, so i might not post for a week๐Ÿ˜ช


I MIGHT update. But that's a big might.

Have a wonderful friday!

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